Jacob Morres

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Everything posted by Jacob Morres

  1. lavendaire be like dont focus on the goal focus on the systems forget who be like dont focus on the goal focus on the person you need to be western proverb be like dont focus on the goal focus on the process someone else be like if you don't got a goal the process aint gonna be motivating mark manson be like dont focus on the changing yourself focus on making better decisions leo gura be like dont focus on the how focus on the what (the how will work itself out) contextual?? nuance?
  2. What is truth based on? It seems to be that truth is an illusory topic. There is no such thing as truth? If we constantly search for new truths, and we redefine what is true/not true through more experience, is there really truth? is there really just a process of gaining accuracy and deeper truths, but not "truth" itself? becuase even in non-duality leo talks about there being more to truth ? is the Truth that leo consider with a capital T really just one truth? And all non-duality truths point to the same truth? I don't know!! I have no experience with it... Is direct experience itself even worthy of truth if direct experience itself cannot be defined as a truth sometimes??? ???????????????????????????????? if direct experience cannot be the absolute truth (because even if that too it is subject to change), then is there no absolute truth????????????????????? this is mindbending even everything i say here is not even truth but also simultaneously - it could be..
  3. yeah I've been watching his older videos a bit too. Basics of personal development thoughhhh ^^
  4. @The_Alchemist i can't speak for anyone but i'm definitely not judging . i find orange a beautiful and necessary stage. i just didnt see the expression green as much. maybe a slight transition though i could agree with
  5. He seems like a good guy but I see him more of orange He has a podcast with Logan paul and it did feel 80% orange to me. Greens actions would speak from a place of love, empathy, compassion. Like you can feel that off him. Im thinking the youtube channel "Yes theory" as green expression Beast's goal was more subscriber count oriented and to be the biggest (from the logan paul podcast and looking at his goal video vlogs) I think he might be in the process this is my pov at least i could be wrong - my analysis and understanding of SD could be improved
  6. Cool vids I liked them too!! What did u find inspiring in it?
  7. Something to say about being is that there is nothing to say about being - because what you say about being is not being . it's just better to witness it sometimes but talking about being is what helped me realize that there's nothing to say about being, because being has properties that is transcendental of speech. it just is there and words can't do it justice... finger pointing to the moon so talking about being is also necessary as it helped me realize that insight
  8. I'm looking for something along the lines of how to build good relationships with people, how to detect red flags, how to deepen trust and intimacy, how to build ideal relationships, general wisdom, conflict resolution etc. etc. I guess #1 would be how to build meaningful relationships with people, man or woman I like notice that there is certain hthings that prevent meaningful relationships like trauma, poor self image, poor philosophies, distractions Blogs/Books/Theorists anything would be greatly appreciated!
  9. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4172306/ This researcher claims - manipulation of which studies are published misrepresenting evidence found Most, if not all studies actually indicate placebo effect This is ground breaking.. but also old news?? Where is the uproar?
  10. You described me in the OP i thought it'd be good enough to be nice but naw you need other qualities apparently (lul) Its hard to say though because on one hand you want to change yourself for the woman but lately I've just been like fuck the girl man I'm just gonna be myself. Like im just gonna do what I wanna do and find a girl that fucks with that
  11. good question. I don't know I need a financial plan and some money I also need some meaningful relationships. I also need to figure out what this life purpose thing is all about and if it's any good I also need some confidence and self-love I'm going to boil this down, make this more clear and have a better plan for next year, than this year, because this year went to buns I also want to have some respect from my friends Maybe an amazing life? And discovering what that means for me? and manifesting that I also want to have tons of energy throughout my day I also want to be happy I also want to be loved be a woman I also want to learn lessons from my last previous relationship! I am excited about this one. What the fuck happened? What can I learn?
  12. @levani this was my hesitation as well. I want to do this but I hate bugs lol
  13. Quote of the day: "One of the crazy things I've noticed is that you don't need to dive into like 8 hours of deep work in order to make progress in your life. If you can dive in for one hour on the most important thing for the day, with a ruthless active concentration, you will be substantial progress in your life. You can upgrade this over time. Even then, that is so much intense focus, you will skyrocket past your goals" - Better Ideas Source: " youtube.com/watch?v=SIsCy663mz4 " Given that..
  14. Okay so I will be posting infrequently to higher the quality of my posts --- Leo just put out a video on mastery. please tell me this is a foreshadowing for a video on sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pls pls pls pls pls pls
  15. BrooOooOoo. You have potential to get chicks. Don't worry about who has it easier!!
  16. @Leo Gura do you mind defining turds? Like getting what you want, and realizing, this is turd?
  17. Good question. I wonder myself. Who are the Gs of self actualization?
  18. criticism without understanding is just ripe for misinterpretation . judgement is an indicator for a lack of understanding/wisdom sometimes people judge/angry and they will sometimes deny it but the distinction is very clear to me
  19. Leo is a supplement, not the main course If you put the effort, you will see the results. You reap what you sow. --- As a human being we are limited to the nature of being human - to our environment, influences, human limitations, genetics and so much more . Our agency is incredible but also limited. Our agency can be influenced by the thoughts we think, to the influences we allow in the form of country, community, social media, people, books, and other forms of media, as well as the decisions we make. --- Humans are infinitely creative beings and also simultaneously the opposite . I've experienced high creativity and also extreme stress Humans are also powerful creators of change in the world. I've experienced high victim mentality --- What is Important? How does one even figure that the fuck out? What is the point of life? Sit on each question for several minutes --- tool for releasing emotional blockages: https://thework.com/instruction-the-work-byron-katie/
  20. I asked some on advice to attracting healthy relationships He said, instead of focusing on the right person, focus on becoming the right person and that will attract the right people Interesting? Idk
  21. Today I wondered "what is understanding?" this distinction is important because it helps you differentiate between truth and falsehood I think. so I youtubed to see if leo had a video on it, and he did it. what a gift. when he first put out the video i wasn't interested but now, it's at the right time Another thing - Today I was looking for a new therapist. My current one is amazing, but I feel she doesn't have the right wisdom I need. Though - she has wisdom. She is open, understanding, kind and non-judgemental. I need that, but with deeper understanding and a slightly more solution oriented approach. She doesn't seem to have the balance of: when to give advice, and when to not. Good question to answer: Why am I not resonating with my current therapist? What kind of therapist is the right fit for me? What do I need from a therapist? A quote I saw today: The quality of the question dictates the quality of the answer
  22. The traps of leo being your only teacher: A bias toward philosophy. Though has been extremely useful, also has its downsides of being too in your head Not enough wisdom on finances, relationships, health Too much philosophy not enough action Leos susceptible to err, just like others
  23. @Sleyker thank you bro I will check this out