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Everything posted by Jodistrict

  1. It’s easier said then done. The Unitarians eliminated the mythology to the extent that the only thing they believe in is social justice and most of the members are old. The dogma does have a power to it if it is believed.
  2. If Kennedy isn't elected, you aren't going to have much of a future. Because he is the only politician that has publicly stated he will kick the neocons out of power and stop the perpetual wars. They are already planning a war in Africa. Start following the news on Niger. Victoria Nuland who was the architect of the Iraq war under Bush is now working for Biden and threatening countries in Africa. She is a true war monger. Repubican or Democrat, it makes no difference. The same people remain in power. Kennedy wants to break above the phony Republican-Democrat Party con that keeps the American voter on the hamster wheel. He is the only one who wants to work for the American people. When JFK was president it was called camelot and the country was in a high state of optimism. America's influence was at its peak. RFK, Jr believes that JFK was taken out by the CIA, and as president he will release the files so we can all see what happened.
  3. That's why it makes sense to take it in two separate doses. Take a portion and then wait to see what happens. Then trust your intuition to take the second portion.
  4. Start with 2 grams. Then wait for 90 minutes. Then based on your intuition at that time take nothing more, a half serving (1 gram) or a full (2 grams). If you take the full, that is a total of 4 grams.
  5. Science has nothing to do with religion. Science doesn’t speculate or have a metaphysics. What you are objecting to is “Scientism” , which is a speculative philosophy that claims support from science but is actually in the realm of speculation and thus not superior to the imaginations of all the other religions.
  6. Psychedelics are being over hyped and the hype is only going to get bigger now that the capitalists are having multicolored shamanic visions of dollar signs.
  7. I did a strong Brazilian chocolate rapé during a mushroom ceremony and it put me on a journey similar to 5-meo.
  8. There are a lot of people trying to turn Christianity into something it isn’t because they have an emotional attachment they don’t want to let go. Even the Unitarians, who are the most liberal Christian group, still maintain the traditional format of the protestant Sunday service because that is what they grew up with. Inventing a non dual Christianity is like being careful to buy pure food and then sprinkling it with insects. If you aren’t emotionally attached, it’s better to just drop it 100 percent.
  9. In response to the request of the first poster, here are some videos to watch. The Mind Control Cult of Christianity – How Christians use the Bible to Destroy Your mind and Soul Richard Carrier - a major historian on this subject, he believes that Jesus never actually existed. The Psychology of Christianity : focuses on the Judeo-Christian worldview
  10. Trying to figure it out just traps you tighter into the dream woven by good story tellers. Let it go and follow the path of a pure yoga. Purify your body and mind.
  11. People who say meditation doesn’t work aren’t really meditating. They may be formally sitting for a period of time, but spend that time almost completely in their head absorbed in their thought trains. If you are traumatized, the trauma can make concentration extremely difficult. Before meditating, one should also work on detoxifying the body since the body and mind are one. In the East, a guru may require that you practice morality for several years to stabilize the mind before entering a serious meditation practice.
  12. Coursera has a free course "Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT".
  13. ChatGPT is extremely useful for learning. It’s like having an interactive textbook. In the traditional method, you read a chapter and then answer the questions to test your knowledge. It is static and inflexible. With ChatGPT, you can ask “But what about this?” questions to get a more complete understanding of the subject. It is the analogy of having a list of questions to ask the professor after class. As has already been mentioned, the quality improves dramatically by training the learning algorithm to a specific subject.
  14. I have found chatgpt useful for learning Spanish. I can ask it questions about word usage that would take a lengthy search of reference material and get an instant answer. It is useless though for any controversial subject because it is heavily censored.
  15. I have taken a few science classes with Coursera. The teachers were excellent and made things clear. This is a solution for teaching basic and even advanced subjects. Have the best teachers in the world record their lectures and make them available on the Internet.
  16. Richard Feynman loved to teach. I had the pleasure of attending one of his lectures.
  17. This ice bath is for 2-3 minutes. I was instructed to just breath deeply.
  18. The SpO2 goes down during the breath hold - where you fully expel all air and then hold. You can verify this by putting a pulse oxymeter on your finger
  19. But is the intense concentration needed to see the self possible in an intoxicated state?
  20. Most psychedelics just stimulate your imagination and may activate past trauma. They still keep you in your mind. In Latin America, the plant medicines are used for both physical and mental healing. Martin Ball claims he experienced non duality with 5-meo and has written books on it.
  21. If you are concerned, you can buy a fingertip pulse oximeter blood oxygen sensor SpO2, and monitor yourself during the breath holds.
  22. The article says that. "The political leanings of young men have changed little over the past two decades, according to an analysis by the Survey Center on American Life. Last year, 43 percent of young men identified as moderate, 31 percent as conservative and 24 percent as liberal. Twenty years earlier, the numbers were more or less the same."
  23. High School boys are trending conservative
  24. Robert Kennedy, Jr. chats on Zoom with regular folks.