Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. @Yimpa @Buck Edwards sorry guys I won't share . For my own well being and to not trigger utter psychosis and peeling the floor underneath your feet and leave you guys free falling forever in an endless void .
  2. I'm hesitating to share or not ... Would you like to hear something so traumatic you become permanently insane and spend the rest of your life in a psychiatric ward?
  3. @StarStruck people will watch porn whether you like it or not . Are you talking about it from ethical perspective? Because obviously moralising is relative .
  4. @Breakingthewall to avoid not being able to delete previous posts from a new reply ..just post the same post which you cant delete and then hide the post . After that post your new post in a clean slate.
  5. I hear you . Well..Eckhart Tolle was literally suicidally depressed before his awakening. He said "I could not live with myself anymore ". And then he realised the distinction between the false self (ego or myself) and the indifferent awareness which observes everything without judgement. So yes I agree with you that suffering plays a role . In Buddhism they talk about to die before you die .Jesus as well said you shall not enter the kingdom of heaven unless you are born twice .
  6. @Inliytened1 I'm glad I made you laugh brother . I hope you overcome whatever suffering you are going through and come out the other side with even more strength 💪. Remember..nothing lasts forever. Suffering is inevitable part of life .even animals go through it and humans and since I'm a believer in panpsychism ..even rocks and trees suffer. Buddha said life is suffering. The only way to overcome suffering is counterintuitively to surrender to it and let your ego burn in the spiritual fires .
  7. sucks and then you die .simple as that . If you have not yet realized this you are not fully awake
  8. Buddhism in a nutshell... The four noble truths.. : 1 life sucks. 2 life sucks because you are an idiot. 3 it is possible for life not to suck if you stop being an idiot. 4 you stop being an idiot by wanting nothing. Desiring nothing. The real 4 noble truths tho... 1 life is suffering. 2 life is suffering because of desire. 3 it is possible for life not to be suffering. 4 the end of suffering is the end of desire.
  9. @Arthogaan the upper case me is indeed eternal but guess what ? Is nothingness itself . The ego is gonna vanish forever.
  10. Nothing . And why are you making real life so to speak analogous to a dream ? You just don't want to accept that death is either an endless bottomless void of nothingness or the mysterious unknown.
  11. I am experiencing lots of Deja Vu and Synchronicity recently . Like if something is on my mind i see it everywhere and i feel like ive lived this incident before. You know ..when you read something here or there or when someone explains something to you and it just fucking click so hard. Also I feel more spiritually oriented and focused . I don't give two fucks about my college and finance and chasing girls etc i feel like I'm being called by the universe to stay alone and quiet and just be in nirvana ecstasy bless and joy out of nothing . What does the universe mean by these idk.
  12. I obviously can't do extreme shit like that . I can do water fasting or dopamine fasting for few days lol.
  13. @Breakingthewall i clearly said that's my objective. Never said its gonna be a peice of cake for me . I might chicken out and cry like a toddler. Because in my life I haven't faced that much suffering. I'm middle class but I never slept hungry even once . So I know how reality can slap you like a little bitch when you try to act out macho . But at least I've got the vision. The goal Is set . Unlike other people who live their lives flippantly not knowing their head from their ass .
  14. Bypassing what ? Nothing in my practical life is out of sorts . And even the stuff im pissed about like smoking 🚬 i have made peace with . The peace that passes understanding as they call it . Im not suggesting that i should just sit on my ass all day playing video games suggesting true fucking liberation. Those people who have deeply awoken literally dont care if you burn them alive or if they starve to death . There are actually some sages here in india who can survive on light and air alone because they have fully transcended their entire physical existence. That's my goal .all else is a distraction .
  15. @Water by the River there seems to be conflict ..on one hand i truly have reached a state of detachment that i don't care whatsoever if I live or die.. I feel like ive broken out of the matrix ..I see through ALL human societies bullshit brainwashing that keeps us chasing nothing like stupid donkeys instead of seeking spiritual liberation which is the ultimate goal.
  16. Do you really know that to be true or were you brainwashed by society and religion to believe in that? Be careful.
  17. Is death real and what's the evidence?
  18. I just want to know that my ultimate destination in existence is gonna be perfection..goodness..bliss . Not necessarily in a form of heaven.. eternal sleep or nothingness doesn't scare me .in fact its better than your wildest dreams of heaven . Leo says when you die you become infinite love. I hope so .and fuck all else.✋️
  19. Whats the argument for that?
  20. Thanks but Are you aware that there is no "doer "? The one who should approach life in a different way is illusory? I'm not trying to write off or dismiss what you're saying . But I would say that if reality is already exactly as it is..then it is already perfectly self-acceptance. The only problem is the ego which tries to turn this very eperience right now into a more positive experience. Its the donkey chasing the carrot sorta situation.
  21. One of the things I learned from approaching girls when I was in Thailand and from Leo's series on getting laid Is that men and women needed different things from each other. And I'm gonna put it bluntly : Men simply think with their dicks instead of their brains ..that's the raw fucking truth and any guy denying this is lying to himself. Your 80% of focus is how ..and feminine the woman is. Then comes her personality. Women don't need physical beauty from men. I consider myself good-looking and I haven't had that much success doing night game on Thai girls . Why is that? Because I'm a fucking creep who tries to escalate the conversation straight to the "when we gonna have sex ?" Part .which immediately makes girls blow you out . Of course if a woman is given a choice to marry or a date a super handsome dude or a normal looking dude she will choose the handsome one . But trust me guys when I say if the normal looking dude is more of "a man " and got a steel sack of balls between his legs and is confident and charismatic..she will choose him over a handsome guy that is basically a simp . So for men on your personality more than your looks . Stop obsessing about your muscles or your beard or hair cut etc ...instead a strong masculine character And for women ..take care of your look . Dress well . Perhaps dye your hair blonde ..and be feminine and submissive. Don't try to lead the relationship. Leave that for the guy .
  22. @The Lucid Dreamer so death is not even a real event . Its something that we project by imagining that there is a future. But future is imagination. So that mean death is imagination also (because it only exists in the future ). Dunno ..just sharing some thoughts .
  23. They say The most effective way to get to enjoy true happiness and inner peace in the future is to build the habit of having inner peace and happiness in the present, right here right that "it"? I mean nothing is even certain outside of this present moment. Even the idea kf death or "ultimate destination ".
  24. I neither love nor hate you. C'mon we don't know each others irl. We have just exchanged some autistic philosophy over the period of few months on an imaginary forum in an imaginary internet. That's true . I do like the shape of a dick . When I watch porn I don't watch the lesbian clips ..I need to see some penis penetrating a vagina.