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Everything posted by levani

  1. i also feel like people can't be helped their ego shuts me down or something
  2. @Myioko I used to work in joe and the juice a long time ago and that was as fun and as exciting as it got i think i don't think there are any fears holding me back but what do i know... i know so little lol the thing i'm struggling with is providing value/contributing to society... like... what could be so meaningful THAT i enjoy you know ? i'm spending time now watching mastery examples and thinking stuff but i don't know...
  3. @LastThursday i wish it was easy to just push a button and be enlightened haha
  4. if something makes sense to me and i want to express my opinion at the risk of someone else taking it offensively ∵ they don’t know enough about authenticity or their ego, should i still express myself or is it like a karma thing where i hurt his/her feelings so it will come back around ?
  5. is this accurate ? so it's a "state" of "consciousness" ? you can get there by meditating ? and you won't feel your hand being sewed off ? wtf ? yeah but he always paints a real picture, like.. all the colours mean something, i understand that he uses his analogies with reason and not meaninglessly but i could be wrong, obviously not the bbc's but the other shit, you can differentiate also is there an example of the stages of consciousness? spiral dynamics is not it i think
  6. different people will react different depending on how conditioner they are by society if i was a girl that would definitely work on me
  7. @m0hsen is that what Leo called the colonoscopy, where you are god looking through it's own asshole, or the snake biting it's own tail type of thing ?
  8. I want to know if there is a recipe for not getting addicted to the things i was addicted to before, take coffee for example. I'm slightly worried if i drink it again I will feel the high of it and get hooked again with weed/smoking it's completely different, i know I can do it once every few days or once a year and i won't get dragged back into it but i never know how long the come down will be with any substance i take i'm kinda scared that the come down might make me addicted to the substance again i'm asking mainly for coffee though any tips ?
  9. skipped like 4 days like a lazy slug but did 30 minutes today
  10. is ALL pain caused by resisting some type of emotion ? is it possible to actually experience pain / suffering from anything other than the resistance of emotion ?
  11. 20m today, skipped yesterday
  12. say something is making me angry, like someone whistling in the kitchen, do i 1. feel into the emotoin 2. react and get angry ? i don't understand which one is supression
  13. @Eph75 bro it's not as if I can install a button on my arm that has an on and off switch that says let go, so how do you mean let go ? when you say feel into it you mean where it is in the body ? like feel into it physically ? it comes from the stimulus, someone whisteling explain ? this i don't mind how so ?
  14. @Kundalini Cataclysm mazzalini, i'll dm you now
  15. says you (no offence) bro i think when your spine is erect it activated the chakras or the colour thingies in it, i'm almost sure a straight spine is not necessary but it's more optimal innit like frank yang says posture doesn't matter but then Leo says posture matters, i personally feel more "flow" when the spine is straight
  16. if only i could understand it/realize it ? that's the problem i think resisting it IS the problem no ?
  17. not on this level yet bro
  18. @Raptorsin7 no bro different meditations different posture requirments, as the instructions say innit thanks for helping anyway
  19. i know this forum isn't about materialistic perceptions however it is a fitness thread so from experience / interesting research - how is it done ? i want to hear your view
  20. @OctagonOctopus bro i can't magically sprout a jhana and label it no self and live happily ever after this shit isn't a step by step process, and if it is i'd love to hear it haha
  21. @Raptorsin7 bro like, i don't think you understand, or maybe i don't understand but if i am to sit straight, you have no idea the type of pain i go through maybe i do label is as bad but bro PAIN IS PAIN. whether i resist it or not it IS still there and yes i try to focus/put awareness on my breathe
  22. i don't think so bro, i'm just being a pussy/cautious
  23. 25 minutes this morning nothing special i guess was slightly hard to concentrate, did it first thing in the morning