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Everything posted by WhatAWondefulWorld

  1. @ivankiss yeah, but your completely delirious, bassically a drug induced psychotic break. but what I have found, is what leo said in one of his videos, there is a very fine line between awakening and a psychotic break. VERY FINE LINE.
  2. @ivankiss datura is crazy, but your still here in this place. Psychedelics like lsd and such take you to alternative dimensions.
  3. @James123 true, but it's all pointless anyways. I think I'm just going to be a monk out in a cave.
  4. I feel too young to be going down this path too, but what do have to lose when I already lost it all.
  5. @WHO IS I know I wish I had some godly powers too. I mean i guess I do because I'm creating this thing called reality l but fuck I want some powers
  6. @nistake 100 percent totally agree Although this is just my ego saying that...
  7. I'm radically open minded after watching the new video by leo. I'm literally not even joking right now.
  8. @Galyna its just how fast you can switch from one perspective to another
  9. Yes yes, this is happening to me just today. It's kinda disorienting.
  10. As I was watching the video I just had a HUGE overwhelming sense of deja vu and I new something happened, I dont understand right now honestly I'm super confused but its crazy.
  11. I wasn't even born to be able to be here and say happy birthday. Yet here I am saying HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEO!!!!?
  12. All of the shit that I can't face the truth of in my life is coming up lately and its getting hard to deal with. I dont think I can do it.
  13. @h inandout @UnconsciousHuman thank you guys. I hope its temporary.
  14. It's so utterly pointless I don't even have a reason to go on. I don't think I have the mental capacity to succeed in the illusion of life anyways. There is so many thing I wish I could do in this life but I just can't. I'm too fucking stupid.
  15. When ever I sit down to do some meditation now a loud ringing comes up. It's so loud. Like a flashbang when off in my room.
  16. @Jacobsrw I'm sure I will find the right thing eventually
  17. @electroBeam @Pookie Exactly
  18. @fridjonk I feel like god put me here so he can do some wacky expirament
  19. @electroBeam yes, my passion is understanding reality, and I'm done faking anything else. I already have a meditation habit and I do psychedelics every so often. I do self inquiry too and even shamanic breathing.
  20. @4201 @Pookie I take psychedelics and I only noticed it two or so weeks ago on a 400ug acid trip. I had an awakening and it has been there ever since
  21. I am meditating and consuming morning glory seeds, not your traditional psychedelic, but my first ever awakening experience happened on them... wish me luck.?
  22. @Anna1 Thank you, same back?