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About Rosenqvist

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  1. Well, one of the most notable effect is that I felt this really weird and deep contradiction about wanting to quit...but still just kept smoking . It's surely paradoxical feeling. It really goes deep and somehow I realized so many paradoxes in life. Then after some weeks or months the smoking actually starts to feel really stupid. Because I was questioning it for so long time.
  2. From the most recent videos I think it was the three part series about understanding duality. It was so amazing because I've been experiencing these non-dualistic experiences for years but without actually actualizing it. I didn't know for sure how it works or what it means and @Leo Gura explained it so deeply. It really gave me genuine insight. But I must say that there's one video, it's not so recent... it was 2015. It's called "spiritual enlightenment part 3 - Creating An Experience Of No-Self". That one is most important to me. In the beginning of this journey I watched it and it totally blew my mind around.
  3. That's absolutely true. Personally it took many years for me to handle and go through all the information that the trip gave to me. But have you heard/tried micro dosage/micro dosing? It's when you take minimal dose (0,1-0,2 g), so that it doesn't give you any notable effect and you take it once every three days and continue the treatment for a month. Lately I've been reading and studying about it and it really seems like a promising and interesting way to raise ones consciousness. I think it has huge potential. @Leo Gura
  4. There's one thing that's going to be one of the most powerful tool for this. But you'll have to be patient, it could take years. It took 2-3 years for me. First you'll have to minimize the need to quit smoking. Don't take any stress about it. SERIOUSLY, don't try to quit if you really don't feel like it. It will only be so dogmatic, nerve breaking and harmful to your mind. All you need to do this: When you go to smoke and light the cig, try and become more aware and conscious of what you're doing. I mean REALLY, like when you take the puff of smoke, seriously think about the situation and all the actions relating to the smoking. Next time and from time to time when you go to smoke you're going to wonder and ask yourself some questions about it. Raise your awareness about your actions. This is actually really sophisticated and time taking strategy but eventually it will produce results. - What does the smoke feel like when it enters my body? - What does the cigarette feels like between my fingers? - How is the smoke affecting my lungs? - How is it affecting your body and mind? - Do I really want to smoke? - Do I really need to smoke? - And any other question relating to your smoking habits. But don't beat yourself up if you don't do it every time you smoke. It's important just to wonder these thing from time to time. If you keep doing consciously this technique for years you WILL become more aware about it and the time between your cigarettes will slowly decrease and eventually you will realize everything about it and come conscious of the smoking and all the shit relating to it. You'll just have to be patient, plus it's not harmful to do this technique for almost any other area in life too. Actually I'll encourage and hope that most of the people will do this.
  5. There's no extra energy that won't allow me to sleep or that I can't sleep. I think you didn't understand. There's no "can't sleep". I just sleep 3-6 hours and I don't feel tired or anything. I just automatically wake up after those few hours and feel great.
  6. I've been doing this consciousness work for more than 5 years. And the journey has been so incredible and unbelievable. After that time I feel like I don't need to sleep so much. Does this work actually have this effect that you don't have to sleep so much anymore? And have anyone else had this effect?
  7. Let say there's a some sort of negative situation going on in ones life with crappy people and crappy feelings. Should one let go of the people or the feelings towards those people? And how to relate to feelings if one lets go of the people?