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Everything posted by beastcookie

  1. Hi, I have a lot of questions, bear with me According to John Kreiter we get ill and die from energy leakage from being under constant psychic attack from non-organic beings. These beings occur in many spiritual texts from Carlos Castaneda to Eckhart Tolle. Tolle calls them "painbodies". If one can absorb/re-absorb this negative energy and thus become immune to these entities, will all illness stop? My current hypothesis is that very sick people have toxic entities attached to them, consuming their life energy. Any thoughts?
  2. I'm not an expert by any means, but seems like a lot of people in this thread are quite knowledgeable!
  3. Some spiritual teachers are not very appealing because they are too damn boring. Like I know Rupert Spira has LOC1000 but find him super boring and don't find his explanations very helpful. Prefer Eckhart Tolle even though his LOC is lower, and I also enjoy Teal Swan a lot because of how she embody her divine feminine.
  4. A little less charisma and that dude would be a black hole...
  5. Psychadelics can generate all kinds of stuff, valuable insights is not a guarantee. RASA is about getting help from an already englightened being to raise your awareness.
  6. I'm pretty experienced when it comes to psychadelics, and in my opinion the troublesome part is integrating the insights and make them part of everyday awareness. It doesn't matter if I'm fully enlightened for 10hrs if I can't live it and embody it afterwards.
  7. $1000/month would be a bit much I think. I can afford it but it doesn't make any sense, and I need time to integrate my experience and meditate on it. Feels like I will need a couple of weeks at least!
  8. During the RASA I felt energy running down my body from my crown chakra, not the entire time but minutes here and there. The day after I felt tired, needed to be alone. Felt this urge to be more "clean" in my diet but at the same time I had an unsatiable hunger so I went to the store and bought 300g potato chips and a large jar of peanut butter (perhaps 5000kcal all in all and I'm a SMALL woman) ate ut all but was still hungry. Fried som eggs and ate them too. Not pregnant, not ovulating, not on my period. Today (2 days after) still hungry lol, some things have started to click. Stronger sense of the bigger I and more awareness around how I actually perceive reality. Went for a walk and dared to wear a really crazy colored jacket (I always wear black because it grounds me and I'm usually very uncomfortable in strong colors) but I just put it on without thinking about it and felt super comfortable. Remembered that Ananda said that an effect of being "more enlightened" is being more comfortable being yourself and just go all out I'll meditate and reflect on it and probably book my next RASA when I'm ready for it. 4 weeks maybe? I'll post here
  9. Great! Yes I've heared good things about her so I'm excited to continue. Been processing everything since the RASA-session and I'm really curious about the higher states now. Meditation and "living clean" feels more important now.
  10. Definitely, I've had my share of listening and trusting other people too damn much! Now I only trust my direct experience with reality, but I'm not 100% enlightened and I need some guidance. Trust is a good foundation for successful coaching, that was what I meant with "I trust her"
  11. Yes, I know consciousness cannot be mapped on a scale, it is just a model. No models can be the ultimate truth or reality. I didn't ask for a rating on my level of spiritual development, that was not the purpose of the meeting. I've been on the spiritual path for about 10 years and this spring really threw me off track. I was confronted with so much unconscious bs that I felt I needed a guide to deal with it. Ananda is that guide for me now, it's a good fit.
  12. Yeah that was really unexpected! The thing is that she understood my personality very well and my struggles with inferiority complex, believing I am flawed in some way and when I experience things it's never enough. My insights are not enough, my knowledge is not enough. "Everyone else" knows more, is more enlightened etc. I got LOC confused with states. I've read David R Hawkins and he also has a LOC model based on states, like if you are enlightened everything is just pure bliss no matter what happens. Ananda said that it's totally possible to enlightened and be jealous, angry and reactive so it has nothing to do with states. She judged me based on my sense of self and perceptions of my reality. Based on that, I think she is accurate and I trust her.
  13. I've done my first RASA session now! I met with Ananda over Zoom and she vas very lovely and got a good grasp about my personality. I felt that she really understood me. The session consisted of me describing my spiritual journey up until this point, she assessed my LOC and then I received the RASA transmission. My LOC was assessed to be 734. She wasn't at all concerned about the fact that my spiritual journey is not about meditation, it didn't matter. The RASA transmission was her sending this energy to me for 15 min through my crown chakra. I could definitely feel it and I'm excited to see if it will have any effects. Will post again about it!
  14. Hi there, Lot's of thoughts after reading 1000 Ramaji, David Hawkins etc. Recent thought is if enlightenment really eradicates addiction, if no one can be addicted to anything at LOC 1000. I've read some trip reports on Ibogaine and people claim to drop EVERY little addiction almost instantly down to caffeine, sugar and nicotine (even if they just wanted to cure their heroine addiction). But both David Hawkins and Eckhart Tolle were/are heavily addicted to caffeine. Hawkins had like 20 cups of espresso/day and Tolle goes to Starbucks every day. Also know that one very influencial spiritual teacher died of alcoholism (can't remember the name now but I got pretty chocked as I read it). What do you guys think?
  15. Totally agree. That's why I'll report it here.
  16. I definitely not agree with you, I know plenty of enlightened masters that reached their states of awareness through deep self inquiry. Katie Byron and David R Hawkins are good examples. Meditation as a practise is not as important as meditation as a way of being, imo.
  17. But enlightenment for me is the joy of being, no need to do anything about a craving. Acting on a craving is immediately taking you out of the present moment.
  18. Hm... well as I progress on my own journey it's really hard to do anything bad to myself. Excessive eating would not be possible for example, I don't perceive caffeine as something bad but would not be able to drink 5+ cups per day. Basically obsessive, excessive, addictive behaviour is not compatible with awakening, at least not for me. Not because I judge it, not at all, but because the drive/compulsion is weakened.
  19. So, currently reading Ramaji 1000 about the different levels of consciousness, but find it hard to understand if it's possible to assess one's own level. When I read Eckhart Tolle 10 years ago and had my first awakening I could definitely tell I was becoming more spiritually conscious. It has escalated and stabilized since that. I can relate to being "the non-doer", haven't had a normal job in many years because I'm a good manifestor and manifest what I need. "Work" is effortless. Non-duality? Not sure. I used to have social anxiety but that is gone and I'm very good at distinguishing my energy from other people's energy. Real life example: I went to a party and could easily see right through people in a way I haven't been able to before. Have also had many instances of "seeing" God/myself in others, or knowing that I'm just talking to myself. Tireless compassion? Kind of, I spend more than 8 hrs/day helping others and don't care if I get payed or not but I am, mostly. But I still have addictions and I still identify with things I guess, normal human stuff. I can't meditate for hours but it's easy to get into flow when I do it. I don't think I have any recollection of past lives or so. Is there any book or video that have clearer descriptions of LOC for self assessment?
  20. No haven't read about it yet but seen the model. Don't quite get it yet so I'll read up on it
  21. Hm... you're right I do not comprehend the notion of non-doership. So if the car drives itself, there is no free will?
  22. Yeah I could just lie about it but it says on their homepage that they DON'T want people that has taken LSD for example.