Terell Kirby

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Everything posted by Terell Kirby

  1. @Everything thank you!
  2. I have an receive offer to work for a popular tech company (it was on my target list), and have the option to work out San Fran / Bay Area or New York City. Right now, I am trying to determine which would be a good fit based on the following: Cost of Living Quality of Living Cultural Diversity Food (had to throw this one in) Public transportation system Activities (museums, parks, beaches, clubs, festivals, etc) Does any live or has previously lived in one or both cities? Any insights would be greatly appreciated.
  3. Existence isn't made of any fabric or structures, it just is what it is.
  4. You can link this to the emotions that come up when you find out you were wrong about something. Especially when you were 100% wrong and absolutely deluded about something you had a strong conviction about. For human egos, being wrong can be equivalent to death. It take a great deal of consciousness to be vulnerable, and see the growth in being wrong about certain convictions.
  5. What about your POV, Leo? I sense a slight push from you to defend Russia's strategy .. this may be in an effort to get others see beyond biases in favor of the USA and their stronghold on geo-politics .. but wanted to be sure. Putin is also a bully to a degree.
  6. You should probably find out if she's interested in you romantically at all. You don't want to put the cart before the horse. To me, engaging in drug use with someone you are just beginning to get romantically involved with is not the best idea .. at least initially. Go out on fun dates, have sex, learn about each other's interest .. keep it very casual. You'll want to make sure this person isn't toxic, and someone worthy of building a healthy relationship with. This takes time and patience.
  7. @Jacob Morres what are you going to do when she finds out your real height? lol Like already mentioned, go out and approach .. anything outside of you doing this is a waste. Learn through trial and error .. which starts with ACTION
  8. God realization is irreversible . If you are seeing it as a negative, it just means you need to go deeper. Either you do it, or remain stuck in nihilism..which can destroy you. Once you get a taste of your God nature (even for a short while), there is no turning back.
  9. Sounds like you didn’t take the course (or didn’t complete it). Otherwise, you’d have these questions answered. Problem is trying to find these answers from sources outside of your heart. Focus on deriving these answers for yourself..no one can provide you a worthwhile life purpose.
  10. When you die, you continue dreaming.
  11. Agreed. A conscious life purpose should have very little association with low level survival demands.
  12. The more your social skills suck, the more deliberate practice is needed in the field. In the case of partying and nightclubs, stay till the party is over (assuming you are spending most of the time approaching and not standing in a corner)
  13. As long as “handling all of it” means deeply feeling those unpleasant feelings of trauma, and integrating the shadow caused by them.
  14. How did you fall into this? Do they give you sex for money?
  15. Only you would know the answer to that question. Instead of asking God, ask yourself .. seeing as in you are God, the one who deceived and still is deceiving itself .. you have the power to wake up at any time.
  16. I wouldn't count on him to release the course anytime soon .. don't put all your eggs into this basket. Focus on what you can do without Leo's help. Leverage his already existing content, but also set your own goals and measures for success in your spiritual pursuits.
  17. @Leo Gura I noticed he also does a great deal to market his website / business on this forum .. so not sure if how much his cryptic language was being used to increase traffic for his business. Do you plan on creating some guidelines around users marketing their spiritual coaching businesses? I only bring this up because it could possibly taint or corrupt the forum.
  18. I’d choose being sober in spiritual endeavors over alcohol for sure.
  19. @SQAAD seems to me that you are not ready for the deepest levels of this work.
  20. The mistake is trying to find meaning in the meditation. It is ideal to not expect anything from your practice, this will give you higher returns and make you more present to what arises. Embrace the falling apart with a smile. The key is not to judge yourself or your circumstances .. your ego finds it hard not to do this. Take a break if you need to, and only return when you are ready. You must not beat yourself up though
  21. @John Paul at least you are honest. I believe well over 50% of the folks that follow actualized.org have some kind of twisted infatuation and attachment to Leo. Kind of natural for gurus .. especially on YouTube these days.
  22. Depends on who you ask. There are many happy / fulfilling marriages .. as well as many miserable ones. Be careful that you are not projecting upon marriage because of past or lingering trauma you have had in your personal life. That could result in you missing opportunities to develop an awesome romantic relationship with a significant other.
  23. You avoid this by de-escalating. The point of going out is to have fun, not pick fights. If a guy wants to start drama, offer to buy him a drink or compliment him on his outfit.