
Member Apolitical
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Everything posted by Fadl

  1. Power and control, people want to be Gods, it is all about the power and control. I understand what are you are saying, but it is not my point … let me change my previous sentence (I know something you don’t) to (I know something you people will never fathom). Ok I agree with you on this one, but what can I do about it!? It is part of the norm.
  2. Egoist: love himself more than anything else. Absolute Truth: I know something you don’t. In my context: what I meant regardless using the exact correct English words.
  3. Maniacs (in my context) are simply the egoistic people who think they own the absolute truth.
  4. Ok… I have heard the same thing from many maniacs before … you are not the first one … I guess I will wait and see. Don’t try to be wise, you are just memorizing stuff.
  5. Hmm I agree, I think that’s the right attitude.
  6. So how do you describe your relation to God? Do you pray for example? Or when you say (Oh my God!) do you mean it or it is just a common phrase you use accidently? Do you connect to him in a way different than 5-MEO? I thought the “I” is the ego, no?
  7. Oh man, I understand … don’t go anywhere just be patient, confusion is just a part of the journey … you are discovering yourself and that is not easy at all … have a faith … God is hearing everything you say, if your intentions are good you will arrive.
  8. @Psychventure lets wait and see What’s going to happen in 3 days.
  9. What do you mean by that? Obviously your consciousness is limited but God is not, saying that you are God experiencing himself as a human form is just playing with words and it is kinnda childish. Even if you were under 5-MEO DMT you won’t be able to change nothing… admit it man. Stuff like “I´m God” or “Everything is God” … is just another trap.
  10. Interesting, please be aware of the placebo effect … I will wait for the final result. Good luck!
  11. They could be time travelers from our future sponsored by their own History Channel. or "They are planning a fake UFO attack to control us all." The legend Eddie Bravo
  12. I think it is possible that science and mysticism will blend in the future but for what reason? Enlightenment? Can we create an experiment with a specific equation that makes the people reach enlightenment whether they believed in it or not? Hmm I don’t think so. Anyway I think mysticism has a scientific element within it, for example if a number of people repeated some well-known meditation method some of them could reach enlightenment or have the same experience.
  13. I think he never accepted the way God created him. believing in God or denying him has little to do with the mind (the scientific mind). Hawking was psychologically in pain, he had two choices 1-balming God 2-denying God, he didn’t think about a third option. Hawking didn’t search for God seriously, maybe he wasn’t able to surpass the Middle Ages ideas about God.
  14. It is very common for the shy introvert people to think they are arrogant. If you run out of words don´t talk, if you want the conversation to keep going on start asking interesting/provoking question instead of talking nonsense.
  15. First of all I think you need to understand that Islam deals with spirituality in a different way, or we might say Islam has its own path to reach God. Ideas like reincarnation, I´m God, God is everything, Karma is inevitable … etc do not exist in Islam and you won’t find any resources related to these ideologies. If you see a Sufi talking about stuff that looks like these ideas make sure that the meaning is lost in the translation. Personally I think that your father does not need this kind of ideas and ideologies, what he needs to know is 1- he is a creature created by God 2- his actions will have consequences in the afterlife. This will take him a step further. There are a lot of resources in Arabic, but in order to choose one you need to understand your father more, for example what’s making him stuck? Also kindly note that some people are just too stubborn and whatever you do nothing going to change them. hehehe are for real man this woman is = to Teal Swan or sth like that. she was a meme 10 years ago.
  16. Ok I think this AI still needs a long time to be efficient, I think I understood a little bit how its algorithm works, it copies/mimic some resources whatever these resources are, and that’s it. This AI is kindda stupid but yet it is entertaining. I searched for Leo again 2 times and here are the results. Obviously we have a hater here. here the second search attempt
  17. because this conflict has affected billions and billions of people the last 70 years, solving it will be the first step to bring peace into the world.
  18. I don´t give a damn whether the Jews want to live in Palestine, they can call it Israel or whatever they want and the Arab can call it Palestine as well, but they must live with the Palestinian as equal citizens, in peace and harmony… the land is for everybody, this nonsensical argument about No, we came here first (from both sides btw) is sooo ridicules. The history of the Palestinian in the last 70 years is just too miserable. Any person actually has the right to live wherever he feels like, I´m very antinationalist, nationalism do nothing but magnifying tribalism (stage purple). Borders will create conflicts and more wars.
  19. I asked him about Ben Shapiro and that was the answer The AI refused to say anything about Trump and other political leaders.
  20. Most of the people know that Trump is an idiot, but the question is why he is going to be elected again?? It won´t surprise me at all if he tried to change the American constitution to allow him to be reelected for other terms.
  21. First you need to define your role as a human being and try your best to fulfill it, and only then you should accept whatever comes to you. If you define yourself as a farmer then you should protect your plants. If you define yourself as a “nothing” (as many people/philosophies do) then do nothing.