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Everything posted by gettoefl

  1. to me you're ego or god the second is called awakening
  2. family is the disaster, no one wants to hear the truth, community is when you leave home and start finding your kindred spirits, consciously preferably community is two becoming three becoming four, like it says in the bible when two gather in my name i am in the midst two is all that is needed for awakening, if it grows it is just sharing of love and hooking up people who will be better together intentional community is the easiest thing ever in 2024, just decide who are the lovelies you want to invite and start doing life together
  3. art is any widget on which you scribble your signature and for that and that reason only people want it they don't want your goods they want a piece of you that's what art is i am a part of you because i have a part of you
  4. pain is to come and speak of pain, pain for one is not pain for another, pain is to make aches real, it isn't real even if it may do something to a body, for sure one has to let go of a body, this needn't mean pain to heal by contrast is h-elps e-nfeebled a-ccess l-ight so they know their true nature and won't be bothered by a body any longer NM mentioned no pain and Ramesh Balsekar was with him until the last day
  5. only working with a pea sized brain here, lots of love ivankiss
  6. there's 3 emotions: i'm guilty for what's been, i'm angry what's happening, i fear what's coming ... i hate on past present future ... that's it every emotion is a tug to awaken, it's a thought that jumps into body to stick around a bit longer, an aid to help me get that bit more mindful
  7. pretty much all of us all the time are liars manipulators con artists i want to bring the minimum in order to bang the maximum i employ whatever sleight of hand and dodge of mouth is needed i know i am underserving and would be proved thus if they saw who they're dealing with i will happily pull wool over eyes to feed my needs i righteously project anger about this in others which only shows i but do this unconsciously i think it's time to get real about what i am
  8. cleanest pointer i have seen, thanks ... acim calls this a holy instant of going from the dream world to the real world ... key is not to be entangled in distraction, reaction, temptation ... eminently attainable
  9. thoughts will come, thinker hasn't choice until they do then thinker needs to decide do i want to dissolve illusion or maintain illusion when dissolution chosen, only love remains
  10. many claim to no fear of death ... talk is cheap, wait til you get on your death bed or get a serious illness then let's chat the only way to get over death is to realize you weren't born it takes time to do so you have about 7 billions breaths allotted you make each count
  11. anger = anytime not getting expected reaction #anger contemplate
  12. brilliant osho book, from sex to superconsciousness prayer = paradise results affirming your essential reality #prayer
  13. no billionaires at meditation retreats, they succeeded not suffered only in throwing your hands in the air from the gutter and pleading there must be another way do the angels minister to me and point the way this indeed is how a course in miracles came about
  14. false dichotomy, i am not happy i am happiness
  15. alone because you don't realize who you are and who right now has your back and your hand god does only one thing, creates creators
  16. ego is that what imagined splitting god into two which maketh ego and non-ego ego is all that helps me and benefits me and supports me for example my body and perhaps other bodies non-ego likewise is all the bad stuff i don't like it's all a fun game, a dream, an illusion of light, all false but still cool god pays not a bit of attention and not one note of heaven misses a beat in this insane play
  17. sex, love, money, family, happiness his aim procreation and promotion, her aim protection and provision and ne'er the twain shall meet a useful truism for the dating arena
  18. be nice to know what love is though love = linking of vibrational energy, literally our very essence, limitless oneness valued everywhere, lack of variability evidenced, lets oneself venerate everyone
  19. yes fully agree, he wants her looking good, she wants him doing good god broke the mold when he made me
  20. if i allow you to look better than me it means i am forcing myself to outrank you in other areas like finances status or intelligence this may be more the norm but for me is too transactional ... better and more enduring is where all categories are more or less equal it should be about lifting each another in categories where one has strengths
  21. ego will tell you life is the bomb ... what it won't tell you is that each passing year you are ever close to being hit by one no one is leaving here alive
  22. she is more interested in the suit you show up in more the skin you are born in because she is playing the same game that you need to look as good as me this equates to a level playing field when you have the right wardrobe
  23. an ego is but a front row seat in the mind of god