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Posts posted by Thestarguitarist14

  1. 5 hours ago, something_else said:

    Most dudes here don't want to be 'pickup artists' they just want to get better with women and be more sociable. Pickup is a decent framework to start out with. Even you went through a pickup phase, and now you're preaching about how it's not the path. Sure, but you still went through that phase. It's a valuable thing for guys to do even if they transcend it at some point

    I mean even if you build a social circle of dudes you still need to know how to approach and talk to girls. It is a skill in and of itself. Or at the very least you need to have talked to enough girls to desensitise yourself 

    Honestly I don't know why you're so aggressive towards others about it, it seems very strange and slightly toxic


    Whatever man.  Like I said.  Go do pick up for five years and see how happy you are.  Most of you guys will never have good game anyway so you will just be spinning your wheels.

  2. 18 minutes ago, Hero0 said:

    not every one of us were born and raised in the same circumstances as you did, some of us are still struggling essentials

    going out and feel emotions, get laid a few times and don't get stuck there, then get to your next chapter as you go through your procces of actualization.

    it is not only about getting sex or making kids, is about you aquiring maturity and more chess pieces on your table 

    Man, you guys have done serious scarcity mindsets.

    You all just want shortcuts.  You do not want to do the real work.  Pick up is not some wonderland.  Most of you guys will never be good pick up artists so it’s futile anyway.

    Also, if you cannot build a network of cool men, then how the hell are you going to get nines and tens?  You do lot get nines or tens off game.  You get them off any combination of money, looks, status, and social proof.  

  3. I want to say that I am not saying night game doesn’t work.  I still go out to bars and will go to night club once in a while.

    BUT: What outcome do you want?  If you really just want to get laid, go ahead and go to the biggest city you can and party.  You will meet a ton of superficial women who don’t care about you and have body counts that will make you throw up.

    I did pick up for three years, two in L.A.  Hollywood was my stomping grounds.  I had one night stands in the hallways of clubs, pulled model like women.  It’s fun, but it is so unfulfilling that it isn’t funny.  I remember in early November 2019 I hooked up with this tall, hot blonde woman.  I never felt more down after it was over.  And if you date women from the club then bless your heart.

    The best thing for men to do goes with age.  18-29?  Don’t get into a serious relationship.  But don’t just be a pick up artist.  Go out and network.  Find men who are where you want to be and make a wolf pack.  Social proof is an amazing way to get women and you will not have to be a pick up artist when you roll into the club with four other men on their shit versus you going alone or with your wing which leads to playing the numbers game.

    From 18-35 as men we have no leverage in dating.  You have to remember that night clubs are meant for women.  You will get laid if you go out to the club twice every weekend for a year.  But it will probably be like five times and truth be told, that is a good of time IMO.  You probably approached 500 women in the club and only had sex with five of them.  Even if you had sex with 100 out 500 (which is possible if you are willing to have no life) that’s not even 25%!  

    Also, in today’s world, if you want a wife, you need to make enough money to retire.  Meaning you better be on your shirt, have a business or two by the time you are thirty five and employ your wife.  The other option is going 50/50 and well… the divorce rate speaks for itself.

    So, if you are spending $100 plus a weekend at club (you’ll spend way more than) and you don’t make at least $120,000 a year then your priorities are out of whack.  You won’t make money chasing women, but you’ll get plenty of women making money.

    In short: Pick up will get you laid, but it won’t lead you to your wife.  What will is making money, have a good network of men who are on their shit, and living a social life of abundance you’ll be way more attractive to the women they you meet be it day or night.

    The guys who get the most women don’t cold approach.  They they meet women because of their lifestyle and don’t have to make a big effort to get laid.  All the while the rest of us are fighting for one night.

    Basically, stop leaving the house looking for sex.

  4. 1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

    "Bro, flirting with women is so 2015." Lol

    Please just close your mouth.

    Classic Leo.  

    11 minutes ago, Hello from Russia said:

    @Thestarguitarist14 lol, dude, you're thinking that it is some sort of a fad, but it is not

    Meeting women directly whenever they are was always a good lead channel for mullenias

    It's same with marketing and cold approach/email here. It was a viable marketing tactic for at least 5 thousand years.

