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  1. Your game can be extremely good even if you are very low energy and do not talk too much. If your responses are perfectly crafted you can be energy efficient. On the other hand you can be less adjusted but because you expel so much energy you can reach your goal. It's like playing golf by yourself and trying to put the ball into a distant hole. You can be precise or just hit the ball full force as many times as needed. Similarly, you can overpower social situation or correct only when needed.
  2. I had a cool realisation while tripping on a wedding Nothing has changed, I perceived my field of view as a fractal. Each person is like a spiral and each couple is a pair of spirals turned into opposite direction - they tend to cancel each other. You can have more or less matching spirals. It's up to you how deep you want to go and you can choose more or less matching spiral for yourself.
  3. Are sure it's a 'physical' pain? I suffered chest pain for many years, but in my case it didn't feel like a I have a painful spot. It was obvious to me that it's an emotional pain because I felt like I was stabbed in my chest in certain emotionally triggering situations.
  4. *ALD52 is milder and slightly smaller version of LSD ** I triped like 20 times before. I had several 5 MeO DMT trips, so I have basic experience I got invited to a wedding party. It's not a kind of event I like to attend. I'm not a social person so I'm usually bored. I thought about taking 100ug of ALD52 which to low of a dose to cause ego death for me. My goal is to have fun and learn how to have fun. I hate dancing but I can imagine dancing while tripping. I treat it as a social experiment and a great learning opportunity. ALD52 is very soft, if taken rectally it's growing intensity barely noticable. I suspect that in a worst case scenario if I will act weird everybody will assume that I drunk to much vodka (I do not drink alcohol but not everybody will know that). Is not my family so making fool of myself isn't a huge issue too. Any advices? What should I expect?
  5. ALD52 is suuuper gentle!! I also have EXTREME sensitivity to light after 1P. After my first 1P trip I mixed it with ALD52, then I started plugging - 1P is perfect for plugging. I wouldn't risk taking 1P orally during wedding. I would have to keep my eyes closed all the time. 1P is also harsh, so anxiety is also possible. My first ever trip was 100 ug of 1P. It was enough to have shocking mystical experience. I didn't know what to do with myself - lay in bed and close my eyes, go to bathtub or do something else. My next trip was 100 ug of ALD52, it wasn't enough. When I mixed 1P with small amount of ALD52 it helped with anxiety and light sensitivity. In my experience 100 ug 1P + 100 ug ALD52 might by easier to handle than pure oral 1P. How much do I need to have a mystical experience? It depends on the definition. I guess everyone assumes that something is outside of usual state of consciousness it's a mystical experience. I can't tell now, because lines became blurred for me. I have had more intense 'sober' peak experiences than any of my LSD trips. I used to have a social anxiety but after 5 MeO DMT I realized that there is no one to be ashamed of - it's only me being ashamed of myself.
  6. Death doesn't exist, so there is no afterlife. If you kill your body, it doesn't mean that your tendencies will be fixed. If you have a dream you are free from physical your body. Yet it doesn't prevent you from having a nightmare.
  7. I'm back from the party. I definitely have some regrets.. Firstly 100 ug of ALD52 is probably like 70-80 ug of 1P. 150 or 200 ug would be an appropriate dose I didn't take it immediately. I gave myself one and half hour to make myself feel comfortable and familiar with a new place. I didn't drink any alcohol. Luckily nobody really tried to convince me into drinking, but here is my tip of a day: Instead of drinking vodka, prepare yourself a glass of water pretend that this is an alcohol. Nobody will notice, seriously!!! It went really well. There wasn't a second when I felt overwhelmed by the substance. There was a decent looking girl (8/10) that was fun to be around. I spent most of the time with her. Now something really funny: when I was coming back by a bus, my new guy friend asked me long-winded question. How does it feel partying when you are sober and everyone else is drunk? I said "I need to confess something.." His reaction was "NO WAY!!!". Apparently I looked as if I was completely sober.
  8. Maybe God realization as a conceptual understanding isn't directly related but receptiveness/consciousness is a huge thing. I had a cool interaction with a girl at the party when I took LSD If you are receptive enough you can have almost total control over her emotions. It's like playing table tennis. If you are fast enough you can see in which direction ball is coming and play it back. Similarly, you have an ability to dissipate or change direction of her feelings. You can make her angry which makes her energized and than make her laugh in a second. Also physical escalation was super easy because I knew exactly when is the right moment - it was very congruent with the conversation. by rising your consciousness you can make anything smoothly. If you can read other people's you know if it's right time to say something or not. You can also use just enough force, so you can achive your goals without creating conflict situations. People in general will easily read your state even without having a conversation. Yes, you will be perceived as a more attractive/valuable person.
  9. Start with yourself. You can't convince people to eat health just by talking. You have to start buying and cooking healthy food. The best way to convince your mother would be cooking delicious (healthy meal) once a week. If you talk about changing your diet but you expect that your mother will make that food for you, it's not going to work. In my case this method worked out but my family always ate relatively healthy food to begin with.
  10. Thank you for your responses. I have a blotter under my tongue at the moment I feel comfortable here, people are cool. I will write how it worked out.
  11. In a micro level, if you zoom as close as possible, every event has masculine and feminine aspect (or positive and negative). During my 5 MeO trip I have seen duality without form (or pure distinction) having dirty sex and merging into nothing. In this sense we are always interacting with our Twin Flame because there always must be an interplay between masculine and feminine. Whatever we do we intact with our opposite.
