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Everything posted by Abdelghafar

  1. Mazel tov. I hope your health gets better and good luck with your videos and your book.
  2. The guy likes his privacy. If he decides to answer you, then that's his choice. But I know that Leo doesn't like to talk about his personal life a lot.
  3. Sorry dude, I feel you. I can't really dissect every problem you have and offer you an answer to all of them, but I can link you this video that helped me understand a lot when I felt like you do. I found it insightful. It's about a guy who goes through problems of his own, some of which are similar to yours, and a psychiatrist tries to help him comprehend how to tackle those issues. I recommend to watch the video to completion.
  4. Beautiful @Preety_India
  5. @SonataAllegro @eggopm3 Well said, fellas.
  6. Why do I feel that this thread is going to be locked for spiraling outta control? Oh well, I guess we'll know from @Leo Gura eventually.
  7. Your answer, @Yali, of systemic racism is in the time-stamped debate video (till 1:34:20) of Vaush debating an African American Proud Boy.
  8. @Megan Alecia, It is not absolute that everyone can always be a 100% self-biased and vice versa. For example, sometimes one can detach from their bias and try to accommodate and consider other people's perspectives and views, that's when we try to be open-minded and considerate of other people. But the same works in reverse, for a personal example, I can't always be 100% accommodating and respective of all people because I have to survive. You see, every second of every day, people's survivalist agendas are clashing with a fantastically selfish passion for survival. Neither positions are good nor bad, they just serve a purpose. It's like Leo said in his "Self Bias" video, in other words, "Bias grows like a weed in the garden of your mind till its tendrils overreach and populate it like a cancer, you try to extricate it, it will ultimately grow back perniciously and obdurately". In addition to, it's interesting how you mindlessly say "Let's Play The Devil's Advocate" without actually noticing the Devilry in it, because if you were selfless when you said it, you wouldn't play. As Leo said, "The Devil (A Selfish Person) sees objectivity and impartiality as evil, biased and disloyal. What makes The Devil a Devil is that they absolutely gas-light objective, selfless and impartial people by projecting their own biases unto them. And so, to a Devil the worst possible sin is putting truth above loyalty to himself". Therefore, I won't play this game and I won't have these Cat & Mouse circulations because these debates are coping mechanisms to assert and serve your Survival & Self-Bias. This game does not really interest me, eventually I plug out and resume my life. Solution to the devilry & self-bias issue is in the timestamped video below:
  9. You don't have to check anything, you can turn on the Notification Alert for his channel and get back to work and/or chill out, bro.
  10. I feel you. I found letting go is truly helpful. If you really comprehend and master the art of "Letting Go" in a practical sense. Then you can be impregnable.
  11. Man, that was a good take on this subject.
  12. The dude is chilling while his YouTube channel grows because people are discovering his content that he's been working on for years. The man did a great job thus far. He can pick and choose when he comes back and when he relaxes.
  13. LOL @Preety_India, your posts are always appreciated. Not being sarcastic.
  14. What's wrong with Google?
  15. That's how:
  16. My outside perspective is that you're a normal human being who has doubts about what they want to do in life. I think all the feelings of alienation are completely normal. Don't overthink stuff, just do what you want to do. You wanna work with a partner? do so. You wanna work alone? do that. You want to mix both? by all means. You wanna get a job? great. You want your own business? marvellous. You can do anything you wanna do if you have the resources. I honestly can't advise you to do a specific potential solution which you've mentioned because that's not my life and I wouldn't presume to tell you how to live it. Just go and experience life. If you feel doubt, that's normal, if you fear failure, that's also normal. Just go fail and start from scratch, experience life. Enjoy your time with people, enjoy your time alone, be happy, be sad. Live life. Peace & Good Luck.
  17. F'ing golden.
  18. I resonate with this answer.