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Everything posted by Osaid

  1. It seems that there is a pattern. You have seekers here hooked by Leo's work. Some of them eventually become enlightened and then "turn" on Leo but still linger around haha. It is always the case that it is rare to get. I think that can change if it is communicated properly. I still think it is an anomaly that there are a few who have ended up on this forum. You are right though, most of the forum has assimilated all of Leo's ideas. The psychedelics can create powerful delusions.
  2. The biggest plot twist ever when you realize that the explanation for reality is no explanation at all. The intellectual ego mind recoils at even the thought of such a revelation.
  3. You don't have to be one, but you can be nice to one. If you make people happy, then they will make other people happy, which creates peace. Embodying love is good, but then how can you practically do that? Thinking about how loving you are is not love, it is just thinking. What can you do about it? I think peace can be simple. If you are in a pleasant mood, you will automatically interact with the things around you in a pleasant way. This can involve being nice to a cashier, or helping an injured kitten on a road. There is no need to think about how loving you are when you are being loving.
  4. I needed a few more rounds in Leo's wonderland before I was done with it.
  5. I remember reading this thread and thinking you were deluded for thinking that some random state of nothingness was the explanation for all of reality hahaha. How things change.
  6. You do seem insane to me. You are interpreting things around you in a very idealistic and fantastical way. Your ideas about spirituality and saving people stand out to me. I think it is worth questioning more deeply what you want to do with yourself. How are other people going to take your approach? Has someone else tried your approach before you? I like the intention of making a peaceful world. Instead of trying to become an MMA fighter, wouldn't being nice to the cashier at the store be more realistic and practical in making a difference?
  7. The color red analogy, my ultimate trump card.
  8. Big red flag when someone claims that they are aware of themselves as God, but then still have questions about God. That is an oxymoron. You are either aware of it or not. Just like you can't be partially aware of the color red. You either see it or you don't. This is exactly how being aware of anything works. Anyways, I think people forget that "God" is still fundamentally a manmade word, and all your ideas about it were either created by you or other people. It is all just meant to describe whatever is happening right here. Are you aware of what is happening here, or just your ideas of it? 100%.
  9. I don't disapprove of him, I was just pointing out the fixation on him. I think he is enlightened for what it is worth. It makes it much easier to discern. I am just saying I don't see anything really indicating it here. Maybe he is, but nothing here indicates that to me, and so I don't see a reason to think that he is.
  10. Maybe later on, haha. I will probably be much more careful about how I introduce it, I probably won't even use the word enlightenment because people have so many ideas around that term already. I only use that term on this forum because I think people are more receptive to that kind of spiritual vocabulary here.
  11. Maybe he is an insightful person, I'm not discounting all his stuff, but enlightenment is its own thing which should not be conflated with the stuff he is teaching, which seems to be a mix of buddhist teachings and energy work. I am enlightened, that is why I am so adamant about making the distinction between someone who is and isn't enlightened.
  12. "Enlightenment is a simple realization..." *spends the rest of the video talking about reincarnation, Sadghuru, Buddhism, and then never addresses what enlightenment is* Ok, just scrolled through his channel, and literally all his videos are either Sadghuru, Buddhism, or reincarnation. So yeah summed it up pretty well there lmao.
  13. Oh man, don't bring me into this. But yeah, good summary.
  14. First and foremost, nothing. From there can be love, food, and the rest of life.
  15. Thank you for the reminder. Welcome back. It can seem hard at first to stop thinking and start smelling. You cannot think about a rose, you can only look at it and smell it. It is wise not to create philosophies out of such an experience.
  16. No, not the omnipresent non-dual one. The question makes no sense in that context. You might be able to make contact with some alien overlord running the simulation though, which gets close to the relative materialistic idea of God I guess.
  17. No, there is no "more enlightened." It is binary. You are either aware of it or you aren't. You can either see the color red, or you can't. You are either hearing sound, or you aren't. There are no levels to it. Higher or lower is a duality which exists in intellect and ideology. None of what you said is enlightenment, it is just your idea of it that you have strung together from your exposure to people who seem enlightened. The desire to cling to ideas about enlightenment without being aware of what it is perpetuates the problem I am talking about. You cannot realize something without embodying it. That means it is simply an intellectual or logical realization, not a genuine one. The lack of embodiment is simply a cognitive dissonance between your intellect and your genuine perception of experience.
  18. There was probably none of that, just the guise of one. This is why I clearly make a binary distinction between someone who is or isn't enlightened. It is binary. Either you are aware of what you are or you aren't. Otherwise, you have turned reality and non-duality into an unsustainable ideology. You have replaced your previous ideology with a newer and more spiritual one, but at the end of the day, it is still ideology and it does not transcend that medium.
  19. In the form of sativa edibles, yes. I don't have any other experiences with marijuana. What it did was that it stunted my ability to think about the past or future. My experience became very "light" and "dreamlike" as a result because there was absolutely no context to it. It felt like I was just stuck in one moment for hours, there was absolutely zero interaction with time. When I had a memory of the past, it felt like a dream I had 1000 years ago, it was very hard to perceive. It felt like my knowledge of the past and future was constantly "rebooting", it would start forming, and then instantly vanish and attempt to reform itself again. So my short term memory was completely screwed, all my knowledge and perception had to be based in what was presently going on (I believe this is what creates the paranoia commonly associated with marijuana). Apparently I did not stop talking a single moment for about 6 hours straight, because everytime I talked it felt like it was the first time I ever talked. The only thing I could do was just constantly talk about what I was experiencing, because there was nothing else to talk about, I could not refer to past or future. No clue how this is considered "recreational." If I had to theorize, an enjoyable or recreational experience would have the same mechanism but to a lesser degree, similar to how alcohol stunts your ability to think about the future. But for me, the dial was turned to 100 and I could not access past or future functionally at all, then it slowly started to wear off.
  20. Lol, I literally took 15mg edibles (supposedly a beginners dose) incrementally over the course of hours with all the necessary precautions, and then hours later all of a sudden my ability to imagine the past and future basically vanished in an instant. People have no clue how these things actually work or affect people.
  21. Yep, that is exactly what happened. From my perspective, it really does look like some kind of subtle psychosis, and not all of it on the forum is even very subtle at all. I believe this only really happens through the psychedelic route. You will not find anyone paranoid about solipsism in a workshop or ashram or Zen monastery.
  22. This is just human nature, or more accurately, ego nature. Spiritual views do not put you above it. I also noticed a misanthropic bias when it comes to spirituality, but perhaps moreso in the psychedelic circles. Many factors can be pointed out, but I believe part of it is the beautiful and blissful states that psychedelics create, combined with the contrast in coming back down to the baseline human experience and having to live there. Not as much as any other person. If it is someone chronically taking psychedelics, I believe that creates a higher potential for closed-mindedness though. With psychedelics, there is an initial moment of "wow I don't know what reality is" which moves into "the psychedelics showed me that this is what reality is, I need more psychedelic experiences so I can piece it all together, no, you're wrong, you just need to take more psychedelics." Psychedelic experiences are very powerful. In strength, it is like experiencing being robbed or having your house burned down. It is very radical and real. Humans already imagine bearded men in the sky from their baseline state, imagine what kind of beliefs psychedelics would create.
  23. They are definitely merged with infinity, that is what not having an ego means. Animals don't even make the distinction between outward and inward to begin with.