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Everything posted by levani

  1. @Michael569 @Loving Radiance @Nahm here is another scenario that just got into my mind just now these fucking personal trainers, selling people all these programs with specific sets and reps and weight loss programs saying something about "metabolism" is the reason you're overweight i mean, obviously there is nothing I can do to Δ their stupidity, but how do i even go about not judging them ∵ the first thing that enters my mind when i see people who i either love or don't know buy these things is absolute hatred and something in my wants to correct them and say why they are "wrong", which i understand now that they are not but still they are wrong XD. i think what i am asking is how not to be a judgemental fuck sometimes, especially with the things that infuriate me like above, or when fat people give advise on weight loss (oh my god that drives me wild sometimes), after i laugh at/with them it drives me crazy almost...
  2. tried Wim Hof, maaaad ting, i do it 2/3 times per day now going to try it before meditation innit, helps me just "be"
  3. #1 (first time ever meditated today) 16 minutes in, felt "something" - indescribable so stopped, overall not as sufferingy as I expected it to be. Tried to bring my awareness back whenever a thought popped up, really tried to just focus on my awareness, i tried scanning my body like vipassana but for some reason it was easier to focus on the sound frequency I always hear when it's silent If any experienced meditators have any advise whatsoever - feel free to comment - i would love any feedback
  4. @Nahm i feel like i understand this but the stage orangeness in me doesn't
  5. no, universally i am not making anyone my slave, i don't want to... i value freedom like the guy or girl next to me bro. ∵ she is my mom aka my best/only friend and to a certain degree her health impacts me bro, we don't live together but her emotional immaturity aka excessive weight will bother me if i communicate with her for in the future. honestly i don't really care about family, it's not one of my values or whatever (i think) yeah yea yeah bro, i see what you mean, i'm going to re read that a few times innit see if i can make sense of the full thing
  6. saw this when i was mindlessly scrolling on indtagram (you know how it is) i can relate to all of this except perhaps the last one ? but i do wanna help people but they aren't "woke" enough for me to help them (recent realization)
  7. @Kalo maybe maybe, but anyway i don't understand this "letting go" this whatever happens, happens type of thing is shallow itself i think, when the ego is at play, i think it won't "let go" so east brudda
  8. @VeganAwake that's titties bro, so definitely hasn't happened yet, when didnit happen to you and how would you describe it ? and how does one have an awakening ? i don't get it too bro
  9. yeaaaaaaa fuck i can see now... this is a good analogy, but bro i know nahm will hate menfor this but my perspective IS right, i know there is no right or wrong and there is no "me" but he doesn't understand that I don't understand that so for now my small self (which is all i know atm) believes that i am right but i see the analogy with the warlord, that is the closest to what makes sense. what's "being level" ?
  10. @cetus i see right through it and it makes me sad... i understand the positives of society but man.. the negatives, the roles they play, the useless shit they do, i always saw through it since i was like 3, always questioning shit constantly, now it really caught up with me 22 years later
  11. this is helpful bro, but still even out of the blue, fresh day i come down and the "negativity" aka "me trying to help them with life" with my perspective sort of wants to radiate from me but she isn't, she's purposeless and killing herself with all the food that she eats as a replacement for her emotional immaturity... god this isn't easy lol the whole life i'm living and typing from is an illusion too though innit
  12. @Nahm well it's a belief i'm still stuck in bro, so if you wanna help simplify shit innit cause what you're writing half the time goes way over my head and the other half goes way waay over lol @Loving Radiance ∴ = therefore because = ∵
  13. i'm lost, i completed the life purpose course twice but nothing seems to be meaningful enough, i simply don't know how I want to help people, the most inspiring thing is watching frank yang's videos, i also play the violin and relatively in good shape. i could say my whole life i struggled with eating habits and getting abs but i'm slowly surpassing it via awareness alone is curative i understand the importance of a life purpose, but i also understand that in the end we will all die and none of this shit will matter, not even Jesus or Buddha will be remembered eventually... i feel on fire when i hear some music and i think of scenarios that I could put in video form behind the music, but this is a medium more than the life purpose itself i've been doing the course for months now, over and over again, maybe i haven't explored enough in life ? should i travel after covid and try a shit load of new things ? i've been quite a heavy gamer in my teenage-hood and i wasn't able to explore much i just don't know how i can "impact" society for the better... i love generally helping people and being kind to them and putting a smile on their face or making them laugh but in one specific meaningful way that I can help people like a PT or a psychologist, i don't have that... i think
  14. @Nahm i feel you BUT: resistance creates backlashes, true or false ? not everything is from an absolute perspective @Nahm, we need to live in a relative world too bro, that's where society is and we need them too,
  15. @Sempiternity you clearly haven't tried violin haha
  16. i want to see what you (higher/higherish consciousness people) do for money
  17. yo literally I have not cried in like... a long time maybe 4 years now ? and before that every 4 years too like sad movies don't work no more, is there something wrong with me ? lol crying is healthy right ?
  18. what is your favourite thing to do that you could do forever ? thing that brings you mad happiness
  19. @Sempiternity interesting AF, don't you wanna do 1 thing and master it via 10,000h ?
  20. what would you do today ? how would you spend your time ?
  21. @tsuki do you like what you do now ?
  22. @Nahm is crying needed for a healthy ... life ?