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Everything posted by levani

  1. found out the headpace app netflix show and did first episode felt mad good, i did it after "sex" so it felt even more good, very tuned, very conscious kind of meditation
  2. @StudentOfLeove harry potter ? how lol ?
  3. hey boys & girls, i just found out headspace app published some videos on netflix about meditation how to let go how to fall in love with life dealing with stress how to be kind how to deal with pain how to deal with anger how to achieve your limitless potential i thought it may interest some of you (also i'm not sure if this is against the rules to post this, but i thought it's not, i shared this out of kindness) happy new year ♥️
  4. @SirVladimir bro the ikigai board is not easy, you can conceptualize for decades about this, even though it's amazing stuff shamanic breathing i'm a bit scared of what i'll see (this is a belief that i'll see some horror stuff but a belief nonetheless) nahm's dreamboard i keep coming back to, it's not easy bro
  5. @Village bro i am in so much denial , that i am in denial about being in denial hahahah
  6. i'm in London mostly so the water here should be good from my research, however some people say the alkilinity and pH of the water is super poor here Evian water has a pH over 7 and alkalinity of over 120 which is apparently the one to go for. so my question is which water is the best to drink and why, (i'm not installing reverse osmosis in my place just yet so that's out of question) and i don't really understand what people mesn when they say "source the water from a bearby spring" also before someone mentioned that jug filter thing, i don't think it's better than Evian but maybe cheaper for sure. I also heard an individual unless a serious athlete should not be consuming more than 2L per day, man or woman. do you find this true ?
  7. @seeking_brilliance proper binged it bruv haha, i followed along with the meditations amazing stuff so far ngl, that cu** explains it so well, best analogies ever
  8. cheaper airplane tickets for the brits bro
  9. @Villager Albert why magnesium ? @TatTwamAsi yeah but ACV cole robinson advised against it,eggs or bread to break a fast? that's crazy advise bro,i think fruit and steamed vegetbles will do just fine for me
  10. @Average Investor which one you recommend ? you have one ?
  11. @Villager Albert how would i know which water in London has that ? How would i even know what the tap water has lol @Average Investor not till i settle, if i settle @Village vampire bro
  12. @Michael569 no no, it makes sense @Average Investor topman reply thank you bro
  13. @Leo Gura so other than a mercury detox, what other detoxes or "things" you recommend for one who wants optimal health
  14. @Forestluv i feel you, good ans, thank you broski @SamC bro i think it's about balance and gradual changes, applying awareness has done real bits for me awareness alone is curative
  15. i am thinking a lot about this recently and ever since i removed discipline from my eating habits and implied awareness, i am starting to slowly eliminate all the chocolate and bad stuff, not everything ofcourse but slowly shifting this made me think: should i not resist anything in life and just apply awareness to it ? for example i stopped playing fortnite ∵ it's a hedonistic activity - and it made sense - but does that mean that i should stop it, right ! i should just apply awareness to all my activities and all the bad ones will flush out eventually right ? ∵ for example with fortnite i am resisting playing it and i am ∴ missing it so this is a type of resistance. so should all resistance be unresisted and just be aware of ?
  16. personally digestion slows me down, i am hard dry fasting now so not soft dry fasting, not dry fasting, not water fasting, not even intermittent fasting, but no water contact and so far i'm feeling mentslly acute and sharp AAFFF
  17. singapore and scandanavia are the best on average IMO
  18. #10 skipped yday #11 11 hours into hard dry fasting felt like a good session awareness is aware of itself (i think) fears didn't arise even when something moved in my bin half way through, usually i'd open my eyes to check but now i see how silly that is
  19. @Michael569 but yes ofcourse haha but self control = resistance no ? @Sagar Takker i will break with juices, steamed broc and carrots and some watery fruit
  20. i'm going to salt water fast 2/3 days on then one meal to refuel then repeat my question is, if i an doing this for cleansing purposes, after if i get to my goal, how do I nit backlash, ∵ i will be creating some resistance to food I imagine any advise ?
  21. @Michael569 cause food is good you know, sugar cravings etc last time i did it i yo yo'd back real fast
  22. i think @How to be wise is referring to this bit, which i disagree with so far i think but the video you sent it dope bro. It is the most important self help habit so far which i am aware of, i might bro wrong though innit @How to be wise thanks brother
  23. bro i'm not a Leo or some wizard at diets but from my experience, fasting is the best for ϟ levels, my ϟ levels were titties when i fasted for 6 days and mental acuity and so msny benefits, so many pains gone imm fasting again the day after tomorrow gonna fast till i hit 10% 2/3 days salt water fasting then one meal a day then repeat, if i can go longer i go longer watch snakediet guy on youtube, the one whi shouts, he's mad reputable watch leo's videos on diet too he got some good pointers
  24. #8 skipped #9 best meditation so far, fears arose of demons or spirits in my room, gave in once but only once so that's good felt like an orgasmic feeling behind right eye half way through felt orgasmic in my third eye area/between eyebrows - i'm guessing that's what this flow state is or whatever, it fealt really good and i just kept going into it I guess - wondering if this was a mistake ? it's a sensation and i was aware of it, stayed aware so i don't see it as wrong but correct me if i'm wrong 20 minutes btw