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Everything posted by Zanoni

  1. Recently had a discussion of a ringing in the ears in a other forum. Someone though it was tinnitus and like me and a other member had it only in the left ear. It was suspicious that most members had this phenomena happening. It is more like a short ringing and lasts for a short while and comes nowhere, for me atleast. But it feels pleasant and celestial. So we though it would be original Vibration of Aum. (channeled material, if you are openminded to it) However, I do not know the experience you are having and the severity. So I would stick to @Serotoninluv advice.
  2. There is this series called Cosmic disclosure that i watched almost since the beginning. It is about the secret space program. Unfortunately first half of the series are gone now. I think Emery Smith is now the host. Anyway, it is a interesting series. What i like about Steven Greer is his practicality for the UFO phenomena. His theories are not important in my view and neither would ufo videos on youtube be enough to convince someone that E.T. are real. He has groups around the world trying to make contact and experience this phenomena first hand and that is the best way in my opinion to show that they exist, and i respect that.
  3. This topic looks timely for the recent release of Steven Greers CE-5 movie. I recommend anyone reading this to join a CE-5 group that is near you and try it out! Seeing is believing in this case. Sometimes it can be an effable spiritual experience too. I think there is an app for this protocol if someone wants to try it out by themselves.
  4. I think people are tapping into collective cousciousness and by intuition just know that something is not right compared to what is presented in the mainstream. The problem happens when uncouscious fear and personal fantasy comes into play and exagerate the importance of the topic and adds uneccecery info. We are Creator beings and it is better to focus on our inner stable reality than put energy into a already unstable hysteria outside of us (and possibly even create it!), the misery wants our co-creative cousciousness to make misery possible. Someday these things will come up to the light and will probably not be like we though it was. Love the chaos and let go.
  5. Makes sense why some guided meditations begin with "use your own technique to bring you into relaxed state of cousciousness". Have to try it out. Seems like this dualistic construct was invisible to my perception. It dissapears out of sight when i put awareness into it, like a mirage, it is there but isnt. Have to observe it more often. Thank you both for the replies!
  6. Mindfulness seem to become a valuable practice during this time of turbulence. Have tried using mindfulness techniques that Leo explained in his vid. The thing is, when i start to focus i get this burst of presence and after a while i get into unconscious thinking intensely. Like a harmonic oscillator i go toward one end and get pulled back. It seems i cannot get a consistent daily practice out of this as the ego backlash varies in intensity every time i practice mindfulness. This seem not to be the case for regular meditation that i do 30-45 min per day focusing on nothing. Only when i start to focus on something. Any tip on how to hold a good mindfulness practice and reduce the intensity of a backlash? And lets go metaphysical. Why am i not in the now all the time and need to practice it? Is there a reason for this function of ignorance? What is time? etc. Any info is appreciated! “Time isn’t precious at all, because it is an illusion. What you perceive as precious is not time but the one point that is out of time: the Now. That is precious indeed. The more you are focused on time—past and future—the more you miss the Now, the most precious thing there is.” ― Eckhart Tolle, "The present is the child of the past; the future, the begotten of the present. And yet, o present moment! Knowest thou not that thou hast no parent, nor canst thou have a child; that thou art ever begetting but thyself? Before thou hast even begun to say "I am the progeny of the departed moment, the child of the past", thou hast become that past itself. Before thou utterest the last syllable, behold! Thou art no more the present but verily that future. Thus, are the past, the present, and the future, the ever-living trinity in one—the Mahamaya of the absolute IS. - The words of a Sage, known only to a few Occultists, The secret doctrine And some fun time with George:
  7. "The Out Of The Shadows documentary lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content. Our goal is to wake up the general public by shedding light on how we all have been lied to & brainwashed by a hidden enemy with a sinister agenda. This project is the result of two years of blood, sweat, and tears by a team of woke professionals. It’s been independently produced and funded and is available on many different platforms for free for anyone to watch. Patriots made this documentary with the sole purpose of getting the truth out there. If you like the documentary, please share this video."
