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About acy_321

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  1. Thank you for all the replies everyone. All the advice has been very insightful and I will be applying it in the future. I appreciate u all. Much love.
  2. I have been dating this girl that i really like for about a month now and I have been doing a great job creating attraction so far. She is great relationship material and a all around great girl. I was wondering if anyone could give me insight to tell when the relationship faze of dating starts. I have been very needy in the past and got my heart broken because of it. I don’t want to fuck up this time around. How do I know when the relationship faze of dating starts? How do I maintain a great long term relationship with this girl, how do I keep her around?
  3. I’ve been dealing with the reality of living in form lately and it has left a bitter taste in my mouth. I find that my desires are hollow and I always think to myself “I’ll be satisfied and happy when I achieve this desire.” yet after every desire that i’ve fulfilled I’m left with that feeling of void or that it wasn’t what i was looking for. The only time I feel fulfilled and satisfied is after a great meditation session or a psychedelic experience. I always feel this feeling of void most after i try and distract myself from it such as when I get home from hanging with friends or when i finish a great meal. The pleasures in life are never enough. I find myself to be directionless because I would like to pursue awakening but i’m far from a position where i have the time and energy to do so considering i’m only 20 and living at home. I am far from financial freedom which is the means necessary to bring me to a place in life where i can pursue God/Enlightenment. Can anyone else relate to this?
  4. So I feel as if I’ve sort of developed a fear of tripping this last year. I’ve only tripped a hand full of times (my first time was just a little over a year ago) but, I feel like i’ve developed a irrational fear of tripping although I can’t seem to pinpoint exactly what i’m afraid of. For example I was planning on tripping last week but the plans fell through due to work related issues. Prior to the date of planned trip I felt increasingly nervous and anxious about the upcoming trip, I was overthinking about what could possibly go wrong. I think this may be because my last trip wasn’t extremely difficult but up until my peak I had been thrown into my ego self and was worried the entire time. After my peak I felt the most conscious I ever had. So I know that i’m going to have a huge rise in consciousness but I’m still extremely scared I’ll have a panic reaction during the trip. What bothers me most is that my first 3-4 trips were purely blissful and I can easily say were some of the best times of my life. Does anyone else relate to this??