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  1. @Leo Gura Sometimes you need to book in advance
  2. In this case I would avoid fruits too for some period of time. I don't think fruits are essential. As far as I know vegetables on average are much more nutrition dense.
  3. It is very likely that 19 yo is more mature than most females his age - younger are more likely to be at green stage than. I would be more concerned if she was dating a guy her age. The only thing that is off is fake age in his profile. I think it is a good idea to meet this guy. I'll sleep better.
  4. Do any of you use an air humidifier? My room is getting cold easily. If I turn on the radiator it's warm enough but air is becoming dry very quickly. The next day I'm unable to breath thorough my nose or my throat hurts. If I open the window it's too cold again I thought that getting small air humidifier would be a good idea. Some of them are even USB charged. I am be able to put it close to my head. How much milliliters per hour do I need? Is 25 ml/h enough?
  5. I just got my humidifier I bought a medium size instead portable one, it was used/refurbished so I paid just 10 bucks. The difference in air humidity is very noticeable. @Michael569 What kind of oil would you recommend?
  6. I would like to remind that number of males and females in relationships are very similar.
  7. @The Don You can always pretend that she didn't reject you She rejected you today, it doesn't mean you are rejected forever - act like it never happened. It's up to you. There is also a possibility that she thinks that you are incompatible - this is not your problem.
  8. @GroovyGuru I recommend LSD and mirror. You will realize how amazing is your body.
  9. What I really mean it's better to look if you want. The most uncomfortable thing is trying to resist and pretend that you are not interested, then look in a creepy way. This thing is scary. If you look with an appreciation it's natural and pleasant thing for both of you. If something is nice I look at it, it doesn't matter what it is. Let things flow naturally. I wouldn't call myself experienced. I try to treat every interaction as a possibility for exploration. You are looking as a creep by trying not to look as creep You need to stop rest the feeling of discomfort - it's actually cool. You don't need to have any experience. It's enough to realize that you have nothing to gain from hot girls. If you have nothing to gain you can interact the way you want, now it's just a game. If a girl is compatible, it's a slightly different situation, but still it's not just you who can benefit something. - it's mutual responsibility.
  10. @xxxx This is a bad idea, it's going to be counterproductive. This is not a psychological addiction but physical. It's not sugar that's problem. His body is not adapted to using fat as a fuel. Tacos, rice and bread are equally problematic, this is basically same thing. Eating carbohydrates raise the insuline level and create another cravings.
  11. @dflores321 Why? I look at the hot girl if I want. She probably thinks that I'm interested in her. I don't care what she thinks because I don't want anything from her.
  12. @diamondpenguin I used to be an overthinker - typical INTP trait. However my method for figuring out what I want in a long term was intuition. I imagined something and then I let the movie play and see what happens. Now I do what feels right. I realized that maybe the reason for my current short attention span. Currently I'm trying to sort out my financial situation. I'm not able to pursue my "life purpose", so I'm less passionate about what I'm doing. This kills the momentum.
  13. @Thought Art Yes. It's like I have more energy but body isn't ready for that. I just did some vipassana and my whole body was tingling. I can also relate to abusing my physical / energetical / emotional body. There are still many tensions in my body which make me irritable. Taking care and maintaining symmetry of my body was one of the most important lessons from my trips. My last low dose LSD trip was like reiki healing I went through all of parts of my body searching for tensions and then I was releasing each energy block. You are right about the dead body. It feels like my body is an anchor that keeps me in old ways of living. Sadly I have nobody to talk about my experiences. My family definitely wouldn't be supportive of me "taking drugs". My friendships are rather inactive. @73809 @Girzo I already feel some improvements. My body is definitely less stiff and yesterday when I had my nondual experiences I wasn't that bad. The only issue is that my mind is sooooo much cleaner than it used to be, but I'm still anxious and irritable, so I'm not able to experience those benefits. @Carl-Richard If something kicks you out of body in less than second it might be scary ? I suppose it is just my ego being burned by the energy.
  14. This is a venting thread but I also hope to get some good ideas. @Leo Gura @Preety_India I feel that I did enough contemplation, currently my body is the biggest problem. I stopped overthinking, my anxiety is stored in the body. I'm trying to improve my surroundings, diet and started working out more often. I still have some addictions (like caffeine) that make me anxious. I hope that intense physical exercises will force to move and release stuck energy. It might be more effective than kriya yoga. I am also planning to go back doing vipassana again.
  15. I realized that I wouldn't want to be with 99,9% of them (I'm underestimating here), no matter how hot they are. It removes any pressure.
  16. I recommend keto.
  17. @Michael569 Thank you. I think this is a psychological thing. I like to eat some sweet cake from time to time, just to have different flavors. @Eren Eeager I like his videos but you should take into account that he is targeting obese people. This is why he claims the lower glycemic index the better. However there might be also other factors. Same for coconut flour - it's low in catbs but I still feel bad if I eat too much of it. I would avoid empty but bulky foods.
  18. @Michael569 What is your opinion on stevia extract?
  19. I just tried it!! 4 spoons of non alkalized cocoa, a pinch of chili powder, few drops of liquid stevia and boiling water. It was awful .
  20. @Village I first noticed that myself and then heard about it.
  21. @Red-White-Light There are still many coal stoves used for heating in my area.
  22. My impression is that Yellow often dislike Green because they have somewhat dumb ideas (mostly due to lack of understanding of feedback loops and homeostasis) and see green as unnecessary step from orange to yellow. Green is less pragmatic and not shortsighted as Orange. Green often see a problem, but solution is too simplistic and it's not going to work. Green doesn't see new problems created by the solution instantly - Yellow does. Green will autocorrect itself but it needs some time. Orange on the other hand is shortsighted and pragmatic. Because of that Orange is less prone to do "obvious" mistakes. Lets give an example. There are two candidates, Yellow person has to choose between them: - Green see that there is some kind of problem and offers solution. Solution isn't well thought out and it will create many new problems. - Orange doesn't care about the problem. Yellow might be tempted to choose Orange because "at least it's not going to be worse". Green doesn't have enough conceptual understanding, it has to work on the go. In reality Green candidate would realize that solution has to be upgraded.
  23. I always had an impression that I slept better when I was facing East. Sadhguru advises same thing.
  24. @Red-White-Light I used to have radiator in my room always off. It's not just about temperature. I can't open my window to get some fresh, moist air because of pollution. If I turn on the heater for just 5 minutes it hurts my nose.
  25. @Red-White-Light It's not that bad. My room is rather small but it has a large widow. The issue is that I can't turn on radiator (even low level) because air becomes dry. I would like to do some kriya yoga or breathing exercises before sleep but it's too cold. It's not a problem to sleep in a cold room.