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Everything posted by Breakingthewall

  1. 5 meo works well for a specific type of socialization, that of fucking. in fact, it works extremely well.
  2. The fact of being infinite means that movement is always the case, and movement is a cycle. cycles within cycles, and I suppose everything will culminate in a total cycle, where infinity is unified and then everything desintegrate and the cycle begins again, for eternity.
  3. you can mentally embrace death and even desire it and still be unhappy, bitter, full of rumination. The only happiness I see is changing frequency and leaving the mental narrative. The mental narrative is always gray, if not closer to black. happiness is the free flow of existence now. embrace death as you said yes, but in the sense of dying now, of ceasing to be a narrative and being life now. It is very difficult because as humans we are very attached to the sense of justice, that no one disrespects us, to comparing ourselves with others, to comparing our life with a life that would be better, all of that is in the human psyche and a burden. eliminating that is simplicity, humility.
  4. @Sugarcoat I would say that I have gone through something similar but forcing it with psychedelics. I did it because my mental vibration was suffering and I wanted to eliminate that, so I broke my psyche over and over again with 5meo. The first times the experience has been empty. I am nothing, there is no body, no memories, nothing. a void that extends without limit. It was a horrible experience that created in me a feeling of existential horror, of death. I kept putting myself there, since I knew that I had to break that barrier. The emptiness does not have to be horrible, it is emptiness, it is the ego that judges it horrible, you have to be able to endure the emptiness without horror. I more or less succeeded, then I was able to go beyond the void. It is the unthinkable, reality breaks, and everything is in it. total existence. You can't think about it or remember it, because thinking is limited. It is impossible, it is something like you are breadth, and that breadth lives. It is everything, but it is not defined, it is not thinkable. This is total joy, the return of the long road. The problem is that when you lose that, you have lost it, but if you are able to open yourself to that for one minute every day, your life will be full of light, power, joy.
  5. I was walking down the street thinking about the hard shit in life, and I put it aside, I focus on myself, the depth, the flow, and the happiness is total. It doesn't matter everything, this, now, is happiness, joy. It's taking a step deeper, diving half a meter below the shit on the surface.
  6. The only real love is the love to exist, to the flow of existence. It is here now and it permeates everything. There is no loneliness in the depth, but the self always pushes you to the surface, where there is loneliness.
  7. I think that the first step is to empty our mind. Rationality is a trap. I fall in if very often. The question is, what do I get by doing mind maps? Is this the reality? It is impossible to know, just by intuition, what good is it for me? I see only two things clearly: in this life I must follow a straight and clean path, and seek the maximum inner openness to the now, to the depth
  8. I have that perception too, I feel that the reality is inside me, my work is going in. I have to open the thing totally.
  9. Maybe you are a natural mystic like Ramana Maharshi. I suppose that little by little you will lose the fear of dissolution and you will see for yourself.
  10. @Keryo Koffa My vision of life is similar. I see a path, an evolution, a stage. Everything points in one direction, I just have to stop resisting. reality tends towards something, I am the reality tending towards something. God is not someone who does things, it is reality in movement, and that movement always points in one direction. God is a primordial force, he is the pure creative power that arises, the source of existence. something, not someone, and that source always flows in one direction, it is inevitable.
  11. If I were the op, i would go as deep as possible in that state of emptiness. The void is the last frontier, behind it is the source of living existence, the great mystery
  12. Yes, in some way there is that duality, you could say that it is not such because thought art is a false character. We humans live sandwiched between other humans. All our self-perception is a rebound from others, without others we are nothing. It is crazy and in many cases hell, as if we were a hive entity in the process of formation but that has not yet been fully formed. When you manage to break that shell, that identity created by the energy of human interaction, true life manifests. It is another dimension entirely, since the mental life created by human interaction is on another level. All humans live in this madness, and we are trying to get out of it, which is not easy at all.
  13. As the op says, it is not you who awakens, but you move away and the unlimited reality manifests. You are that, but that is not a you. When the infinite is, there is no place to see that others do not exist or exist, those are ideas of the self. infinity is unthinkable. either there is the self that articulates thoughts, or there is the infinite.
