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Everything posted by DefinitelyNotARobot

  1. BTW I didn't take anything. I didn't try any weird practices. It just happened all by itself.
  2. I was also aware of this analogy beforehand, but that experience allowed me to grasp it on a deeper level. I was making music while on LSD and I had a spontaneous insight into how what I was doing connected to the larger scheme of reality, so I thought I'd share that connection with y'all. I've heard about that before. Here is a good explanation: Don't worry, your reply is relevant since we were talking about how music connects to reality.
  3. I was tripping on LSD and a word came to me. Spirit Modulator. The idea of modulation in this case is taking from my experience in music and the idea of frequency modulation. Here is a quick video explaining the idea of frequency modulation. This idea could also basically be applied to the idea of color. If you mix two colors together you get a different color. So you could say that psychedelics are a manifestation as the same consciousness you are, but they represent a different shade or frequency. When this frequency is introduces into your base vibration it creates a bunch of weird frequency shifting. When you listen to a song, you're listening to a single wave of sound (well if you're listening on headphones you're technically hearing two waves for each ear, but your brain turns it into a single sensation anyway), but this wave is constantly being modulated, thus you hear multiple instruments, notes and chords. Similarly, this reality is made of a single infinite wave which modulates itself into an infinite amount of forms. Psychedelics are a reflection of this infinite capacity for modulation. That was my insight, I'd like to hear your thoughts on it.
  4. I prefer to use software because I can categorize and sort everything much more efficiently. It allows you to access the other material much more easily and to connect/link files together, so that you maintain a broader view of everything. It's basically like a mental map.
  5. I'm surprised we haven't been seeing more of this type of escalation. Probably because your Jeff Bezos type of billionaire doesn't spent much time around the average Amazon worker, working in a warehouse. Your immediate boss is usually just a sock puppet for someone even higher up, so I suppose that is why workers haven't been retaliating against their boss. But we will definitely begin to see more of this in the future. AI will could cost a lot of jobs, which might make a lot of people angry. The current mental health crisis we're facing won't make any of this better either.
  6. There is some truth to that. Humans do not HAVE consciousness, but they are a manifestation of it. You could call some of these manifestations more "radiant". The same consciousness appearing in different shades. But there are also states where you perceive no individual consciousness. The world, or consciousness itself, simply seems to be conscious of itself, without any personal agenda. It almost feels like you're walking through a lucid dream. Reality itself seems to be looking back at "you". When you talk to another person in that state, there is no perception of " 'they' have a 'higher/lower' consciousness than 'me' ", there simply is consciousness. I'm not calling either perspective the right one. They're simply two possibilities out of an infinite ocean of potential.
  7. That's what I'm basically saying. I perceive unconsciousness as a leak in memory. It's a type of disregularity within our narrative of reality. If I had some kind of device to implant memories into your mind, and I used it right as you woke up to implant memories of partying all night into your mind, you wouldn't know that you were unconscious. You would think that you were conscious all night, partying and doing whatever. Similarly, if I got black out drunk and woke up in my bed next morning with no recollection of how I got home, I would claim to have been unconscious, because there seems to be a hole in the narrative of my reality. So I agree that unconsciousness can appear within this narrative frame work, but you could also say that all accounts of "unconsciousness" exist relative to this Consciousness. By this I mean now.
  8. You assume "high conscious people" to be people, but really you project your own sense of personhood. "Other" is just a reflection of your own nature. If you believe yourself to be a tiny, little human, that's what the "other" will reflect back to you. If you become conscious of yourself beyond your personhood, you will also transcend the personhood of "other people". You will realize that the wisdom of others is just a reflection of your own wisdom. The consciousness of others is just a reflection of your own consciousness. It's all one. You can look at people and say that some are more conscious than others, that's a valid perspective, but you could also transcend this duality entirely and see consciousness expressing itself in infinite way. Both are expressions of consciousness so there is no right answer.
  9. This. Psychedelics make use of your minds natural potential. What is that potential? I'd describe it as a certain open-mindedness which you need to cultivate by deconstructing limiting beliefs, ideas and assumptions about yourself and your relationship to the world. It's like trying to learn how to do a split. It won't happen in just a day. You have to stretch yourself over the course of potentially months in order to get to a place where your body is that flexible enough to allow a split to happen. Similarly, you need to stretch your mind through contemplation, meditation and whatever other "practice" resonates with you (it doesn't have to be "spiritual either", it could be a hobby like music or sports, or it could be a job, or relationship). The further you stretch your mind, the more flexible it gets. The more flexible the mind, the further psychedelics can take it. A highly flexible mind can have an awakening on something as casual as weed. "Your" mind is trying to remain in a certain state of homeostasis. You'll have to investigate this "human mind" of "yours" while sober, this will open up doors that you couldn't even imagine. I see psychedelics as some kind of boss fight. You basically keep farming XP by doing "basic" tasks in your sober state, like contemplation, until you feel ready to confront the final boss. Then you walk into the dragon's den and either emerge victoriously, or get your ass handed to you. Either way, the game will restart and you will go through the same cycle again, but this time you will be even more flexible! Contemplation and meditation will become much more easy, joyful and natural to you as you continue to merge into this vast openness.
