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Everything posted by Plip

  1. My youngest brother is almost 19 and is interested in exploring 5meo. He is going to university soon to study astro physics and is just next level intelligent. I would love for him to experience what I have experienced but I also know from experience there's a time for doing these things and maybe it is not his time yet considering he is so young.. I just don't think there are many physicists out there who are spiritually awake, if I had his brains I would love to help try pioneer the way for a paradigm shift within science. Would it be better to do 5meo and know or have an idea about how the universe REALLY works and then knowing this go and try change shit up or influence people who can do such things...I'm probably underestimating things but would be nice to hear some thoughts on this also....
  2. @Leo GuraAmen, lesson learned!
  3. Hey guys, so I did 5meo yesterday and am puzzled as to how powerful my experience was considering the small dose that I took....I had some kratom like 3 hours before taking it, and did one round of 40 breaths of the Wim Hof method breathing technique. I weighed out what registered as 5mg on my scale and seeing as I was on my own taking it for the first time I decided to go even lower so I took off a little bit, all in all I was left with what should have been 3-4mg if my scales measured the dose accurately (Perhaps I should have weighed 20 or so and divided I don't know). Anyway after the breathwork I took the hit and it began to kick in half way through my inhale to the point where I was nervous to even hold it in for too long, ended up exhaling much sooner than I usually do.. I took 8mg a few weeks back with a shaman as my starter dose and worked up to 14, then 16mg and I can safely say that this 3-4mg felt stronger than my 8mg dose. I took the kratom to help ease my anxiety as was feeling edgy and really wouldn't have had the opportunity to do this again for another few weeks, so figured I would chance it. Have combined with other psychedelics in the past with no real issues only maybe a dampening of effects. It didn't cause any nausea, I definitely noticed the serotonergic effects of both synergizing with one another, it really knocked the orgasmic bliss factor up a notch but had me begin to worry a bit when the effects were still going strong after 40 or so minutes. I eventually began to come down and was finally able to put down the pipe lol, feeling good since but confused... Not sure what caused this, possible inaccurate dosing, the breathwork, the kratom, the sensitivity to substances that 5meo induces OR a combination, who knows... I just don't know how to approach my dosing in the future. Anyway I thought I'd contribute with that, would be great to hear some thoughts on it:) Also, I definitely feel that I am experience some ego backlash today in the form of lust and anger. Felt little bit of an urge to look at some porn for the first time in a while earlier and also found myself getting very frustrated with some people in my life who have little self-awareness, to put it know the kind who like to point the finger but are completely incapable of taking any criticism themselves?? Haha, anyway, it could also just be that I am feeling a bit drained but would love to know how you guys deal with this kind of thing, is it just a matter of observing it arise and it will dissipate...? I won't be looking at any porn but it has suckered me in the past after some of my psychedelic experiences:(
  4. I don't want to derail the thread, apologies, but seems info is limited on the DMSA, ALA, would you have any links regarding protocols etc? Seems tricky to find the DMSA even but I will keep digging..Thank you
  5. Thanks Leo. Haven't heard of that particular chemical, amazing:) Yeah I guess I was just wondering as I have witnessed so much healing at Ayahusca, San Pedro and other medicine ceremonies, people using intention to heal such a wide array of health issues, just thought DPT could help in a similar regard based on what you were saying but I guess heavy metals can be tricky.. I have heard that there can be cross tolerance between DPT and LSD, heard of people using DPT and when they resume their LSD microdosing it just doesn't work, one person said even after two weeks it still wasn't doing anything. Has anybody got any input on this? I'm currently microdosing 1cP-LSD and finding it amazing for my concentration/focus, motivation and mood, am keen to use DPT but man would I be disappointed if my 1cP stopped working:( May be worth it though from what I hear about DPT!
  6. Hey guys, this is my first post... I have been on the path of personal and spiritual growth/development since getting clean and sober five years ago and have been following Leo's work off and on for a few years now also. I have recently acquired some DPT HCL and intend on using it in the next couple weeks. So I see Leo reckons that this compound may possess some immense healing powers. I was going to write a gig long post detailing my backstory and rationale but it involves mental health stuff and maybe a bit too personal or negative for now. LONG STORY SHORT; I have been battling certain symptoms most of my life which I have concluded after years of research, insights etc, are being caused by toxic heavy metals in my brain. I am wondering what are peoples thoughts here... If one can heal their body with their mind on DPT, do you think that it could be possible to rid your body of things such as heavy metals, if ones intention is set on it strongly enough? I haven't had a chance to do any other medicines since coming to this realization, possibly Ayahuasca would be a good one for this.. I do know that once the brain is fully formed then it can prove very difficult to remove metals, but I have witnessed and experienced so much miraculous healing with medicines/psychedelics that it really wouldn't surprise me... EDIT: Apologies if this strays from the guidelines somewhat, but I feel that these metals are/may be blocking my spiritual growth, my symptoms have been pretty much unabating despite 5 years of work, I know that this is the path, so I want to try do everything within my power to keep me on the path and prevent me from walking away. Look forward to hearing your input:)