The observer

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Everything posted by The observer

  1. @Galyna Do you journal? You're doing great, but I get the feeling that you're overwhelming yourself with many, many thoughts. A journal can help you process your thoughts slowly, and each one alone. Follow your intuition on what thoughts are most important to you. Honesty is the key to success in this work. So, good on you. Keep observing yourself. There's no rush here and there's no endpoint to be rushing towards. The standards you're limiting yourself to are irrelevant to your path. You don't need to be that detached monk to realise your true nature. Your true nature is realised through acknowledgement of where you are. If you desire pride, that's fine. Acknowledge that desire. Observe it. Don't suppress it or try to ignore it. Be yourself.
  2. @Leo Gura Do you enjoy avoiding the point of a different perspective? What you said does not change anything. It does not mean you're changing your ways. In fact, it means that you're insisting on being like you are. Who's more corrupt and who needs to fix themselves is not the point. We're all human beings and we all make mistakes. There are criminals out there that need to be controlled. Is it difficult? Sure. Is it directly relevant to my life? Probably not. But I can't see injustice and turn a blind eye to it.
  3. Dude, it sounds like you have a clinical depression. At this point, I'm pretty sure that it doesn't have to do with the thoughts. From what I've read you seem to feel depressed almost all the time. I wouldn't worry about it too much, but I wouldn't also neglect/bypass it. Take whatever action you think is necessary. And any time you feel sad, remind yourself that it's just a state, and that it isn't permanent. Also, I would exercise if I don't already. It helps tweak your brain chemicals to degrees you can't even begin to imagine.
  4. No. You first. We can keep saying that to each other forever. The world does not need more religion or philosophy. The world needs action.
  5. You don't need to do anything else. Just keep going further down this road. I would be careful here. What others say is huge might seem peanuts to you. The reaction is different from one person to another, and psychedelics exaggerate your emotional state, so that's why you see people celebrating very ordinary things or insights. That celebration is simply more delusion. Don't buy into it. It's a red herring from the actual work. In that light, you have already broken through a lot of things, you're just thinking that's ordinary. If you talk to other people who are beginners or not even on the path, you can see how much more advanced you are and how much you're discrediting your efforts. You don't have to sit down in certain positions and repeat certain mantras to practice spirituality. Once you're on the path, spirituality is practicing you. There's no you anymore. Don't be surprised (or do ?) if you find out that you are even more advanced than most of the ones that claim they are awake. Most of them are deluded. Their ego is taking ownership of their insights, and therefore all their work is useless. In fact, the fact that you are not experiencing much of these aha moments is a sign you're doing things correctly. It means you are busy working through your stuff and not wasting your time on creating unnecessary distractions. Perhaps what you really wish is for you to lose that one wish.
  6. Notice how much truth you're giving to the content of thoughts.
  7. You aren't stuck. You are Galyna. Okay, so what does that make them? How does this fit into your puzzle? If thoughts are just certain sensations, auditory labels and visual images, how can one confuse them for reality?
  8. Help who with what? I don't want help. Haven't even asked for it. I want truth and only truth. And I'm not asking for it. I'm trying to demonstrate it to you all. I've met worse than Lucifer. I've met myself. So, hi to you too. Anyway, thanks for the discussion. I can't go any further as I've been told to stop by Leo.
  9. @smurf88 I have read chapters of that book and I have fallen in love many times both with animate and inanimate beings. I have even fallen in love with thoughts and concepts. Repeatedly. Anyway, I can't discuss any further (with you either @Parththakkar12) because otherwise Leo will ban me. I've received a clear direct friendly warning. I would love to discuss but I'm sorry. I don't want to risk it.
  10. Are you asking me? I don't know. I've only read a statement on a screen. I have no idea about what you're describing.
  11. And what exactly is this 'another thought'? Don't think the answer. Find it. See it.
  12. @Leo Gura Okay. I've said enough already. The rest is up to you to realise.
  13. So, without thoughts, you're still an ego? Notice, the pov can remain without thoughts.
  14. The former. And the conflation is occurring on your side.
  15. What exactly is that ground? And how exactly is the ego related to that ground?
  16. Exactly! No offence and I'm sorry, but I can't take you seriously, simply because of your username.
  17. @WaveInTheOcean Oh, ye of little experience. Okay, okay. Time will tell. I love you too. Take care.
  18. ????? No, it ISn't. Death is a release. That's why it feels like love. When a baby is born, a mother suffers. When it dies, that suffering returns back to source as love.
  19. Haha my man. It's so freaking obvious to me that even though you consciously see yourself as God/consciousness, you are unconsciously still very much an ego. Your arrogant bashing of my point and your projection of me as a materialist clearly reflects that. Much love to you brother, you'll get there, maybe.
  20. Infinite = infinite. Love is limited by nature. It cannot be unlimited. It cannot be infinite. Not possible.
  21. Love is bias. If you love something, that means you want it to be some certain way(s) and not any other way(s). And it's relative. It changes according to your pov. For example, manure is food for trees, not humans. Trees might love it, but humans don't. No one can love their children and want them dead. That's nonsensical. Being does not require acceptance. Accept being, or deny it. It'll still be.
  22. @WaveInTheOcean Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Hold your horses, you went too far. I'm not a materialist. However, my point still stands, you will forget what you've realised, it won't even make sense to you. Remembering it will be like when you talk about it to a seeker. It will be just a thought. Or, maybe that won't happen and it will stick. Time will tell... Just giving you a heads up.
  23. @Keyhole I'm sorry for tagging you here, but I can't reach you on the personal messenger. I know you're busy these days, but I wanted to ask you a question, since I know you're one of the few experts here on this topic. Feel free to ignore it. Recently, I've been getting arousals from thinking about narcissistic women. Usually, I don't specifically find the narcissistic trait attractive for itself, but for its ramifications, like confidence, passion, energy, etc... I even dislike narcissistic men, regardless of how their narcissism manifests. Right now, it's like I subconsciously subscribe to the idea that a narcissistic woman is actually valuable simply by herself. If you don't mind sharing; what are your thoughts on this? How does it all fit with me/my personality? Is this healthy or unhealthy? How should I act on this? Any other insights would also be much appreciated. Thank you.