
Member Apolitical
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Everything posted by Fadl

  1. Jeje yeah the guy might be an idiot after all. We should only trust Mericaaa.
  2. A guy cutting his penis off to replace it with a fake vagina has some serious mental problems. Fix these problems.
  3. They are doing it all around the globe not just with Osho, that's the conspiracy. They think it is a necessary part for their survival.
  4. Sadhguru keep talking about miracles, OK man show me one!!! Anyway he reminds me of Bill Gates, they have the same structure.
  5. The guy claimed that the American government was trying to poison him, it is not just deportation. Also there are a lot of details in his speech (you can listen to his full speech about this matter in YouTube if you have the mood).
  6. I guess Osho was a conspiracy theorist as well. There are differences between facts and imagination, we have a problem with the smart ass people.
  7. The guy simply couldn't do it without drugs, and he thinks he is smarter than everyone.
  8. Obama was just representing his inferiority, he is an idiot.
  9. History says it will be ok, we will survive. I’m not talking about burning everything (who will even say that!), I'm talking about this specific evil system, it must go down and it will go down. Maybe you do think that the USA is everything.
  10. Hmm, very good question indeed! I guess I won't just kill him.
  11. Well, as an outsider I think the guy is destroying the most corrupted egoistic system in the history of humankind. That is enough for me. Anyway it is just a funny show after all.
  12. Yeah I understand what you are trying to say it is obvious. But let me give you an example… you feel very horney and you understand that you got 3 options: 1- Rape somebody. 2- Marry somebody. 3- Have a girlfriend for 1-3 years with all this nonsensical oxytocin (a lot of people choose this btw and start acting like they are all about love). What are you going to choose? Again man, I respect the inner realizations, I respect those who are trying to reach the truth, but from my experience people who use drugs will become deluded sooner or later.
  13. Nice, but the real question is what the democratics did wrong? did they do anything wrong at all? I’m anti-Trump, I think he is an idiot, but this guy will destroy the system.
  14. Fun is satisfying the ego somehow.
  15. That's pretty harsh. And untrue also. Seems like you project a lot on those people. Everybody is projecting, everybody talks about his own experience, only a delusional/idiot/egoistic man will claim that his words are the Truth and his way is the Way. These people remind me of Trump (which they hate a lot for obvious psychological reasons) he just reminds them about their own ego. I don’t know man maybe there are people like that, but this “excitement of exploration” you mentioned is just the ego. Anyway, I’m not talking about an awakened individual who might go on a camping trip in some far out forest or mountain, I’m talking about the drugs users, they become deluded sooner or later.
  16. There are three types of people who use psychedelics for long times: 1-People who seek pleasure (these glimpses are better than orgasms). 2- Egoistic people who want to feel they are better than other people, they want to feel they are God, because nothing else will satisfy them. 3- Delusional people. You can’t reach God, but you can come closer to him, it is the ultimate eternity journey.
  17. By confrontation, just don't run away and don't do the same mistake.
  18. Success is a part of the ego, the end of the ego is suffering.
  19. Dont eat a lot, and don't eat at specific time. Change this routine.
  20. I don’t like Trump, I think he is just another maniac who thinks he is God. They smell the same.
  21. Hehe, my little niece can do better than him.
  22. Can you give us some examples? I didn't read his book.