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Everything posted by Osaid

  1. My intuition tells me that something as basic as food shouldn't be this complicated. I feel like we are too logical when it comes to food, if that makes sense, which is why Sadghuru's take intrigues me so much. I'm not sure if it is from hindu or pranic culture or not, but I've even heard this idea that certain types of people will require different types of food for energy. Like for example, someone who is very logical might have an affinity towards a certain type of food. And there is also this idea that the fruits and vegetables which are cultivated during certain seasons are the types of food which you need to eat during that season. For example, during winter time, certain foods will be able to grow and certain foods wont, in this theory it says that you should optimally only eat the things which will grow during winter and that will fuel you the best during that season. Very interesting stuff. There are definitely outliers when it comes to how people respond to certain food, probably more than are accounted for. I don't think waiting for conclusive empirical evidence to come out in order to start eating healthy makes sense. Are you really gonna delegate the entirety of your health to scientific studies which you will have to wait for? I think we need to go back to a more basic and intuitive approach. We didn't have scientific studies when we lived in jungles. However, I have to admit, society has made it very hard to understand what is healthy and what isn't. If it weren't for scientific studies, I probably wouldn't be able to untangle myself out of those ideas about food which society pushed onto me. I would probably be eating much worse right now, so I have to give credit there.
  2. Hahahaha, wonder how many times you've had to answer the "but isn't it just a hallucination" question
  3. No problem. I usually don't start my own topics but I especially liked how holistic and spiritual Sadghuru's take on coffee is, it really stuck out to me among the many other opinions you find on coffee or addictive substances. I think the ending sentence is a good summary: "What you do to yourself should always be by choice; don't do it in ignorance. Even if you walk into your death, you must do it consciously, that's all I'm saying."
  4. Same. I do drink it daily just for the taste. But I can come off it cold turkey and have 0 withdrawals. The only way for me to perceive any energetic benefit is if I am extremely tired or sleep-deprived prior to taking it, otherwise it just maintains my baseline level of energy.
  5. Yeah, typical prana-based stuff. Whether something is positive-pranic or negative-pranic seems fundamentally random, although I haven't looked too deeply into it myself. His approach on food seems to be very spiritual and intuitive, which is not something I entirely dislike. I think there is a lot to be learned from his perspective on food, and I personally find it very interesting. I think he is perhaps correct on a lot of different things, but the way he describes it might come off as unorthodox or unscientific. He will even say some foods will make you heat up and make you feel "overheated". All you really need to do to test what he says is to try eating them yourself and pay close attention to how it affects your body. Fundamentally, he tries to teach you to pay close attention to how your body responds to food and how to become in tune with the innate intelligence of your body and how it balances itself. Me personally, coffee and caffeine in general affects me very differently than how it affects normal people. I can drink coffee for 6 months straight and come off it cold turkey with absolutely 0 withdrawals. I only drink it for taste. Caffeine doesn't even give me an energy boost per say, all it does to me is that it maintains my baseline level of energy. The only way for me to notice any energetic effect from caffeine/coffee is if I am extremely tired or sleep deprived prior to taking it. All in all, certain foods will affect certain people differently, pay attention to your body.
  6. You will experience a dopamine detox and obviously you will much be hornier. You might feel like you have more energy or motivation, which I assume comes from the dopamine detox or even just the extreme horniness. You might as well try it out for a bit just to see how it affects you personally. IME any noticeable benefits will cap at about day 10. No real point in going further than that IMO. Your sexual pleasure and horniness isn't gonna change much from that point on. I've done 30 days and it made me "flatline" and my libido and sensitivity down there has been very weird ever since, not in a desirable way. I would say my sexual health was better before the whole ordeal, but I have learned much more about sex and masturbation because of it, so there is bad and good to come of it.
  7. That sounds epic I feel like you have been touching more on this recently, even without this recent awakening
  8. + = hahahahaha maybe it's time to add more cheese to the diet, true integration
  9. Interesting, I think that makes a bit more sense Can you clarify what you mean by "Omniscient" here? I recall you saying before that omniscience will not tell you what lottery numbers will win in the future, because at that state lottery numbers and the future don't even exist as they are within the relative domain. Wouldn't "other humans" be within the same category? But it seems you are making a claim which says other humans aside from yourself have not experienced something like this. Does this mean that this particular state of omniscience was somewhat different than your previous states of omniscience?
  10. Is it possible to elaborate on this further? Or can it only be left at a logical paradox? When you say "identical", are you talking about physical features? Were you and this creature merged into one entity simultaneously, does that sound right? And also, how was this state initially induced? How do you know this? Anyways, it does sound like a pretty cool mouse. Wish I could experience something of the like.
