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About ronda

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  1. Hey everyone, I'm sharing this post to recount my harrowing experience with psychedelics, hoping that someone out there might offer some advice or relate to what I've been going through. I've always had a wild imagination and a fascination with trippy dreams, so naturally, I found myself drawn to the world of psychedelics. It all started innocently enough with LSD, which gave me some quirky visuals, nothing too alarming. But then, after a particularly intense LSD trip, things took a twisted turn. I began seeing penises everywhere after watching some porn during the trip - on everyday objects, in nature, even in the clouds! At first, it was even quite amusing, and I laughed it off, thinking it was just a weird side effect that would pass with time. But then, I made the regrettable decision to try 5-MeO-DMT, and that's when my psychedelic journey turned into a full-blown nightmare. I dove into it headfirst, taking it four times in one day, seeking an intense, deep experience. The last trip was an experience beyond words, as if an entire ocean of intensity, love, and pain surged through the very core of my being. It was like being caught in a tumultuous and magnificent wave, where time lost all meaning, and I was engulfed by the raw power of life. As the 5-MeO-DMT took hold of me, it felt like my consciousness was exploding into infinity. The boundaries of my mind dissolved, and I became one with the world. I could feel the energy of the universe flowing through every fiber of my being, connecting me to everything that ever was and ever will be. During the peak of the trip, I was immersed in a state of pure bliss and love. It was as if the very essence of love itself embraced me, cradling me in its warm embrace. I felt an overwhelming sense of interconnectedness with my family, friend, my girlfriend and all living beings, as if we were all threads woven into the tapestry of existence. But amidst the beauty and wonder, there was an undercurrent of pain and shame. It was like a deep, buried part of myself that I had been avoiding, surfacing to be acknowledged. It was an emotional rollercoaster, and I could feel tears streaming down my face as I was going trough the pent-up emotions. It was definitely too much to handle and I couldn't "let go"... Eventually, the intensity began to subside, and I found myself slowly returning to the present reality. As I came back to my senses, those pesky penis visions resurfaced literally everywhere. They were no longer amusing as they had been after previous LSD experience; instead, they felt intrusive, disgusting and overwhelming. It was as if my brain had become fixated on this bizarre imagery, unable to break free from the psychotic loop. In the days that followed, I grappled with a myriad of emotions. On one hand, I felt grateful for the transcendent experience and the connection I had felt with the universe. On the other hand, I was plagued by the relentless visions, which invaded every aspect of my waking life and even intruded upon my dreams. I desperately sought answers, scouring the internet for explanations and solutions. The more I researched, the more I learned about HPPD and the potential risks of using powerful psychedelics. My anxiety only deepened as I read about others who had faced similar challenges after intense trips and didn't come back. If anyone out there has experienced something similar or has any advice to offer, please, I beg you, share your wisdom. I still need help, and I know there are others who do too. Together, we can overcome the darkness that lurks in the wake of psychedelic experiences.
  2. Firstly, hats off to you for using your truffle trips for personal growth and self-improvement - that's really making the most out of these experiences! Given the intentions you've already mentioned (trauma healing, self-love, confidence, letting go of the past), it seems like you've got a solid focus on introspective exploration. I have a few more suggestions that you might find useful for your next trips: Being Present: Psychedelics often amplify our senses and help us immerse in the present moment. You could use this to focus on how to be more present in your everyday life. Maybe ask yourself, "How can I let go of past and future worries and appreciate the now?" Boosting Empathy: Psychedelics are known for boosting empathy and understanding towards others. You could think about how to enhance this in your day-to-day interactions. Consider questions like, "How can I develop a deeper understanding of the people around me?" Cultivating Creativity: These experiences often ignite a spark of creativity. So, ponder on what really excites you and how you can bring more of it into your life. "What are my hidden passions?" or "How can I be more creative?" could be starting points. Exploring Spirituality: Many find psychedelic experiences deeply spiritual. It could be a great opportunity to explore your personal beliefs and your connection with the universe. "What does spirituality mean to me?" or "How do I connect with the larger universe?" could be worthwhile questions. Defining Life Goals: You can also take some time to reevaluate your life's direction and set or redefine your goals. "What do I want to achieve in life?" or "What steps can I take to move closer to my goals?" could be useful to consider. Just remember, these are just ideas. Your trip is YOUR journey, and it's all about exploring what you feel you need to. Have a great and insightful journey, and feel free to share your experiences if you're comfortable doing so! Stay safe, friend!
