Someone here

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Everything posted by Someone here

  1. I think your metaphysics is confusing and somehow contradicts itself. It's like either there's nervous system and brains and all that or there isn't. What difference does it make to say that there is but it's imaginary?
  2. I'm sorry if I seem like I'm just arguing to argue. I Wanna insure you that I'm not. I think that's just the nature of these topics. There is really no easy and final answers to such questions IMO. Love the quote btw ?
  3. Intersting perspective. I was missing this way to look at it.
  4. Well yes. There is a shared essence between stuff but they are not totally and completely the same from all possible perspectives. That's just not true. It's all vibrating strings but these strings vibrate at different levels and follow different mathematical equations which lead to different atomic structure which at the end result with a radically different objects like humans and apples. There is both duality and nonduality in the world. Both are ture but for some reason the duality is more apparent and the nonduality is only seen under the surface.
  5. Thank you. I appreciate your guidance and will work on it. Much love and respect ?
  6. Do you know what matter is bro? It is the phone that you're holding to type this reply and the electrons in your electronics that's running these technologies etc. Why do you always bring the dream analogy? It might be true Inside of a dream. What evidence do you have that life is a dream? Do you even mean it literally (like there is literally someone somewhere dreaming this reality up) or as a metaphor?. From the first look time does flow lineary. The cause comes always before the effect this Is a logical rule not a physical rule. It's true by defention. The first cause is not necessarily bounded by time. Could be outside time and space completely. Now this is just speculation i admit that. Because we've reached a place outside of our knowledge. All that's left is to speculate. But at least we should hold on to what we already know as facts about our reality.
  7. Which question ??. Generally speaking tho I can be OK with not knowing the answer to any question. What do we really know? If we are not OK with not knowing we gonna suffer a lot!
  8. LOL I knew someone will bring that. I know it's a thought and whatever I say here is again more thoughts (duh) but I think (thought) insisting on that and failing ing to see the distinction between thoughts and "not thoughts" is what getting lost in thoughts actually is.
  9. I believe we already touched on the distinction between thoughts and what these thoughts are a representation of. Reality is not just made out of thoughts! . These thoughts are here for a reason. The mind is just putting labels on the stuff it finds in the world which are in themselves not thoughts.
  10. Why is reality not physical? It's made out of physical stuff and follows physical laws! The impossibility of infinite regress have nothing to do with whether reality is physical or not. It's a logical impossibility not a physical one. Let reality be made out of spiritual substance.. Still you can't have infinite regress of spiritual events or otherwise we wouldn't be here because it's gonna take an infinity(unending) amount of time to get here! I think there is a first cause for reality. I won't call it God tho.
  11. There is two models explaining time. One is the conventional way that we all know that time flows linearly from present to future. What happend yesterday won't ever be back again. The other one is what general relativity of Einstein suggests that all past and present and future are happening simultaneously. They all exist in the same place but we are experiencing them as different slices. Just like a recorded video all the events are captured within the film already but in order to display them you have to go through the scenes one by one from present to future. So even if time is ultimately an illusion it still always appears real and flowing lineary. The future already happend in a sense but that does not equal it doesn't exist at all.
  12. That might be true only if you define reality to be your own perception. If you admit of there being other subjects after you're dead you can't say reality won't exits after your death because you just adimited that "reality" is not just your own perception.
  13. You just said "after we die we exist only inside someone's imagination". Right there you just adimited of there being a future of some kind after we are dead yet we are not experiencing it (might be).
  14. Because we see childrens being born with a past before their birth and we see people dying and life goes on after them?
  15. I think it's unhealthy to get stuck in thoughts like that. Everything in the mind and language are thoughts.. Even the idea of there being stuff which are not thoughts is itself a thought! So what? Just because it is a "thought" doesn't really mean anything about its validity(another thought no problem lol) . We can get lost in thoughts like that forever and we won't build any actual results on the world. At the end of the day and however you slice it: This?‍♂️ is not this ?. Lol
  16. Well.. This word "apple" and this word "human" are thoughts and concepts but the real things which these thoughts represent are not themselves thoughts. Same with "seeing". This is a concept but this co concept has a representation in the real world which is itself not a concept.! What do you mean there is no knowledge of seeing? I'm seeing now and I know that I'm seeing!
  17. Who said life is Dream? You only realize a dream is a Dream after you wake up from it and compare it to real life. Have you ever woke up from this life and found yourself in a bigger reality to contrast them?
  18. I just raised my hand now. If for this action to happen it requires an infinite regress of causes behind it it won't ever happen because these causes will just keep going forever (backwards) and I won't ever raise my hand. Yet here I am raising it!
  19. They are connected. To communicate the results of my experiment to you I have to use thoughts. As long as I'm not thinking I can't say "I'm seeing".. It just is what it is. But thought comes on and label it "seeing" to distinguish it from other sense perceptions. And to be honest I can't see the link between that and the human and apple having the same substance anyways! If you could guide me through it would be appreciated.
  20. Doesn't that means it's meaningless to talk about lesser lengths within the physical domain? . It's the same as the physical limitations and constants in the singularity of the big bang.. Science just can't to beyond or before that. The fact is we don't know what lies beyond theses various constants and limitations. We shouldn't then just jump into uncertain conclusions like "reality is infinite regress" keeping in mind that it is logically impossible as well.
  21. I'm not trying to get a "click ". I know this forum is filled with highly intelligent and open minded people and that's why I'm asking my questions here. Logic and intellectual activity does have a limit but I don't think we've hit any dead end yet. You are not forced to answer my questions or to agree with me. We are just sharing some thoughts together