Megan Alecia

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Everything posted by Megan Alecia

  1. "Enlightenment means you are an unblemished life. No branding." ~ Sadghguru
  2. Learning, applying knowledge, introspecting Watching tv shows Coffee I've done mushrooms before and I wouldn't mind doing it again I fantasize about sex but then the reality hits me about men, which keeps me from being totally "devoting to it", blah blah blah... Me fully transitioning might help because really we couldn't control attraction even if we wanted to. I would like to be alone, preferably on an empty house designed by me Cooking itself is quite intense for me but maybe some right mindset is needed to enjoy it I have a dog and I love spending time with her, although of course, equally as alone time When I'm really in that "open" state, I love listening to people I admire Trying new food but I'm aware I could be indulgent about it
  3. It's true that there's a lot of dogma here. Would be nice to see more direct "meditation trip reports" if you will. Or otherwise just present them as ideas. The dogmas themselves are shaky, you can actually feel them.
  4. My pet theory is that the male is represented by the phallus which itself stands for evolution, pushing forward=humanity, while female is embodied by the vagina, which is nothingness, the other side of the world, but this nothingness is really everything, just like when the woman gives birth. I say this as a trans woman lol, which is actually ironic but idk.... I don't really mind.
  5. @Conscious life That's not what I meant atvall, wasn't talking about a specific person, rather as far as universal turquoise values go.
  6. In theory turquoise values are higher than the others, because they are the least egocentric.
  7. @lmfao what's wrong with s dynamics?
  8. One less consciousness in the world.
  9. That shits beautiful. Nature's a genius
  10. @Hardkill is this cnn? What kind of reasoning is that.
  11. It isn't about his brand. He never was the money addict type, I mean he did it all on cocaine. He didn't do it for the money.
  12. @Carl-Richard it's deeper than that. I think he wanted influence but also genuinely was a creative type. Also if we watched the same documentary this is actually untrue. He was getting police threats and swarmed by religious fundamentalists yet continued and intensified his creative act/presence. A fake wouldn't go that far.
  13. He was stage green-orange at that time (post-columbine). In mechanical animals era interviews he admitted that only during that period was he able to develop empathy for other people's pain. Not that he was a phony or anything, I think during Antichrist superstar he viewed himself more as a revolutionary rationalist kind, valuing reason over religion. So he still stood for something instead of setting out as a fake rockstar or something. (Not that his performances were mediocre, they were emotionally compelling). I don't know about that evan Rachel thing, seems like there were no evidence at all.
  14. @Lindsay his narcissism videos are good. Not something to stick with because unless you have a strong kind of outlook in life its very easy to be terrified by them. But if you consider yourself to be a self realized (?) person they're harmless.
  15. I dislike how the mbti pretends to be an archetypal depth psychology of its own. It's only supposed to explain cognitive processes I think
  16. @Hello from Russia You're likely right. Dude's woke.
  17. @Evil Raccoon Maybe this is just me but I think if you're yellow you're not quite "there" yet. Guys like Jung and McKenna and Chomsky had their own little biases... while someone like Alan Watts, who I can confidently call Turquoise had a more relaxed vibe to him. No longer "on a mission" (at least consciousness-wise).
  18. @Hello from Russia he doesn't use the data to interconnect anything, talks about weaknesses/strengths management stuff. Rationalist (he has a video titled holy grail which purely talks about business strategy stuff. This is yellow. So is chomsky
  19. @Blackbeat That's a panic attack.... Just turn your body off for a moment.
  20. @fridjonk Don't you know that the man of action precedes the man of thought?
  21. My main worry is that I'm young and think I may be stupider than I thought/think. I also think a lot about the quality of my journals, if they're actually good or I'm just having pipe dreams about them. Lol