  12. Thank you, I think I will risk 100 ug since ALD52 is weaker I had that happen to for about two weeks after taking 5 MeO. No meditation, it was enough to pay in the bed. I also experience it in the past when I was practicing OOBE. If you don't resist you will fall into a vortex and experience insane acceleration and a lot of shaking. You will probably end up in a different dream It is scary because you are actually dying / losing grip with reality while you are sucked into a vortex.
  13. People tend to mirror your emotions. Content doesn't matter that much, if you are angry your message is anger. I can say really nasty things if I'm in a good mood and people will enjoy it. Being polite when I'm on a bad mood isn't enough.
  14. In absolute sense it's true. You can also say that psychodelic do not exist and they are pure imagination. If I do my energetic practices I have moments when I'm wondering if I used any substance. It's even better than that, I can smell a smoke from vaped 5 MeO!! In relative sense your can't just chew a newspaper and expect to have same effects as if you took LSD. Similarly Twin Flame is a walking psychodelic and your can't replace them with any person. In my opinion you shouldn't look for your Twin Flame. If you haven't met such person it's best to forget about the concept because it's useless.
  15. I met some of them before. They aren't close friends of mine, which might be a good thing - it should be easier to be uninhibited. I had two 5 MeO trips a couple months ago. I don't know how this might impact my sensitivity. What was your dose? Did you have a moment when you felt overwhelmed?
  16. I don't get why would anyone try to fight coffee (caffeine) addiction. You can mix ordinary coffee with decaf and gradually lower your caffeine intake.
  17. I stumbled onto TF concept when I had chest pain (not physical pain) and had my obsessive thinking period (it was almost impossible not to think about her for five seconds). I googled to find out what the heck is going on and found posts on reddit about Twin Flames. It's probably not what you think it is. It might seem to be a perfect match but than it feels like nothing. At first I noticed that there is something weird about her. When I was is in close proximity I felt like my visual field is waving and felt and felt mixture of nervousness and calmness. Then I managed to contact her via social media. She liked me immediately. She felt identical to me but opposite at the same time - same at the core but opposite at every other way. She could understand me completely but was unable to get my way of thinking at all There was a possibility of complete understanding, but it was painfully hard to talk. I was only able to have a conversation with her when I wasn't acting from my mind. Also whenever I try to interact with her initially I feel uncomfortable intense energy, then it tends to dissipate. Now time has passed I'm less obsessed with her. It's a real mind*uck. I crave her but I than realize that I'm her. I can't get her in any way because I'm her and already have her! It feels exactly like aftereffects of 5 MeO DMT, when you sit in your room and you are aware that this room is you. It's a mixture of your ultimate desire and utter indifference. Twin Flame =/= Soulmate. Soulmate makes you experience emotions, Twin Flame makes you feel 'numb' in a pleasant way. I highly recommend this channel, he is super annoying, his teachings aren't advanced, he repeats himself a lot, but it's best you can get I also recommend Ken Wilber's book Grace and Grit. In my opinion his wife was definitely his TF.
  18. I'm getting annoyed easily if my body is tense (trapped energy). It's better to be easily annoyed than being apathetic, in comparison this is higher consciousness state If your case is similar to mine, there are two ways you can solve. First is to investigate why certain things are annoying. Another way is releasing and making your energy circulate smoothly (stretching, breathworks, meditation, walking). If you can control your mind it becomes unimportant what kind of thoughts are arising because it is easy to let them go.
  19. I can't get proper water filter because there isn't enough free space in the kitchen. I bought few 5 liter bottles (with water) and I cycle to refill them with underground water. It doesn't take much time and it's enjoyable. Now my water is high quality, but what about microplastics?
  20. It was really annoying to listen to blog videos on my phone. Now I also see that I missed some interesting stuff..
  21. So many girls got triggered.. Currently I'm not living in English speaking country so it's 1 to 1 translation. Female/woman is more formal, girl is informal. If I like a girl she's a girl. In work related situations using word girl would be less appropriate. It makes her seem younger and less qualified/experienced. If a female is super old.. like 25 years old it's very unlikely that I will call her 'girl'. In most cases females/girls mentioned on this forum are dating material, not co-workers. That's why they are being called girls.
  22. If rectal administration is the best method 5 Meo DMT it should also work well with LSD. I have already tried once 50 ug of 1P-LSD. The strength seems to be comparable to a 100 ug of ALD-52 (still not enough for ego death) or maybe a little bit less intense. Normally 1P is harsh, faster acting and a little bit stronger (100 ug of 1P is enough). Rectal 1P is very similar to oral ALD-52. Other observations: - trip is smooth and pleasent. 1P taken orally makes me a little bit anxious - I have to mix it with small dose of ALD-52 - 1P taken orally cause CRAZY pupils dilitation. I have to keep my eyes nearly closed. I don't have that effect with rectal administration - trip duration seems to be shorter - rather six hours instead of twelve. Peak was quite intense for just 50 ug. I guess 75 could be enough to reach ego death. I hope I will be able to give it another try with a larger dose.
  23. Love = acceptance of everything = lack of preference = lack of distinction = formlessness = death You can't exist as a form when you are completely selfless. You need to have a preference for a certain form (selfishness) in order to retain it.