  3. Man, I totally get where you're coming from. I've actually had a very similar experience with this psychedelic before. It's like being dropped into the deep end of the pool without any warning. You're just bombarded with this rush of thoughts, visuals, sensations, and emotions - all at once. Your description of feeling like a multi-core processor trying to process a massive amount of information all at once, resonates a lot with my experience as well. It's so intense that it can feel impossible to keep up with everything that's happening. I remember feeling pretty overwhelmed and, like you, panicked a bit. I've also found myself focusing on something familiar during my trips, just to anchor myself. It's not always a mirror or my own face, but something that I know well enough to ground me in reality amidst all the chaos. So, I can totally understand why your face in the mirror would bring you a sense of calm. You're definitely not alone in feeling like these substances can be a lot to handle. They can be physically and mentally demanding. Looking after yourself physically beforehand, like having a good diet and exercising, can indeed help to some degree. One thing I found helpful was taking some time after the trip to just rest, recharge, and reflect on the experience. Also, there's no rush to dive back in. You have all the time you need to get comfortable with the substance and find the right set and setting for you. Remember, we're all on our own journeys and it's perfectly okay to go at your own pace. Take care and feel free to share more about your experiences, it helps knowing we're not alone in this! All the best.
  4. I recently had a powerful, but not pleasant, journey with 5-MeO-DMT that I wanted to share and get your insights on. I started with two low doses, 30mg and 36mg, plugged with water. Not much happened, felt like a 0.5g mushroom trip, nothing too intense. But, in search of a deeper experience, I then decided to go for a 49mg dose dissolved in white vinegar. Background on the day: I'd been fasting with black coffee (had three that day, last one was two hours prior to my trip). I'd also had a mushroom trip a couple of days prior. As a note, I haven't been maintaining my usual meditation practice for the last four weeks. As the 5-MeO hit, I felt an incredible surge of energy, like I was about to explode from the inside, it was very unpleasant. In an attempt to cool down, I found myself wandering aimlessly and ended up in the shower, but the intensity didn't let up. At one point, I genuinely thought I was on the brink of physical death. I eventually left the shower, as the environment felt too harsh, and tried to find solace on my couch. Lying on the couch, I was still wrestling with an overpowering sensation of stimulation. I tried to surrender to the experience, to let go, but it was tough. Slowly, however, I started to become more at ease with the effects, albeit still feeling overly stimulated. But then, something shifted. An intense feeling of love and appreciation for myself, my life, and my environment swept over me. I felt a deep sense of gratitude, pride, and motivation to live my life to its fullest potential and to focus on my relationships, business, and health. During this time, a wave of nausea hit me. I had an almost surreal experience of seeing my vomit bucket everywhere, but whenever I tried to reach for it, it disappeared. After a house-wide search, I found it where it should be – in the bathroom. In reflection, it was both an inspiring and hellishly uncomfortable experience. It filled me with an incredible love for life, but the physical discomfort and stimulation were overwhelming. I was thinking that I was going to die physically. So my questions to you all are: Does this resonate with anyone else's 5-MeO experiences? Any suggestions for managing this kind of overwhelming physical stimulation? I’m suspecting the coffee didn’t do me any favors, and I definitely regret not sticking to my meditation routine. Would love to hear your thoughts and recommendations.
