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Everything posted by TheSelf

  1. So what's understanding, let's get into it a bit, let me know your thoughts.
  2. A pointer, yes, because the individual is seeking it, you are not forced to believe what has been said, you can verify if it's true or not in any way you like, you are free to explore everything else, you are not promised you go to heaven sleeping with hottest chicks you can have if you believe me. There's a big difference man. What has been taught as a teaching is to help ones individual in their personal journey, at some point the teachings will be droped, you won't take anything as faith like relegion. Please understand that nobody tell anybody to take anything as faith, brainwashing is not happening here, Liberation and realization is the result of looking inward for example, nobody says if you don't believe that you are God, you'll go to hell burn there forever. An individual may come to you asks for guidance about how to achieve spiritual liberation , you say go look inward, do self-inquery, the individual will experience a bit and see some results as a result of directly applying the techniques and experiencing for himself, and eventually drop everything being thought and archives what he was seeking. No in any sense you can categorize spirituality and relegion in one fucking bottle!! You do practices because you want to, because you experminted with them and it deeply resonates with you, nobody put pressure on you or tell you it would be your duty to meditate like performing Salat or Namaz in islam, you go to hell as a muslim if you don't worship, but won't go to hell if you dont sit and close your eyes and watch your flow of breathes lol Nobody is here to be part of relegion lol you are here because you find stuff you read here useful in your spiritual journey, because it's a group of people wanting to share and take each others hand and grow together in their journey ❤️
  3. Let me know where to look at exactly. That's when they are no longer spiritual but religious, spirituality is about a journey within yourself, Let's delve into the difference between a spiritual individual and religious one: A religious person typically adheres to specific doctrines, rituals, and practices prescribed by their relegion or organized faith community, often participate in organized worship services, follow religious laws or commandments, and may adhere to a particular set of beliefs about morality, salvation, and the afterlife. In contrast, you dont see a true spiritual person adhere to any specific religious doctrine or belong to a particular religious community. They may engage in ancient spiritual practices such as meditation, mindfulness, yoga, etc.. to cultivate a deeper connection to themselves, others, and the universe. Spirituality is personal and focuses on an individual's inner journey, seeking meaning, purpose, and connection to something greater than oneself (or better to say realization of true self by droping false ideas about oneself) through exploration of methods and finding what resonate ir works on them through direct experience, BIG DIFFERENCE right?!!
  4. The experience of understanding something is satisfying thou you could understand something wrong doesn't matter, it's satisfying to understand something, It's like happiness, when do something to get happiness and you smile or laugh, you feel good, you feel uplifted, understanding feels uplifting and satisfying!
  5. You could understand something right or wrong, but at the moment of understanding it, you know that you understood it, Understanding is not becoming more or less conscious, it's a different matter, though could lead you to experience shift of state in your consciousness, Understanding is not becoming aware of new information you didn't know, Imagine you have bunch of dots in a paper and you connect the dots to come up with a recognizable pattern, those dots could be information, and the pattern is understanding of it, though it's in your mind, that pattern could be seen and understood differently in another person 🤔 So what's understanding itself.
  6. Any specific figures you wanna talk about?
  7. True, cause spirituality is designed to keep you entertained in it's realm. As long as one is doing any sort of spiritual practice, he won't break out of the spiritual bottle, you could sit and practice for a milion year, still being stucked in spiritual realm.
  8. I'm enjoying the game by participating in these conversations
  9. Not any scientists, but some of them yeah For example watch this interview Sadhguru had with this scientist: and watch this one also, you'll be surprised:
  10. Haha, this can go forever, Awareness is infinitely aware of himself. I can create another layer and call it The unconditioned love as if it's even beyond your The unconditioned!!
  11. Let's forget about relegion, in Yoga we have Bhakti yoga or Karma yoga, if you know what these are I was talking about achieving a similiar experience and realization through these aids.
  12. Okay, but mainstream science don't give a damn about spirituality or God, metaphysics, etc. they think of the universe or reality in physical matter and believe a complete understanding of what it is can only be achieved through the way they do science and their methods and instruments. Let me know if I'm wrong.
  13. There's a possibility to lose yourself or reach awakening with praying or worshiping or doing any kind of act in which it helps to weaken or lose your ego, once that happen the reality will shine in your experience, you might get a glimpse of your true nature. It's simple.
  14. But they do claim what the reality or existence is can be understood through science. And obviously it's not absolutely true.
  15. Sorry for that model I should've said awakening not understanding, you can reach the truth through relegion also, through prayer or whatever. But I'm not sure, probably just some degrees of awakening.
  16. Another way to look at it but close to the original model.
  17. @Leo Gura I had the same openion, but then I thought about it more and I think there are some religions which is close to non-dualism like sufism probably therefore closer to spirituality, sience couldn't be closer to the Truth than this. Sience can never understand the reality with physical instruments and it's methods. What do you think?
  18. You didn't understand what the model is about.
  19. Wrong, in general it could be inside the spirituality but never beside it. It's about which one is closer to the Truth, if you think sience is closer to the Truth by trying to figure out what the reality is by looking at the center of cosmos with big giant ass telescopes then put it beside the relegion or even spirituality for yourself.
  20. Just to clear what the picture is represents, though its very clear It's about which one is closer to the Truth, which obviously spirituality is closer than relegion or science but even that is just something consciousness made up to keep you entertained, all the yoga practices, meditation techniques, spiritual figures, deities, everything is made up by consciousness.
  21. The model is quite right about the relationship between spirituality and relegion, so no it shouldn't.
  22. Inside the relegion in a tiny bottle with big head and the man is looking up at religious man laughing so hard lol This would be hardcore materialist atheist scientist