    Some things are just so fundamentally great and efficient it's super hard for them to die. Methodologies and outter circumstances change, sure. Things evolve, sure. Things become more conscious, sure. But they don't die as easy as you make them out to be

    I swear no one on this site can read.

    Alright, go be a pick up artist for five years and see how happy you are.  Leo has been doing for years and he isn’t married or in a committed relationship.  There’s a reason for that too.

  5. 40 minutes ago, something_else said:

    These are bizarrely specific years. Afaik 'pickup' as a style was a thing that started to gain traction in the 60s

    If you're trying to tell me that the idea of guys going out to meet girls died in 2015 I don't really know what to tell you

    As for the rest of your post I don't really disagree, all I'd say is that healthy pickup is more about unfucking up your social skills, learning to let go, have fun, let loose, get the stick out of your ass. Many guys are socially fucked up from years of time online and pickup is very effective at undoing that rapidly. Pickup and learning to socialise is part of that lifestyle change you talk about


    I feel like you are nit reading what I am saying on pick up being out dated.

    Being a pick up artist in general is outdated.  It’s mainstream.  Everyone knows what it is.  Women aren’t stupid.

    What I am suggesting is lifestyle game and building your network, which has way more  value than chasing women.  And like I said, you WILL met women along the way.  Also, clubs cost like $20 to get in and drinks are like $15.  You will waste so much money in clubs.  Go once in a while with your Wolfpack.

    Guys seriously need to take women down a notch.

  6. 2 minutes ago, something_else said:

    If it still works, how is it outdated? Also, again, you are kinda contradicting yourself. You talk about how we live in the most superficial times yet you're suggesting that the most superficial venues that exist (clubs) are not good places to meet girls anymore. By your own logic they should be better than ever

    The purpose of that kinda style of pickup is just to get you as much exposure to a lot of girls as possible. It's hard to build a lot of experience with girls if you're only talking to a few new ones every now and then as you go about your normal life

    I think you are right in the 2nd paragraph, of course these are good things to do. But combining them with some clubbing and partying is not bad, I don't understand your dislike of that approach really

    It’s outdated because this style was from 2006.  It died in 2015.

    I am not against going out to clubs.  But all I am saying is that from personal experience it’s not the best place to meet women.  Unless you just want to have one night stands, which hey, everyone goes threw that phase, I certainly did.  But you will get over it and crave more.

    The problem is that guys put WAY too much focus on women as if this is the problem and it will solve they’re life.  When in reality their lifestyle is not attractive women and they themselves are not attractive to women and that is what needs to change.

  7. 1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

    This is such a bad take I don't even know where to begin correcting it.

    You clearly don't understand pickup.

    There is no higher odds place to get laid than a nightclub. That's why they were invented. Private parties are great, but there's just not enough of them.

    Dude, I have seen your videos, your idea of game is outdated as hell.  You clearly aren’t with the times.

    Its 2022, we live in the most superficial time the world has ever seen.  Dating is dead, most people just hook up or if a guy lets a women they just invite them back into their place.  If you are going out on a Saturday to a night club every weekend as a pick up artist then you are doing something that is outdated.  You can still get laid this way but it is just playing the numbers game and you are also not dealing with the most quality women.

    Men are better off networking and building a Wolf pack.  You will meet women along the way and you could actually get them because 1) They are not the focus anymore.  2) You probably have mutual friends so she won’t have her guards up.  And 3) You are creating a lifestyle that women want to be apart of.

  8. 4 hours ago, Karmadhi said:

    It is not about being a PUA or not, it is about doing cold approach or not. If you talk with a girl you do not know randomly then it is technically pick up. What you describe is PUA training which is another thing. There is no need to do that at all in such a planned manner, however a lot of people need to do that in order to practice and improve. Talking to a girl randomly in a caffee and actually doing a good job at it does not come naturally for most guys, especially in the internet and MeeToo era.

    It’s because most guys watch porn, play video games, and eat Cheetos all day.

  9. 1 hour ago, Karmadhi said:

    Talking to a girl on the street or on a cafe, what is that? Most people do not meet girls that way at all. What you describing is basically pick up lol.