  14. What means that clown? That you are superior? I just seen a poor guy fighting for his weak self esteem. Don't pretend to be a man, you can't fool anyone, your game is too obvious, little baby
  15. We must restructure the psyche, since unlike what leo said, the absolute is incomprehensible, it cannot be grasped with the mind. We have to make your mind more flexible so that it can open up to it, it is something current, now, but the mind veils it. you have to understand how he does this, and open up
  16. why complicate everything so much? What is important is not the form, but the essence. awakening is opening yourself to reality, to the living infinity. It is not realizing that you are an alien or that this is a dream. Those are psychedelic delusions, very fun, I like them, the psychedelic world is fascinating, but we must not lose sight of reality. reality is what it is. I'm a guy with a phone. No! you are an alien dreaming etc. ok ok, maybe, but the reality is: are you open to the glory of total reality or not? have you ever opened up? you have to let the self fall. Within that self that falls are the aliens, the dreams, the imaginary and everything else. then only the real remains: the total depth alive
  17. Yes, the process begins by forgetting everything learned, losing the fear of reality and beginning to delve deeper in a real way. I hope to see in the coming years how many of us break all the limits
  18. who is dreaming it? there is no dreamer. the you that you think is dreaming is really the separate form. the limited form is real, the cosmos is real. Within the form is the infinite, since in the infinite the part is equivalent to the whole, and inside is outside, but it is impossible to free oneself from the chains of the form. This concrete form has a potentiality, but it cannot exceed that potentiality. You can think if you want that a hammer blow on your finger is imaginary, but it will not help you escape from it. Seems an ethernal cycle.
  19. The cosmos is an eternal cycle that occurs, going from fragmentation to unity, and then exploding again and fragmenting. It cannot escape from itself, since it is reality, it is what it is, it is a natural phenomenon. it's you. everything is movement from fragmentation towards unity. Spiritual work is opening a window to the totality in some moments, and then integrating it into our mission, which is to advance towards unity. It is hard, it is inevitable, it's beautiful
  20. Imagined is a way to say it but separation is the case, you can't escape it. you can open yourself to infinity, to a certain extent, as your form is an evolved state towards unity. If you were a rat you couldn't do it. What is the point of saying that something that is is imaginary? I sometimes do dmt or 5meo, and reality becomes a bottomless abyss and the form is perceived as a flow of thought that is not real, but then it reestablishes itself in a stable way. is it imaginary? what reality imagines is real As far as we are concerned, reality is fragmented, and we are on the path to unity. You can dissolve the fragmentation within your mind and equalize the exterior with the interior, you can achieve a high degree of harmony and unity, but you will always be a fragment in a cycle that tends towards unity, it is impossible to escape.
  21. @CoolDreamThanks Anyway, my vision or intuition as to why things are the way they are is because I, the reality, am creating them that way, As they happen, they are a current of existence that gains in complexity and perfection. It is going to lead to an end, to grow in truth, in glory. This cycle is one more step. Below this current is infinity, I do not understand how and why things happen the way they do. I hope to see deeper , as deep as is possible. Sure this vision can be wrong, but is totally direct. Anyway, I doubt of any vision because the vision is in the land of the mental, the only important thing is the openess to infinity now . That's not mental, is real
  22. People like you are usually not interested in spirituality. They are usually people with difficult lives, negativity, suffering. Maybe that means you have a genuine inclination toward mysticism.
  23. Spirituality is something very mysterious, no one of us knows what we are talking about I would say. I would say that Leo has admitted that everything he has said about God is imaginary. I remember a statement of him: when you have the alien awakening you realize that the god that was shown to us was only because as humans we cannot bear to see more, but reality is infinitely complicated. For me that means: everything I said until now was not like that, or at least a lot
  24. I would say that it is an advantageous situation, little trauma to deal with, but on the other hand, a lot of inertia that is very difficult to avoid. If you want to dive deep, it is a vital path. The exterior must be equal to the interior. Then imo, if you really want openness, you have to do psychedelics. and meditation for a long time each day, empty time, without reading or doing anything. looking inward, opening your being. You have to have a strong desire to see, to open, and this is often accompanied by an attitude towards life in which the exterior, work, relationships, are important but secondary things. the main one is one: reality, opening yourself up, going deeper into what you are.
  25. I don't know. It is difficult to say how this experience is formed. Do you claim that you have realized it directly, without any conceptual interference? Maybe that's why you used the insult before, to affirm your realization? I think there is a lot of self-deception in spiritual work, you have to doubt very deeply. If I see someone insulting another in a spiritual conversation about why reality is the way it is, I think he is crazy. Someone who has watched videos and read books, like course on miracles and believed them. For me that is madness, a state of mind much lower than materialism. That's why I asked you, to try to understand you really.