  10. Don't just think of it as a mere "musician's name", think of it as a brand. What vibe or "personality" are you trying to express through this brand? This includes what the music sounds like, your album covers, the design of your website, other types of online activity (like having a YouTube channel where you make tutorials, or a Twitch channel where you stream your creative process). Are you going for more of a mysterious vibe? In that case "unreal" would be fitting. The bigger issue is going to be that when you look up "unreal", you mostly get stuff about the Unreal Engine. You also have to think about the people who're trying to look for your music. If they can't find it, because your name is too generic or associated with another brand, it's going to cause problems for you.
  11. - Wishes for great sex after death - Gets reincarnated as an alien whose species doesn't have sex
  12. A good example of what the shift from blue to orange looks like.
  13. Thank you.
  14. The current goal of my relationship is to create a safe environment for me and my gf so that we can heal from our past traumas and pain. I'm honestly not sure how to get there. I understand that this isn't something that can be "done". It's like owning a garden. If you take good care of that garden and make sure that all the conditions like water, sun light and fertile soil are met, the garden will grow beautiful flowers, but if you neglect that garden it will basically just turn into wilderness. So I'm interested in what the conditions are, to grow into a relationship of shared healing.
  15. Also a valid angle. Here is another one: Human knowledge is nothing, so there is no need to avoid the appearance of it, because it already is nothing. There is nothing not to consider.
  16. Yeah that's also a valid angle. In the end of the day, I'm simply pointing to the fact that everything and nothing are one and the same thing. You can basically use these words interchangeably, but you don't have to.
  17. I COULD say nothing. That is one angle. Another angle would be that you were nothing before you were born, and will be nothing after you die, so what separates the nothing before "your" birth, which managed to give rise to an apparent character inside an apparent world, from the nothing after "your" death? NOTHING! It has no form, thus it holds space for each and every form, including the appearance of a human character that was born on earth, typing some text on an online forum.
  18. I'm currently on a waiting list and she's looking for a therapist as well. I suppose we're already good on that front. Thanks for the recommendation, I will look into it! 👍 Yeah I've noticed some past trauma rise up during some moments, but I think I did a good job at communicating my feelings to her in a grounded way. However, I still notice a barrier which is keeping me from expressing myself fully authentically. I guess that's something that I will have to shed slowly, step by step, as the relationship deepens. @Princess Arabia Thank you, your message is very inspiring! What I get from it is that it's really important to get into a place of stillness and groundedness, for you to be able to let these emotions take their natural course. I did notice that simply holding her in my arms and being present with her helps her deal with her emotions immensely. It almost feels like cheating, because I'm not actually doing anything except for giving her my love. I think I should investigate the part of me that wants to jump into action and "do more".
  19. I've finally managed to get hold of a source for LSD (in Minecraft), but I'm not sure about how to approach this since I'm currently taking an SSRI (225mg of Venlafaxin). Does anyone here have experience with this issue? I'm interested in your perspectives.
  20. This is also a good example of that. Instead of telling yourself that there is nothing that you could do, say that you want/hope/wish that there was something that you could do. It sounds like such a minute and pointless thing at first, but once you get the hang of the fact that you words literally create your reality doors start opening up. Just try it for a few months. Pay attention to your self-talk and try to take all the objective statements you make ("I hate myself" "I suck" "There is no hope" ) from being objective statements to open statements like "I wish life can be different". You've build yourself a mental prison with these objective statements. Now it's on you to take it apart brick by brick and to actually understand your freedom.
  21. Notice that. Part of you says "I hate myself", but part of you wants that to change. Instead of telling yourself that you hate yourself and basically staying at the same vibration, use the voice that wants the change, as a door to higher vibrations. Your mind has been taught from a young age that you don't deserve love (thus you're unwilling to give it to yourself), which you now have to reverse. Starting with the way you talk to yourself about yourself is an important first step. Affirmation can help in setting a goal for your subconscious to work on while you're unaware. Not the "I love myself" bullshit. Lying to yourself is not love. The key is to be honest. Don't tell yourself that you love yourself when you don't, but don't just acknowledge your self-hatred as a fact and leave it as such either. You hate yourself? Good, but what more is there? You want to change? Take 5 minutes of your day and just repeat "I wish I could love myself". As you keep doing it you will train your mind to automatically look for evidence of this in the outside world. If you keep telling yourself that you hate yourself, you basically just give it the task to find more evidence to confirm the fact that you hate yourself, or that you are unlovable and you will remain on the same frequency. So raise your frequency from "I hate myself, that's a fact", to "I hate myself, but I wish that I could love myself". Eventually the "I wish I could love myself" will turn into "I WANT to love myself" and then into "I CAN love myself" and so on and so on.