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Everything posted by Breakingthewall

  1. you can see the relative as what it is all the time, a software. but you can see through it and not be a prisoner of it to some extent, or perhaps completely, to the point of being completely indifferent to life and death, since you are both.
  2. Totally agree and I think that it's possible, but I think that the first step is dropping the need of understanding , then there is space for the real understanding. We are the reality, the reality understand itself.
  3. is not denying mundane existence, it is going beyond the human mental construction, opening yourself to living reality, to the total depth of what is. For that you have to completely dissolve, even temporarily, the mental matrix, that software that tells you that life is better than death, that you should walk in one direction. you have to press off and be the depth now. everything else is illusion. It exists, as an illusion, as a mental construction. I'm not saying that your girlfriend or anything doesn't exist, what is an illusion is the mental image of your girlfriend, or the difference between real and imaginary, and every mental construction. When you are talking with your girlfriend, thats the reality, but all the mental construction around that is just mental construction. What we try to get is a total opening to what is, at least me, and for that the mind must be turned off totally, and that's not easy at all, there are a lot of bondages , attachements to the mental world.
  4. Relative life is a mental construction. What happens is that it is necessary for the survival of the body, that is how the game is designed. If you were a tree, it would not be necessary, or a bird. but all the duality that is created is completely imaginary, an extremely useful mental game to live. It seems that life never has enough, it always wants more.
  5. Be aware about the simple fact that you exist is enlightenment in my opinion, be really aware of that and be one with existence, Then you abandon yourself and you desire is exactly what you said: feel more existence, get as deep as you can in what existence is, into yourself. then you let the existence to lead you to that, because seems that is exactly what existence does.
  6. Why do you think? just trying to be completely free mentally, understand the traps, the deceptions. I know that God is, obviously. Reality exists, I know that, I feel it deeply all time. But be careful not to think that you understand it too fast. The mind needs to understand, so it pretends to understand. Have not you noticed? And false understanding is a big obstacle
  7. Wonderful and true. If you give the self, you surrender it completely with all its greed for control and understanding, life flows and you have everything, you are one with reality. But who can surrender completely the self, even knowing that? The self is tempting
  8. If it's all that there is, how could you increase your level of consciousness and reach god conciousness? Where is god conciousness now? For example, I'm not seeing a kangaroo now, then if you consider the experience as absolute, you could say that there are no kangaroos, they are imaginary. Then you should say the same thing about god conciousness.
  9. If it's finite means that there is something out of the experience, then it's not absolute. The only solution would be that this moment is absolute existence, but the perception is veiled, limited in order to construct an experience. Then there are infinite others experiences, they are here and now, like everything else, but can't be perceived since your experience is a bubble of perception, then the experience is perception, and is relative.
  10. According that reasoning more conciousness is just imaginary, because the only conciousness that exists is the conciousness that is now
  11. I agree with that, but this implies that your direct experience is not the reality, that there is reality hidden to you, for example the others, then solipsism is false, because it claims that only your direct experience is real, and if anything doesn't appears in your direct experience it's because it does exist
  12. I think so, but that means that your direct experience is limited, then it's not absolute.
  13. I meant that if the reality is god, to use that word to mean the foundation of reality, to what extent I'm conscious of what god is, what this alive moment is? It's not relative to the 5 senses, or the mind, but more to be aware of what existence is within the veils of the appearance. the existence being aware of itself, the deep dimension of perception.
  14. What you are saying is that only existence is real, empty consciousness where reality arises, and this reality that arises is always appearance, whether it is the wall of my room or God. But it is not exactly like that, since the wall of my room is God, everything is God, to use that word to differentiate it from "reality", so, to what degree do you realize God? God is not a grander emergence, it is the penetration into any arising, it is another angle of perception, and this angle can be opened more or less. more openness, more perception or conciousness.
  15. You are wrong, our perception is superficial, there is much more than you can see. I understand your point, the quality of existence is the same if you are smoking crack or if you are Buddha, Buddha is just an illusion, same that the smoker, but It doesn't work like that.
  16. It depends of the angle that you see. You are speaking from the angle of quality, as an observer, but there is the angle of being, of depth. From that angle consciousness can increase as appearance decreases, until it reaches the foundation of being, God. Then maybe you can increase your perception without limit. But of course, you could say that god is an illusion, and maybe you were right
  17. Id say that what we really want is more depth. But first we have to clarify the structure of reality, understand in a non-conceptual way how reality is configured, what they call "enlightenment ", in the sense of spira or Ralston, so as not to fall into deception and madness, and then fully open ourselves to the living depth of what is. then it's time to do 1000ug of lsd and that kind of thing, to disappear completely and only the bottomless well that lives left, raw, without foundation. the total reality. I have touched it with 5 meo and meditation but being like this for hours totally......are big words. But we will arrive
  18. In a certain sense, if there are levels of consciousness, it is not their quality, but rather their openness. This is what I call perception. Consciousness is always the same, what illuminates reality and makes it real, but the level of openness that reality has towards itself, towards what it really is, changes. to a being more aware of itself
  19. You are right in the sense that if you totally remove the meaning , and only the naked reality remains. In the naked reality there are no limits because limits are just a concept. The naked reality is liquid, and limits are just an idea create for this flow But we can only peer into that absolutely alive state of mind, into the limitless now, because being there implies that it doesn't matter to you about life, your physical integrity, nothing means anything. In the moment that something means something, it closes. This is the garden of Eden, the paradise. Humans were expulsed from the Eden in return of the logic
  20. There are two different approaches to spirituality. you can focus on the openness of human potential, on the deep perception of your being, on the unlimited richness of who you are. Or you can focus on the quality of what you are, on being aware of what this experience is in a clean, content-free, absolutely basic way.
  21. Because conciousness=existence. Existence without conciousness is non existence. Then if you exist, your conciousness is total. What can change is your perception. Perception is inside the conciousness, and can be limited, more deep, or totally unlimited, but in all of those cases conciousness is the same
  22. Limitation could be what exist. For example if it's pain. It's a positive thing that you perceive. in fact everything that you perceive are limits.
  23. Good points, but you have to admit that your perception of what this experience is is limited. Not the experience, just the depth of the perception
  24. That are just ideas, mental constructions . Imo they are not going to lead anyone to enlightenment, only to fantasies. Enlightenment is identifying yourself with the absolute, and this is existence, or consciousness if you prefer. Existence exists and takes infinite forms, one is that of the hooligan, another that of the Buddha. Ultimately there is no difference, only the content changes, and over all the angle of perception, one is in the form, other in the substance. If you are absolutely identified with existence, it is the same to be in Autchwitz as in a hotel in Dubai, in fact Autchwitz would be much more interesting. but who is?
  25. You are talking about different things, quantity and quality. The amount of consciousness is always the same, whether in a hooligan crying because his team has lost or in Ramakrishna in mystical ecstasy. It is the consciousness of what is, and it is always total. The difference is in the quality, in the penetration of that consciousness. The hooligan's conscience has a wall in front of him and he cannot and does not want to see beyond it. Ramakrishna's is largely unencumbered, and sees the abyss of reality in all its glory. If he watch the football game he will not see its meaning but its reality, he sees the absolute transparent through everything. The hooligan is lost in meaning, and this limits his perception, he only see the result of the game and what it means, but the amount of consciousness is the same in both.