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Everything posted by BartekD

  1. Ive been considering doing Van life for some months and on the verge of going for it, Im curious if anyone here has ever tried it. And if so, what are the pros and cons and what should I watch out for. Any resources that you all might have on this topic are also greatly appreciated!
  2. @Ethan1 Whoah thank you for all this info. And i've been really thinking about going into it because I have to move out soon but don't want to rent since its expensive and you don't own the property you stay at which is kinda pointless. I like the travel parts of it but the truth is, id love to just not have to be worried about paying rent and having the freedom to quit a job if i'm ever dissatisfied without the worry of having to make ends meet or making a commitment to an apartment. In regards to the shower id be staying close to a gym since thats closely related to my LP but like you said the food part is also what ive been trying to figure out. Either way even though I would be living in a vehicle id be staying in one state for about a year, and still work my 9-5, do you think its worth it to do that? Mid term about 2-5 years I will be working completely remotely so this would set me up. I was thinking of renting first to try it out and see if I like this lifestyle but I know it takes time to adapt. How did you come to the decision to start doing this and what pushed you into it? Also RV life seems much closer to what im looking for as well so thanks for pointing that out. When you say it can get expensive what do you mean by that? What exactly are you spending money on? other then the general utilities/fixing RV This would be ideal
  3. Yeah I'm taking it right now. It basically helps you identify the pieces of the puzzle that will create a meaningful and happy life according to your values and more. And then your job is to do the work and put the puzzle pieces in place to get "it". Whatever that might be for you. Best of luck
  4. @Max_V @Michael569 Yes! hes great, i'm starting his online coaching so I was excited to share this when I saw someone else is into this stuff
  5. As im becoming more conscious and peeling the layers of the onion im starting to see how filtered my mind is. In a funny way even though this work is amazing it also makes me filter reality from its perspective or atleast whatever perspective, my perspective made of it. Anyway ive mostly been journaling, meditating and trying to make sense of things from direct experience but even that seems to be filtered. Hopefully someone can understand this and provide some guidance
  6. @BlackMaze O good point ive actually not done much of that
  7. I always thought that anti-vaxxers were mostly deluded and subscribed to a dogma. Now I realize that its me who was dogmatic, I had no idea what mercury poisoning could do and I falsely assumed that vaccines were over all good for you. I see now that this is a more nuanced problem and its not so black and white like I made it out to seem. If you have just a few gene differences then someone else mercury poisoning could seriously fuck you up. I hope whoever watches this and is not yet aware about where most mercury comes from can learn a thing or two here
  8. Yes youre right but I always thought anti-vax people were dumb/ignorant talking about how it causes autism, I never even considered how small differences in gene expression could make a huge change in the body. I understand this is very rare still (especially if there is a build up of mercury over time from other sources) but it was just a mind bender for me because I subscribed to a belief system that I held without questioning. Im not saying vaccines are evil or they're the only way to get mercury it simply gave me a new perspective on health and wellness
  9. @Enlightenment oh snap, my fault didn't realize it was posted. Thanks for pointing this out
  10. Look up ido portal, not really a sports guy but someone that practices movement at a integrated level, I don't think what you do matters all that much but why you are doing it is much more important I think if youre genuinely passionate about something and it makes you happy, healthy and doesn't hurt anyone start doing that thing instead of being in the head and over rationalizing it
  11. I second this
  12. Kindle! You can highlight the important stuff in the book and then export it to your gmail and its like reading the book for the 2nd time + you can save the notes to your One Note or whatever your commonplace book is
  13. Just wanted to share this here for others who might be doing the same. I now notice that I've been using as a prescription (forum, videos, books as well as contemplation and meditation) not saying that this is a bad thing but it certainly was a mind bender to consider the fact that this is just the tip of the ice berg and commit to understanding truth at a deeper level (even though that itself is a prescription) What are your thoughts? How do you view this forum and how do you derive truth for yourself
  14. Hey yall, im in a bit of a pickle and it was all self created so I take full responsibility but I would like to hear your points of view on this situation and how to best handle it. I became a mobile dev so that I could work less (from home and at whatever time I wanted) and work on my true passions as well as follow my natural curiosity. Now, I have almost too many passions which is why I'm in this pickle. I decided to start a project with some friends, this project is something that I'm not too passionate about but it seemed fun to work with friends on a creative idea as I've never been in this position before. As well as make money from it. I usually had to work because survival demanded it so I wanted to see how it goes. Before starting this project I was making stuff that I knew I would make no money from like binaural beats and custom wim hof breathing sessions as well as other guided apps. I made this stuff because I genuinely wanted to and its stuff that I do anyway and I found the market was missing or it was behind a pay wall. That being said I'm now realizing that I'm not very interested in the project that I am working on with friends. And I know it might seem obvious to drop the project but im the one that convinced them to start the project with me. I also see how long it will take to truly make this happen. I'm talking a year or more. If we do it quickly. And ill be working on this while meditating, working out, working a full time job, and trying to keep a decent sleep schedule. I understand im in a privileged situation but just wanted to hear yall perspective. Continue working on this project and see if I develop a like for it. Or drop it and continue doing stuff for the sake having fun
  15. What is creativity ? How can one tap into a creative state ?
  16. @Joshuas Depends on what you want to learn. For example when i wanted to learn to code simply sitting down and doing it for hours was enough, once you sit down you kind of figure things out. One thing to be aware of is distractions and procrastination these a huge factor, you kind of have to set up your environment and put systems in place to where its quite easy to do things. What i mean by this is, i wanted to learn to juggle so i literally put tennis balls on my work desk and would play around with it when i got bored of work, it was easy because they were literally in my view the whole time. Also learning to concentrate is super duper useful so having some sort of meditation practice is useful. I recommend reading a book called The war of art - 10/10 Also this guy explains the basics of learning something new Lex also explains this quite well Also i recommend leos videos: Learning = behavior change Learning = Distinction making Learning = observation These 3 are gems
  17. Budget is #1 If you're in debt id recommend dave Ramsey's baby steps If you want to retire early look into FIRE movement Basically depends on the goal - you should have financial goals otherwise the money will dry up
  18. @Heaven Check out Naval Ravikant he has a podcast on youtube about how to build wealth and an enjoyable life with a holistic perspective
  19. @Nahm You always blow my mind, I just had what leo described in his video as a mind-**** there is no way to explain the wiggling. I have been intuitively doing this for quite a while now during my movement practice. You have a great way of putting this experience into words and I can see it from a new perspective. Thank you. @seeking_brilliance hahaha, this is brilliant !
  20. @bensenbiz Great talks, thank you for the resource. I like his view that a creative individual is in a constant state of rebellion, reminded me of Krishnamurti's perspective of being in a state of constant revolt @Moksha I love this
  21. Hey yall I have a weird issue where I feel a ton of energy in my spine and it makes me fidget quite a lot. Its hard to sit still too especially when meditating so I end up having to do some really heavy breathwork exercises, dance or do something physical to relive some of the tension/energy what ever it is. Has anyone experienced something similar or have any idea what it is ?