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About tsigon

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  1. @Nercohype I've actually visited this castle when I visited Miami, however at that time I was very skeptical about this kind of stuff and so just blew it off. I had completely forgotten about it until you reminded me. Thanks!
  2. Thank you for your replies. Thomas_VH, I agree with you that there is a big component of ego to this. It does seem really cool but there's something deeper to this. I see it as a way to break the illusion of reality. It's like taking the red pill in the matrix. We live in this so called reality where there are hard and fast rules about the laws of physics and something like PK seems to break these laws. If PK is in fact possible and one can seemingly break the rules of reality then that just shows us the illusion we are living it. I guess I just want a taste of seeing through the veil of illusion and I see PK as one way to do so.
  3. I've recently become interested in psychokinesis (PK). I first came across it watching an interview of Sean McNamara on New Thinking Allowed. At first I was very skeptical but Sean comes across as such a sincere and honest person that I find it hard to believe he's faking it. I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with PK? Is it real? I wonder if Leo could perhaps delve into this topic in a video sometime in the future.