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Everything posted by Vrubel

  1. Anchor your upper lip and speak slightly slower, following the rhythm you can comfortably speak at. Add a little musicality/drama and That's it! Have fun pretending to be Robert E Lee. BTW 'Gettysburg' is one of the best movies ever made. Made in a time when art was art and history was history uncorrupted by projections of modern culture and morality and most of all before the absurdity of woke culture.
  2. This is my new favorite documentary. It's about British military culture. The total documentary is 6 videos, it's all on YT. Incredibly entertaining and insightful.
  3. @OBEler Nazism was first and foremost utterly delusion and detached from reality. That alone is not really intelligent. The thing that makes Germans stand out is that they are efficient and hardworking and the men have masculine facial features which is considered attractive. The flipside is that Germans are kinda dry and overly logical and the women are a little masculine too. For me personally, it's clear that Jews are better at science and entertainment and that Slavic people are better looking, having more pronounced feminine or masculine energy. (Don't take this too seriously, I am just generalizing and banter. This whole thread isn't exactly rigorous science. But I have great respect for modern Germans.)
  4. @Nivsch I would advise you to leave this this thread. Let this thread become an incestuous echo chamber of lies and deceit. Maybe it will become so toxic people will go full circle and gather their senses. These people have no idea they are being played just as the Palestinians are being played as disposables by Iran. It's highly Ironic that South Africa is the country to accuse Israel of genocide while they themselves have mismanaged their country in such a way that life is so violent and unsafe that many educated and hard-working white South Africans are moving away and their demographics are diminishing. So if we love using loose definitions of genocide. It is South Africa that should be trailed for genocide. If they succeed in their "genocide" they will end up like Zimbabwe with their 1 trillion Zimbabwean dollar. They are too ideological and corrupt and would rather deflect than care about the genuine well-being of their country. My final message is that Arabs in the region respect strength more than anything else. Apart from rape being the most horrendous and shameful crime in itself. In Arab culture, it is the most shameful and unforgivable deed on a whole new dimension. Even if the Saudi's for example are not making public statements, they understand the fury Gaza unleashed upon themselves and they want Israel to stand strongly against Iran.
  5. @Karmadhi You live in Lalaland, you're too biased to have a reasonable discussion with. Just ask Arab Israelis how much they want to live in a Palestinian state. (Seriously you can look that up).
  6. I agree to a large degree, but Israel does not exist at the expense of the Palestinians rather: Israel exists. And the Palestinians are not willing to accept this reality, they want from the river to the sea. And let's not be naive about what this means in practical reality. If the ultimate goal of the Palestinians is to live and grow (preferably also to build and educate but apparently that is too much to ask now) they should not do actions that lay them at the feet of Israelis. Israelis are generally more developed and more connected with the broader world but it does not mean they are angles, yes there is Ben Gvir and Smotrich. So don't beg for a genocide. Even if a genocide was to happen it would go down in history books as provoked by mass murder and unspeakable atrocities. The sons of Israeli politicians and more broadly the Israeli elite are fighting just the same as everybody else. This is also an important point about Israeli society, values and morale which is very admirable. But generally speaking, the flames are fanned by extremists on both sides and the solution will have to come from a reasonable center position. I know Israel has a broad centrist base that is highly reasonable and open to peace. They are polled to win the next elections. Not sure how strong the Palestinian moderates are but at least they exist. I get your point but I think we differ on a fundamental level in mentality. There is a reason why I keep emphasizing to look at the satellite map view of how sprawling Palestinian villages and towns are and on street level how their houses are roomy with often big gardens. Because these people are not absolutely oppressed in some kind of Warsaw Ghetto. These people are not slaves and have freewill to choose how they pursue their political goals but they choose for war and terror. If not committing it then supporting it. So if you choose such a path you'll inevitably have to deal with the consequences of this path. From a geopolitical to a state security POV there is no way Israel can let Hamas off the hook.
  7. @Nivsch Yes, back then people thought that peace was around the corner and even the IDF got scaled back.
  8. The claim is so subtle that it is false. If Israel wants genocide they would have done it a long time ago. Israelis always wanted and idealistically craved peace but got embittered along the way due to Palestinian terrorism and savagery. Israelis have now zero trust in Palestinians and you can't blame them. I want them to have a state but I don't trust them with it because they are so vicious and underdeveloped. Ironically the system of checkpoints and occasional raids on terrorist organizing is effective security.
  9. @Danioover9000 I apologize if I misinterpreted you
  10. @Leo Gura Look at a satellite image of Palestine: they build their roomy houses all across with big gardens and big land plots. Nobody is going to ethnically cleanse Palestinians. Their population has only grown and their urban and rural areas only increase. I have nuanced and left-leaning views where I in certain cases support Arabs against racism and Israeli excesses and I want them to have a state. But I am done sharing those, my top priority now is to stand up against the lies and deceit. If you want a whiny little echo chamber, fine!
  11. @Danioover9000 Dude you literally had a mental breakdown here and made baseless accusations of harassment and hate and I am the precious little ruby!? I don't want to be mean to you because you seem very fragile and It's not my style but when you give punches you must also expect to take them as well. My point is that Israel was pretty much on its own from the beginning. Obviously, Israel does depend on allies as a smaller power and as any other country functioning in the world. But 100% It fought its wars and built a top-tier country on its own, all that in a very difficult and unforgiving environment. This takes grit and virtue which I respect and value.