  5. Hey fellow psychonauts! I recently acquired what was claimed to be 5-MeO-DMT salt, and I'm a bit perplexed by its appearance. I wanted to share a video with you all to get your thoughts on whether this is how it should look. As you can see in the video, the substance appears to be extremely insoluble, almost like small crystals or chunks. Is this consistent with your experiences, or does it look different from what you've encountered? I'm curious to know if this is normal for 5-MeO-DMT salt. Now, onto my experience. Despite the unique appearance, I plugged 29mg and 31mg of this substance on two separate occasions, hoping for a strong effect. However, I didn't experience the intense effects that are often associated with 5-MeO-DMT. Instead, I noticed some mild perception changes, but nothing too profound. I'm reaching out to this community because I value your knowledge and experiences. Has anyone else encountered similar-looking 5-MeO-DMT salt? And if so, did it produce the expected effects? I'm wondering if I received a less potent batch or if there might be some other factors at play. Your insights and feedback would be greatly appreciated. Let's engage in a discussion and share our knowledge to better understand this intriguing compound. Thanks in advance for your input! IMG_1997.mp4
  6. You've got a point – worst-case scenario, I’m the guy who finds phallic forecasts in the clouds. I can see it now: my friends asking me what the weather is like, and I’m like, “Well, it’s partly cloudy with a chance guessed it!” ?️? I can picture myself as an old man, sitting on a park bench, giving unsolicited Rorschach tests to strangers using cloud shapes. A career as a phallic-symbol-focused cloud psychologist may be in my future! But in all seriousness, you’re right that the nervousness might be adding fuel to the fire. I need to remember to take a step back, maybe have a laugh, and not let this consume my daily life. I still hold that it's important to take experiences seriously and seek integration, but a spoonful of humor might just make the medicine go down a bit easier. Thanks for the chuckles and the reality check, @Israfil! The sky’s the limit! ☁️?
  7. I've tried to concentrate and change the patterns I see in the clouds and other objects. While at times, focusing my attention elsewhere or trying to perceive a different image seems to work momentarily, the phallic visuals tend to re-emerge shortly after. It's a bit like those optical illusion images where you can see two different pictures depending on how you look at it. You can switch your perception consciously for a while, but it often snaps back to the initial image, particularly if that's what you saw first. Continued effort to change my perception does seem to have a slight effect, but it's not entirely within my control. It's an ongoing process, and I am hoping that over time and with consistent effort (and possibly with the help of mindfulness practices or therapy), these visuals will begin to subside or transform. I'm curious to know if anyone else has had success with changing their recurring visuals through concentration or other strategies. Any insights are much appreciated!
  8. Greetings fellow journeyers, I recently had a rather intense and, in some respects, disconcerting experience with LSD. I'd like to share this experience and seek your insights about some surprising after-effects. Dosage: 600mcg LSD Setting: My apartment, alone. After preparing myself thoroughly, I embarked on a high-dose LSD journey. As the substance began to take effect, I was swept into a maelstrom of colors, sounds, and emotions. The reality as I knew it was replaced by an undulating dreamscape of vibrant patterns and interconnected thoughts. At one point in my journey, driven by an impulse I couldn't quite understand, I decided to watch some adult content. The specific content was rather typical – a heterosexual couple engaging in consensual sexual activity. Strangely, this experience felt less physical and more cerebral. It was as if I was observing the fundamental human instincts and desires laid bare. As the trip unfolded, I experienced an overwhelming sense of unity with the universe. I felt my consciousness expand into a boundless ocean, dissolving my sense of self into a shared cosmic consciousness. However, after the trip, a strange pattern started to emerge. As weeks passed, I began seeing phallic shapes and symbols everywhere. From clouds to architecture to patterns on textiles, my mind seemed to continually associate and morph the mundane into the shape of male genitalia. Now, I’d like to ask this community for insights: Has anyone experienced such persistent visuals or symbols after a high-dose LSD trip, specifically relating to sexual content? How can these recurring visuals be interpreted? Are they a common after-effect of intense psychedelic experiences, and can they indicate a psychological or neurological process? What strategies or practices could be useful to navigate and integrate these visuals into daily life? Are there resources (books, articles, forums) that discuss the after-effects of LSD or other psychedelics, especially when they involve a shift in perception related to sexual themes? I truly appreciate any insights, guidance, or shared experiences. The journey was transformative, but the after-effects were unexpected, underscoring the profound and unpredictable nature of these substances. Thank you!
  9. Check out Russ Ruffino content, he has a great training program for coaches who want to get clients It's pretty expensive tho, but will definitely save you years of trial and error in marketing and sales + its all about attracting high-ticket clients, which is nice if you want live from coaching Good luck!