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Everything posted by DefinitelyNotARobot

  1. @Bobby_2021 Why would they kill Snowden? I feel like he is of no threat anymore. Assassinating him would in fact be a bad idea, because it could sour tensions with Russia even further and would be bad publicity. I think American leaders are not stupid enough to risk such things over basically nothing.
  2. You would be a radically different person if you didn't grow up where you grew up. Just one person missing from your past might cause you to conceive of life entirely different. A human is a very intricate system and minor experiences can have a major impact later on. Imagine if you woke up in 2014 with your current memories. Would you still remember all the steps you would need to take in order to get where you are right now in life? Or would your life turn out differently?
  3. Why would it?
  4. According to your definition of evil. Such people may not see themselves as evil. What if there is a Schizophrenic and they believe that they've got to kill babies in order to keep the anti-Christ from being born? Would they believe themself to be evil?
  6. @Asia P Moisture, high temperatures and exposure to light can have a negative effect on their potency and even make them go bad.
  7. Well genetically related to the chimpanzees by 96% or so, so I wouldn't be too sure about that.
  8. I understand, but it's kind of reductionistic because it doesn't tell me anything about why that process unfolds in such a way. Is it just one specific way life unfolds, or is there something deeper and more fundamental that we can learn from all of this?
  9. I don't think they're going anywhere. The most dangerous thing to podcasts is Tik Tok and the fact that it'll erode the attention span of the next few generations, making it impossible for them to sit through a 2 hour video... lol But even then podcasts will be amazing for getting rid of the silence whenever you're doing something that requires your attention. They've definitely certified themselves as a form of mainstream media. Everybody is doing it at this point.
  10. What are genes/genetics exactly? Are genes simply the way life expresses within this particular reality, or does all life depend on some kind of instructions? I'm asking because you seem to have a new found interest in genetics. But what are the deeper mechanics of how mind limits itself through this specific process? I think it's an idea worth exploring as far as understanding this reality goes, but you don't strike me as the person to be interested in something unless there is something deeper. So what exactly is the depth of your interest in this subject?
  11. It's interesting to see how even things such as liquid and electricity are trying to survive in some kind of stable state of equilibrium, just like intelligent life.
  12. I feel asleep at 8PM on Monday and slept all the way through to 10AM WEDNESDAY! That's 38 hours of sleep... The whole entire time I... well I went through fucking hell. I saw everything and nothing. I can't even give a proper report, because there is nothing for "me" to report on except for utter confusion. Imagine being trapped insight a Salvia trip for 38 FUCKING HOURS! It was absolute madness. There were no deep insights. There was no healing being done. It was just infinity. Spirals and fractals were big themes. All I can really remember is laying in bed as my whole sense of reality started moving in a spiral pattern. You could say that it was as if it was being dragged into a vortex, or some kind of black hole. It kept going faster and faster and faster. It didn't stop. The swirling became so fast that my reality couldn't hold itself together anymore. Then it was ripped into an infinite amount of confetti, each piece representing an infinite amount of realities. I BECAME speed itself! I was motion itself and felt all the speed in every reality all at once. That were the last bunch of images I can still stich together into a coherent image. Everything after that is just too vast to capture. It was such a powerful, energetic and brutal experience. Imagine experiencing the energy behind the death of every star in every reality all at once. That's how I would describe it in terms of power. I feel slight trauma. Nothing I can't handle, but I'm glad that my mind can't remember anything. The few images I still have in my head are traumatizing enough. When I woke up it felt like I hadn't slept at all. I still feel fucking tired. What a trip...
  13. I kind of agree and disagree with him saying that what we perceive now isn't absolutely true. Form doesn't disprove the formless. This right here, right now IS the absolute, so I disagree there, but it can only be realized if you stop taking this moment as absolute. You can't capture the absolute in an image, because it has no substance or form to it, so the best image is no image at all, just ride the wave as it goes. So I agree if what he's trying to say is that you should throw away your images of the now and try to look at it as if you were witnessing it for the first time.
  14. This experience actually reminded me of this drawing from a Junjiro Ito managa, but on a cosmic scale: Imagine that, but that whole structure is made from your previous reality and each spiral represents a different, infinite reality.
  15. @Yimpa Yeah, taking responsibility for yourself in the form of gaining independence from your caretakers is a powerful step in ones development. Good job on figuring it out eventually!
  16. ADHD and OCD can be a pain in the ass, but by themselves. they're not going to be dangerous when mixed with this work. He is rather talking about illnesses such as Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia, etc.
  17. Do we include painting a wall in the blood of your enemies?
  18. I live alone. That's why I stopped practicing meditation (as in having a set time at which I meditate). I kept getting random ego deaths at parties or in the bus and it was just getting too much for my taste of pace. Now I just meditate naturally and organically whenever the moment takes me to that place.
  19. They can be according to your own definitions of evil, but that's not something which is fundamental to their essence, or in fact, your essence. If a person were to define "life" as evil, because us humans take so much away from nature in order to survive, then even a baby would appear as evil to them. Realize that how a baby appears to such a person isn't how it appears to you (hopefully). Similarly, how an "enlightened being" appears to you, isn't necessarily how it will appear to others or "itself".
  20. Is see life as my practice and to practice is to live. I'm not willing to give up either. Last week, it was a mild trip. The last big trip was like 2 years ago? I actually went to sleep on mushrooms once and had the wildest dreams, I feel like I've unlocked a new dimension of dreaming ever since. Was it like hardcore tripping, or did it start being mild after a few hours?
  21. I don't know. It was very taxing. I didn't feel energized at all when I woke up. I've been tired all day. So in that sense it did backfire. But "it" wasn't an "annoying experience", because it wasn't "AN" experience to begin with. There simply was experience, without any coherent shape or form.
  22. I would consider it madness! It was definitely not "normal". I have many dreams of infinity, but non have lasted 38 straight fucking hours. Very out of the ordinary for me is how I would define it. I honestly... don't know. On an experiential level... It was just an experience. But the human is definitely feeling "something". Not sure what it is to be frank. It feels a little depressing, probably because of how small that experience made the human feel, but also shocked at the brutality of the experience. I wouldn't call it a positive experience. I have crazy dreams all the time, so that by itself isn't out of the ordinary. It's just the depth of the experience that shocked me. You don't understand. There was NO waking up! I slept through the entire 38 hours, sleeping through every alarm, message and call I received. It felt like I was actually dead.
  23. BTW I didn't take anything. I didn't try any weird practices. It just happened all by itself.
  24. I was also aware of this analogy beforehand, but that experience allowed me to grasp it on a deeper level. I was making music while on LSD and I had a spontaneous insight into how what I was doing connected to the larger scheme of reality, so I thought I'd share that connection with y'all. I've heard about that before. Here is a good explanation: Don't worry, your reply is relevant since we were talking about how music connects to reality.