  12. @Girzo Respect is due where respect is due. I know you people don't care about such things. Your understanding of history is extremely skewed. Learn about the covert ways Israel acquired its weapons during the War of Independence because nobody wanted to support them. Nobody thought the country would survive and even thrive. America only got interested in Israel after the 70's when it became clear that Israel was strong and here to stay.
  13. Israel was won by true grit and raw human virtue.
  14. Japanese society and work ethic are incredibly demanding, many young people of the more pampered newer generations will inevitably fall away and need support systems.
  15. Hear you man, I soon will have no choice but to leave this thread due to developments in my personal life and simply not having any time. Most of the people still hanging around this thread are pretty unreasonable and irredeemably biased anyway. You can see the eagerness for denial and jumping to conclusions. All they care about is their own incredibly narrow narrative. This is probably not even their own original and authentic thought and feelings but a pre-packaged propaganda narrative from a loud minority that will lash out at you if you're not part of their hive mind. On the flip side, some people here were reasonable enough and had interesting perspectives. And there was also some enjoyment for me in gathering together my thoughts and expressing myself. And don't worry, I will also definitely come to Israel soon and do some volunteering!
  16. The truth shines upon Israel as the soft winter sun on the handsome faces of the boys and girls of the IDF fighting savages in Gaza.
  17. Your whole game is being the pure moral guy. Which is fine, I am sure you're a friendly guy blessed with life in a peaceful part of the world. Your last sentence here is (inadvertently) very wise. Truth and morality have different forms in different contexts. If Jews were just as unhinged and emotional as the Palestinians it would have been a genocide a long time ago. There are forces keeping Israel in check including a higher sense of morality and rationality. Israel is literally one of the most diverse countries in the world, a beacon of civilization amongst a sea of failed states and terrorist savages. Sorry that they are not some futuristic utopia where people don't bother with removing existential threats of pure savagery to their state and citizens.
  18. Extremely tragic and very sad. Let's look at the reasons: 1. Hamas started a war (important context) 2. The nature of the battle will produce unavoidably collateral. (It's not a Napoleonic-era battle in an open field) 3. IDF can make mistakes 4. Intent matters a lot 5. Half of the Gazan population is children. 6. Hamas combatants also include teenagers 16+ 7. Hamas tactics purposefully endanger civilians 8. Israel cares more for civilians than Hamas (tragic but undeniable truth) 9. Hamas benefits from dead children, Israel does not. (see point 4.) As harsh as it sounds the Hamas attack has literally put Gaza at the mercy of Israel. It was a genocide begging attack and anything less they get is because of the mercy and grace of Israel. Btw Israel doesn't even boycott South Africa's genocide case because they don't fear the lies and deceit.
  19. I would advise the people on this thread to be more critical of the sources you share. They are mostly highly selected snippets from purposeful and obvious propaganda channels. As pro-Israel as I am, I still can see when propaganda skews the truth and is too eager to jump to conclusions from both sides. For example, I don't like the title of the Iran video. Quickly jumping to a conclusion that fits your agenda is a sign of a mushy mind that cannot be taken seriously or at least with a huge grain of salt.
  20. Thank you for the share, very interesting. Iranians have indeed been playing a smart sneaky game of surrounding Israel. They basically have been playing the Palestinians as sacrificial pawns and the Lebanese Shiite to do their bidding as an extension of the revolutionary guard. I don't know if Israel can replicate Iran's strategy with disenfranchised Iranian minorities or Persians because they seem to be way better educated and more developed than most Arabs, so a higher consciousness approach would be needed. The tragedy of Iran is that an otherwise educated and wealthy country is being held hostage by a radical ideological section. Also, it's hard to funnel money and arms to opposition groups in such a country. Iran is not Lebanon, Syria or Yemen. All three of them are failed states whose corpses are being possessed and animated by Iran.
  21. When you use tactics like this you lose the right to cry about "civilian" casualties.
  22. @Raze Standing up to Putin is not warmongering. Even if Russia has its own agenda that might justify an invasion. The system of governance in Russia is so corrupt, backward and mafia-like that no Western actor could take him seriously at face level. In some cases you need balls and make a stand against a crook, this is not war-mongering.
  23. @kenway It's not a genocide but it is something Hamas begged for on 7/10. Copy-Paste* Consider that the alternative of Hamas staying in power in Gaza is worse than having this war. As destructive as this war is it will give the Palestinians a chance to obtain a healthy government that does not dehumanize them but looks after their basic needs and interests.
  24. An insanely corrupt and dysfunctional country
  25. Your good faith is noted. But my general point still stands: Your views are generally just too innocent and naive. As again illustrated by your last post. Israel is not some dumb dodo bird that is going to let Hamas off the hook. You guys here try to play a game of diminishing the threat and actions of Hamas and pretend the Palestinians are totally oppressed without agency in some kind of concentration camp and have zero responsibility for their depraved actions. That's why I keep telling you guys to watch 4k walking videos of Palestine.