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Everything posted by BartekD

  1. Hey yall I have a weird issue where I feel a ton of energy in my spine and it makes me fidget quite a lot. Its hard to sit still too especially when meditating so I end up having to do some really heavy breathwork exercises, dance or do something physical to relive some of the tension/energy what ever it is. Has anyone experienced something similar or have any idea what it is ?
  2. @Nahm Oof thats my mistake. I tried this version of the technique just now and felt my 3rd eye and there was a moment of bliss so thats always nice, but that brings up a question lol I visualized/felt the energy going up -> out through the head and so my eyes naturally looked toward the 3rd eye which usually works. But do you mean out of the body as a whole during the exhale to dissipate the energy or does it not matter ? Sorry for being so detail orientated. I also now see that @Tim Ho describes this very similarly. Not sure why I read you message incorrectly, I think I was reading off of memory and tried to compare it with sushumna breathing. Thank you for your clarification! @Tim Ho I actually felt the peace and heat today it was very short but after bringing the energy up and out I brought it up through all of the chakras and performed maha bandha and was brought to the present like a slap to the face (its quite terrifying and cool). And hey just out of curiosity, are awakenings any different than what psychedelics offer? I know that most psychedelic "awakenings" are different but do you count that? For example ive had experiences of unity and peace but those usually fade like you are saying, the ego comes back. But does that count as an awakening? lol sorry if its a dumb question, but in my experience some say psychedelics dont count because they fade. So then the question is, is awakening a continuous state? Or is it a state that is similar to that of psychedelics? Or is it just an awakening to deeper understanding (which fades in my experience) and then integrating that understanding into your everyday life ? Ill give those noontropics a shot. I tried lions mane and a few others but did not feel any different tbh. Modafinil was the one that I could feel the difference instantly but its also synthetic lmao. Good idea to eat it with banana, ive been eating my multivitamins usually while fasted lmfao so that might not have been the brightest idea.
  3. So I meditated yesterday night on a couple of the things you all mentioned and did the bow stretch plus a few more and the bow stretch didn't really help but it was great to stretch and feels good for the spine I did this with a few other spine twists which got me into a mindful headspace. The first 15 minutes of the meditation were great the energy wasn't too strong i focused on doing the 4 sec inhales and 8 sec exhales ( I wasnt really counting but more focused on moving the energy up and down, but i still kept the rhythm). This is an exercise as well as the ones that were mentioned above that I will have to practice more often to see if it helps as this energy in my spine is been there for quite a while now. @Nahm Seeing the feeling as just a sensation and not labeling it anything but just feeling into it actually taught me something new, when I really felt it my thoughts had completely stopped and I was more into the practice and it seemed more playful especially since I was just moving the energy up and down. That being said after 10 min of that I started fkn LOSING the energy got really intensified and normally id do my breathwork stuff here to chill me out but I decided to do what @Tim Ho Recommended which was just see it as ego and mentally let go of everything I literally started shaking like he described which to me is kinda nutty. Ill keep inquiring into this energy and feeling into it more and try to let go more and more, it is really hard but it doesn't seem like I can turn it off so I might as well do my best. @flowboy Bro Vivek is dope! In episode 5 within the first minute he described exactly what im feeling lmao he also called it a "physical" energy in the spine. Funnily enough too he also recommends physical exercise to make this process simpler. This could be what I was looking for, but it might also just be ego like @Tim Ho described. There is no way to know right now but I will keep inquiring and educating myself on the subject and figure it out. You have all helped a ton I really appreciate everyones help!
  4. @levani any idea what thats supposed to feel like ? I've had visions and feelings of peace, bliss and more but I dont know anyone that has gone through this process themselves other than the stuff on the internet. Also this feels more like anger, anxiety and restlessness, makes it hard to sit still and I end up having to exhaust myself physically to be relaxed
  5. @Gesundheit Nice! Thank you so much! Im at an airport right now but ill try this out the second i get home ! Appreciate you !
  6. @Nahm Lol i have no reason not to like you the fact you took the time to reply and help me out is already enough. I did not consider that this could just be another thought maybe because it feels for lack of a better word "physical". And I can agree that there is no end to how sneaky the mind is as ive read books about this topic and heard leos videos on this stuff but my actual experiences in this and insight are quite limited. I can intellectualize it but if I can focus on the energy and see it as another thought and if it does drop then this will change everything in terms of understanding. Wish me luck ! Thank you
  7. @Nahm Ive thought about this before and given it a shot (maybe not enough time though idk) ive used kirya yoga sushumna breathing to move the energy around and usually i get more restless and fidgety and start doing spine twists and what not to release some tension. But maybe I havent given it enough time or attention. I also mostly focused on the spine and never tried it with the entire body so ill defiantly play around with this. I appreciate the perspective and technique Nahm!
  8. @Gesundheit ill play around with it thanks again for the recommendations, and what is this called so I can do some digging as well ?
  9. I haven't tried this yet ill give it a shot ! Thank you for your help
  10. Hi All, I just had a question thats been on my mind for a while Does anyone have a unique approach to moving meditation or at least partly movement based ? To elaborate I have done basic walking, yoga techniques but I was curious if anyone tried something new or combined different meditation styles into something unique like Kria with running or some specialized breath work exercises while doing yoga. The inspiration for this is coming from watching Ido Portal and seeing how he looks at movement and I was wondering if anyone out there has done something unique that maybe works for them that might not be an "official practice"