    Are you a d******?

    People have been meet women on the streets and in cafes since cities were made.  Were they pick up artists?

    A pick up artist is someone who leaves the house and is like “I need to approach five women and get three numbers!”  I know because that was me.

    I am saying you go about your life and approach women who you find attractive.  Being a pick up artist isn’t going to radically change your dating life until you also have a lot of money and hit the genetic lottery.

  10. It’s hilarious that guys are still doing pick up in 2022.

    As a 29 year old who did pick up hardcore for 3 years, stopped approaching every day and got better results, I say this:

    Stop focusing on women.

    18-25 is the worst for dating as a guy.  We have no advantage and don’t know shot.  25-29 is better, but we still have no leverage.  In fact, most men do not get any leverage in dating until they are 35 and they are making six figures.

    Cold approaching in 2022 is not a good strategy IMO.  You can get laid, but it’s just playing the numbers game.  You are better off working on yourself as a man, networking in your city, going on, and when you meet women along the way, see them as a good time.  Me personally now I go out to dinner at a place with a nice bar on Saturday and go to another venue from there and on Saturdays I like going to events.  Speaking of which, bars and clubs are not good places to meet women.  Events, private parties, the street, cafes, hiking trails and etc are way better.  Most of the women that I have dated came from netting them on the street during the day.

    As far as Leo’s game after watching his videos I doubt he’s that good.  He probably has gotten a girlfriend or two from it (which anyone can of they are willing to approach a lot), but I doubt he is having a ton of second dates if you know what I mean.  

  11. 1 minute ago, Arcangelo said:

    You don't say it in front of black people. Because you might get killed.

    White people nowadays call nizzles (the fact that I censured my self here is ridiculous) to each other regularly.

    We are all (and will always be) racists, whether we admit it or not.

    Just because white people use that word doesn’t make it right.

    I turn my eyes away from what I don’t want to see.  As long as they aren’t saying that shit in front of me I don’t care.  But when that seeps out then it’s a problem because it’s clearly apart of your vocabulary when it should not be.

  12. 5 minutes ago, vizual said:

    I'm not comfortable with the fact that people want to control the usage of language. Especially banning certain words from public vocabulary. Just like I'm not comfortable with groups and institutions are actively pushing to revise history to fit their contemporary agenda. 

    That's why I think people of all races should be allowed to use all words. But the usage should be judged by context on a case by case basis. Thus certain expressions and words should not be outright banned, especially not if it only pertains to a certain race or demographic. I will argue for that the usage of the n-word is appropriate by races other than blacks, in certain contexts.

    And adding to that, to the meme of this forum; downright banning certain words from usage seems very SD stage blue to me, as it inhibits the free flow of ideas and information.


  13. 5 hours ago, ArcticGong said:

    Black people can be racist too, or tribalistic more specifically, which one would consider below racism. If you following current events, you have maybe noticed that there's a war going on in Ethiopia between ethnic groups. I'm from Africa and there you would notice that the corruption fueled by tribalism retards society more than racism. That's a personal reflection, so yes blacks can be racists too. 

    You know what kind of racism that I am talking about…

    4 hours ago, Opo said:

    White people are not 100% in power. So minority bosses with your mindset can still hurt people. 

    Racism has a bigger impact than just employment. 

    You are trying to justify your own racism with statistics in the same way conservatives do when they start quoting 15/50. 

    Racism is about power and white people have it politically, financially, and socially.  It’s called white privilege and it isn’t going away.

    That’s why I can’t be racist.  I could call a white guy a cracker and he’ll laugh while he gets a great job opportunity.  But a white guy being racist towards me could ruin my career easily.

  14. 3 hours ago, Opo said:


    One part of racism is having prejudices about someone on the basis of their skin. 

    Everyone has those unconscious prejudices and if only white people work on them the least rasist system that could produce is the one where the whites are in power. Because then if other races don't work on it and they get in power they will abuse it. 

    White people are in power.  66% of the U.S is white.  White privilege is real, especially with white women.  Why do you think race equality is still an issue?  Because there ain’t Jack shit that is equal between a white guy and I in 2022.