  8. Yeah, some topics went off the rails. Apparently he allows us to catch our own monkey mind in the act. Can allow the thread of the Out of Shadow to be locked if wished by the mods to reduce the pollution. Even if it can create a good discussion base about those topics, many things are still unverified and still has a steady foot in the realm of conspiracy. Whatever the truth is, we can wait for it to come out instead of endlessly speculate on it here.
  9. @Rilles That is a honest observation. I think that it is not meant to convince or show concrete facts for the allegations presented, but possibly be a prelude for it.
  10. It is assuming that we can get a vaccine. Some of these viruses are hard to get a vaccine as this is a RNA virus. HIV and the common cold does not have a vaccine because they change. Possibly this virus will run through our civilization before we can get a vaccine that is tested, works and is safe. If i became sick i would test out Hydroxychloroquine (malaria medication) if i get severe/moderate symptoms than take a vaccine in its early stage of development.
  11. Usually my existential fear is triggered by anything monetary related and the ego crashes and submerges in complete hopelessness. Many intense involuntary dives into fear can bring the light into dark corners of the mind and transmute if one consciously intended to do so. It could be of help in the long term if one can handle it. I do not do psychedelics and never had such experience. Would like to hear someone address this. My mind is warped by the story, do you experience this often?
  12. It is very interesting with accusations of Bergogli. Bergoglio was a Jesuit but turned beneficent when he decided to run for papacy and choose the name of saint Francis to represent that. Not his fault that his workplace has symbols of traditions that possibly included conscious sorcery. Hope this stereotype of him will vanish. Anyway, thanks for sharing.
  13. Love and Blessings, his hearth is in place.❤️ ?
  14. A triangle pointed upward represents spirit or consciousness, it has a three fold meaning as reality of being, awareness of others, and joyful activity (sat-chit-ananda). While a triangle pointed downward represents matter or substance and meaning of stability, activity, and regularity. (tamas, rajas, sattva). The triangles together represents the macrocosm or solomons seal. While those who teachings are about consciousness, they use the triangle pointed upward as their symbol to identify themselves subconsciously to others. (like bashar or bentinho massaro trifinity academy etc) . Materialist or maleficent magicians use the downward pointed triangle (like in a cannibal forum). Sometimes the brotherhood of shadow uses positive oriented symbolism to create a negative view of it in the mind of the masses (666/goddess Venus, goddess ISIS, eastern swastika etc.) This is a over generalization, not everything has its meaning and are linked.
  15. I quoted that from the description below the video on youtube. Yeah, it sounds bit patriotic and it seems to give off a stage blue vibe from it. Anyway, it is a well-made documentary and that has gone viral recently. As said already, it should be taken with a grain of salt and dropped after watching. As there are better/higher truth vids (like Leos) out there.
  16. disintegration, begin life anew
  17. That is if they haven't done enough unauthorized evil and are sent back to the central sun for disintegration.
  18. Gurus hate him. Find out how this man got enlightened with this one simple trick.
  19. Angels and demons are beings just like us that have ascended into a polarity of services to self or services to others on a 4th or 5th density plane of cousciousness. Think Leo explained well what the devil is in this vid. When exorcism is performed it is usually on elementaries that have attached to a host for its vitality.
  20. "An all-day symposium on 5G was held in Taos, New Mexico on Sunday, August 12, 2018. Arthur Firstenberg discussed the history, science, and description of 5G, including 5G from satellites in space, and its expected effects on all living things:"
  21. Usually, we get unbearably anxious by doing the things that we think we should do instead of following what we love to do. Good choice. If you happen to search for a "regular" career or anything similar. Instead of only applying for a job and waiting for the call. Call the advertiser and ask about the job and have a short chat. Then remind the advertiser of your name and that you made the application. This will help you to stand out from the pile of applications and a better chance of an interview. Also, don't be afraid to apply for a job that needs certain qualifications that you don't have. There is a certain chance the person they are searching for could be only found on the moon and they will settle for someone with less experience than they demand. Go after that what makes you passionate, on fire and alive.
  22. Have to jump in on this, seen this practice on other forums. Day 5 30 breaths for 3 rounds, breath hold for 1min, 1:15min, 1:30min. 5min cold shower 21min mindfullness meditation
  23. Wow, what a read, felt the love reading this! It reminds me of this experience: