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Everything posted by Osaid

  1. I don't think it is basic or semantic or "hair-splitting" to convince people that infinity is antithetical to being human and located in a future. "Annoy" by contesting that idea? Being misguided or deluded about what you are feels bad. Just trying to prevent that.
  2. It's obligatory for me to interject everytime you talk about infinity.
  3. Might as well say "infinity exists somewhere other than what exists right now" or might as well even say "infinity doesn't exist." You are just talking about the future here, not infinity. "Lack" is created through mental inference/imagination. Not through infinity.
  4. Goddamn. As expected though. Highly religious sects will inevitably have to employ narcissistic tactics which end up causing some form of trauma in the long run. No other way to create compliance, and compliance creates sustainability to a certain point. I find highly religious countries to be a breeding ground for narcissism or NPD for those reasons.
  5. But that's good because it makes her submissive and easy to marry!
  6. If it is one substance, where is the space for a sense of self? If there is one simultaneous physical occurrence (looking = eyes + rock), where is the space for a sense of self? Certain identities have different limitations than others which feel different. The persistent "block" you feel is probably a result of being stuck in that medium of imagination; the medium of imagining yourself in various different ways, and the constant desire to imagine a better and more accurate version of yourself. Don't know either. If you can't find it in your experience, then the idea of it doesn't really matter much. What really matters is what this means to you and how that makes you feel. What does it make you imagine about yourself and how does that make you feel? And is it accurate to imagine yourself that way? Hope is a desire to alleviate a current feeling of sadness through a future situation of love. This statement implies to me that an illusion is present which prevents love. This cannot be the case if it is truly illusion, because how can something unreal like illusion prevent something real like love? It simply must be a misperception, and that misperception cannot have power beyond being a misperception. Similar to saying "Santa Claus makes me hopeless or prevents love." The fear you feel towards the imagined self is actually equivalent to the love you feel towards yourself, it is all the same simultaneous occurrence. It is a desire to protect yourself from the imagination of yourself which creates fear. That desire is motivated by the love you have towards yourself, and the love that you already are. It is great to realize what you are, or aren't. In essence, you are a thing that is constantly trying to feel great or be great. Imagining yourself feels bad because it isn't you. It contradicts what you are, and so it threatens you. The great part is that it isn't you and it can't be you. For example, if it feels bad to see things as hopeless, that is you retaliating against the imagination of yourself as "hopeless", in the same way you would retaliate against a bear which threatens you.
  7. It actually doesn't. That's just how it seems when you try to intellectually perceive non-duality. It's more like realizing that all duality is made of imagination or thought. It doesn't exclude it, it just perceives it more accurately. That might be a better way of looking at it. It's like someone comes up to you and says "I think that I'm a unicorn" and you're like "no you're not actually a unicorn, it's an imagination of a unicorn, you're just thinking it" and then they're like "no you can't just exclude unicorns like that." Like I'm not excluding anything, you're just imagining something and then also imagining that it isn't imagination on top of that. That's exactly how duality works. When you look at duality as something existential beyond your imagination, you're mistaking the map for the territory, the map being your literal imagination. When I say infinity or infinite I am talking about an awareness of something which is genuinely not limited by anything that exists. You cannot perceive something like that through some kind of intellectual definition, only through awareness itself. In the same way that you can't perceive sound or color through intellect, you can only partially grasp it through certain words and definitions, but those words and definitions never capture that "thing" itself. This is exactly correct. Because any framing is by definition not infinite or non-dual. It must exist outside of any frame, and so logic or intellect or imagination can't ever touch it.
  8. You are still looking at infinity as if it is math or logic or incremental or relative.
  9. You are actually in the same position, since you criticize other peoples understanding of infinity, which implies that you have your own understanding of infinity. You are just teaching dualisms because you never saw through duality. And it's not like you deny that since you like to scoff at non-duality.
  10. Which means it was not infinite. You can't ascribe lack to something and then call it infinite, because if it lacks something then it is finite in some way. This reminds me of the mathematical infinity which I talked about a bit here: You're trying very hard to fit infinity into something relative but it just wont work.
  11. I can agree with this much. Yes, reality is magical AF.
  12. Yes, because the concepts and meanings point to something existential. A contradiction is logical incoherence. It is pure intellect, there is nothing existential to it beyond being an intellectual blunder. It's two streams of logic opposing each other. Therefore it doesn't symbolize anything outside of itself; therefore it actually points to nothing existentially. It self-terminates because it doesn't ever reach outside of itself. When you talk about contradictions you are talking about nothing but your imagination, existentially. The contradiction is pure intellect therefore it does not ever capture reality or infinity or anything beyond itself. A paradox is not logical incoherence. It is a logical conclusion which escapes the logic itself. To say it another way, it is something that escapes logic, but you can point to it using logic. Like the sound of music. Or the smell of a flower. Or a strange loop. Logic is something that divides. When it encounters something that cannot be divided, you call that thing a paradox. That paradox you encounter is not a contradiction, it is simply something which exists that cannot be divided by logic. It exists as one undivided thing. To call that contradictory is a function of your logic opposing that thing, not the thing itself, thus it is an anthropomorphization on your part. It has nothing to do with that undivided thing, but it is an assumption or standard created through your divisive logic. Sorry to be so anal about it, but it's because the contradiction is actually a big red flag and it should be scrutinized more instead of shrugged off as "reality is just paradoxical so we can contradict ourselves as much as we want" haha.
  13. They are features in that they are both imaginary divisions and dualities. Nothing else.
  14. No. Contradiction is a feature of logic and intellect, which you presuppose onto non-dual reality. Reality is not intellect, and non-duality is not intellect either. Only intellect can contradict because only intellect can compare and contrast. To consider reality as intellect is anthropomorphization. Contradiction is a statement you make which opposes itself. You imagine that reality should be a certain way when it isn't, then you perceive this as contradiction. Contradiction is also different from paradox. More on that here:
  15. I'm not really making any judgments or assumptions about him because the truth is I have no idea what he thinks or what his intentions are. I'm just reporting what I have personally noticed about him. It seemed like he really didn't care about the pain until the last second, like you said. And he has healed himself every time. And it is a rare occurrence to begin with. So good for him I guess and I hope he recovers well. Will be interesting to see him back later on.
  16. You are not afraid of hell. You are afraid of the idea of it. That is why you are also afraid to let go of the idea of Catholicism. Catholicism and hell are both the same idea. Liberate yourself.
  17. I never got that impression actually. It seems he reduces it down to "intuition" and then applying that to what you eat and do essentially. "Your body tells you what nutrients you need", that kind of idea.
  18. Completely out of left field advice here cause this seems super multi-faceted, but the word that immediately came to my mind was "cortisol." It seems like some kind of dysfunctional cortisol response. This would also explain the comorbid lack of libido. You can't be aroused with high cortisol or stress. I have had an acute high stress period in my life before where the cortisol response basically induced what I can describe as like a "temporary depression", it felt like a lingering feeling of doom or anxiety that wouldn't go away until I ate a piece of bread to curb the cortisol response.
  19. I don't get your point. That you'll get brain bleed if you follow Sadghuru?
  20. There are a few things which I can't fully contest but I am suspicious about. Like the 4 hours of sleep thing. Weirdly enough, there is literally a genetic condition which brings down your sleep quota to only about 4 hours, so maybe he actually has that, so that's actually more believable. But there was one time where he talked about how he healed his ankle just by sitting with it or something, like a sped up healing process.
  21. I've gotten that stubborn illness-defying vibe from him before. I think he got sick on a ship once and basically refused treatment from everyone. To be fair it seems he did heal afterwards.
  22. Yeah that part didn't seem like a joke. Didn't the doctors conclude that they fixed it? He probably just meant that he is fully recovering. That's how I interpret it at least. Ayurveda is a pretty good approach to diet and I agree with him that most ailments tend to come from diet. Perhaps he is experiencing the latter 5% of ailments. Who knows what caused the brain bleed in the first place though.
  23. I was planning on it, starting to seem circular at this point.
  24. You don't enjoy the logic. There is logic behind it. But that's not what is pleasurable. You can't enjoy taste without taste. Taste is not logic. It is a sensation. There is no logic in hearing a good song, and there is no logic in experiencing the benefits of that. It is pure sensation.