  11. Interesting. I also think the whole omega 6 ratio thing needs to be looked at much more holistically, and it's especially tricky when it comes to diets. Nuts also have relatively higher omega 6. I find it hard to believe that something as nutritionally dense as nuts would be "bad" or "inflammatory" because of this unbalanced ratio. Actually, if we take nuts for example, nuts have a lot of anti-inflammatory compounds in addition to the unbalanced omega 6. I don't think we need to be worried about inflammation when eating nuts, that doesn't make sense to me, and I don't think anyone has experienced inflammation from eating nuts. There are compounds in nuts which we need to consider in addition to the omega 6. I think we have to be more holistic by looking at what is also being eaten alongside certain fats, like omega 6 fatty acids. Well, I would wonder where the saturated fats are coming from and what they are being eaten with. Same thing for seed oils. I actually read an article from The Nutrivore recently, and there was an interesting point about how vitamin E can actually slow down the rate at which fat oxidizes. It really emphasizes the idea of being holistic and seeing what is being consumed alongside certain fats. Same reasoning as above. Polyunsaturated fats are less stable so they oxidize easier which leads to increased free radicals. This is true, but seed oils in particular tend to have an especially concerning processing which involves hexanes and deodorizing methods and extremely high temperatures. I've seen a few articles of theirs here and there, I will definitely look into them deeper though.
  12. True, INTPS suck, always stuck in their heads smh Same. I was actually reading your journal yesterday and thought "the way this guy writes down his contemplations is so similar to mine, I wonder if I should ask him if he's an INTP" and lo and behold
  13. @Michael569 What's your take on seed oils? More specifically, these concerns: -The unbalanced omega 6 to 3 ratio -How easily it oxidizes -How high it is in polyunsaturated fat -The extreme processing it often goes through Thanks in advance.
  14. Good point. There is a nuance to be addressed when it comes to being selfless and thriving in the survival domain at the same time. IMO, higher levels of selflessness can come later once you've burned through your materialistic desires and achieved stability in the material domain, otherwise you will be at a detrimental position materially and you won't really be able to accomplish things on a grander scale from that position. How are you gonna help the world when you're living paycheck to paycheck? Leo does talk about this balancing act between survival and selfishness, but maybe not enough.
  15. When you realize you are in a dream, you also realize that whatever you imagine and feel is what is going to manifest, so then of course you are going to start imagining things that you want and like. But, when you're not aware you're in a dream, you imagine things that you don't want and things that scare you and things that you don't like, because you're not aware it's affecting your entire dreamscape. You imagine yourself to be at mercy of the dream. So, in a sense, you are still controlling the dream while you are not lucid, but in an unconscious and detrimental way. Dreams are very sensitive to emotion and thought. If you are in a dream and you are scared that some monster will appear behind you, then something will appear behind you and scare you. Reality becomes much more dreamlike for sure. You can apply certain principles from the dream realm to reality, like the ones I listed above, and usually it corresponds pretty well. You can actually gain a lot of insights by comparing the metaphysics of the dream world to the waking world and then realizing that it actually works the same way on both ends. Physical reality is also sensitive to emotion and thought, but I would say to a much lesser degree than the dream world, at least from the baseline state of consciousness. This is kind of what it means for something to be "physical". So it differs from dreams in that sense. You have to have to stick to your emotions and imagination for much longer to start seeing that manifest in physical reality. I have also experienced moments where my thoughts and feelings will manifest rather quickly. It seems to vary. It might be possible to get better at doing this, but I don't really know how. You might start experiencing synchronicities or serendipity much more often. Things you are thinking about will just appear in front of you out of "coincidence".
  16. Probably one of the most detrimental limiting beliefs
  17. Right, but there is no other way to write, because language is inherently dualistic. The best you can do is write in paradoxes, that way you can point to something beyond finitudes and dualisms. Perception = existence, is probably the most direct way to put it. Leo actually has an entire video on this exact point:
  18. The beach continues "seeing" itself, without an ego identity to take authority over that "seeing" Is that what you mean?
  19. https://youtu.be/n6iOUW523BE (link isn't allowed to embed)
  20. Apple cider vinegar will help a lot with insulin response. Also eating fibrous foods that are low in carbs and sugar. And going for a walk or exercising.
  21. I just realized he addresses this exact point later on in the video, I myself was in the process of finishing it lol
  22. This might be necessary to truly realize the quote above. Stage orange karma and survival needs should be met first instead of repressed prematurely, otherwise it will come to bite you in the ass when you truly try to transcend to a higher stage. I don't think he would want you to stop pursuing sex and money. I mean, he has an entire 3 part series on how to get laid. Maybe later down the road we will have the position to detach ourselves from such things.
  23. I've come to a similar conclusion. Gender labels are good from a societal standpoint. They're practical. They keep things in order. They're useful. But they are not entirely accurate. Just cause it's useful doesn't mean it's based on truth. Sexual attraction is too nuanced and fluid to really be put in boxes. You will always find some small instance where you're like "OMG did that really just turn me on... but I thought I was attracted to something else.. how is this possible" and then your brain malfunctions because you convinced yourself that gender always comes in strict labels and boxes. It reminds me of animals that are classed as herbivores, but will eat animals in favorable situations, like deers eating birds and squirrels. The label herbivore is useful, but not entirely truthful to the nature of the animal.
  24. Hypnotize into awakening? So like, a guided meditation or this