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Everything posted by Michal__

  1. I'm talking about human consciousness in relation to the model. There's a difference between fighting someone and being an ufc fighter that spends their whole life either training or fighting. Spiral dynamics is about human lens of perception and the behavior resulting from it. Nobody said you can't sometimes behave that way without being a human with specific lens of perception. TLDR: you can fight someone, or even wish to kill someone regardless of spiral dynamics. You just won't devote your life/a period of life for that purpose.
  2. Nice. Could you talk more about differences between the two timelines?
  3. Everyone has a bit of red in them, except stage purple people. You just won't obsess over mma/ufc if you are more mature. Most of the audience is probably orange. You probably won't be a professional mma/ufc fighter unless you have a high percentage red in you.
  4. If he wants to play it and you tell him he can't he will just want to play it even more. It might just end up teaching him not to trust you, since he will still probably find some way to play it. (For example at his friends house) Just tell him he has to do his chores before playing and it should be okay.
  5. What form? Sounds to me like vaping/cigarettes. I was talking about other forms of taking nicotine, which sure as hell doesn't last only 3 minutes. When done right and in small amounts it's no different than having some l-theanine with your coffee. Message me if you want to discuss this so we don't turn this thread into a discussion about nicotine.
  6. Then there's no reason to stop watching. Esoteric references can be a nice gateway to true spirituality. There's some abuse potential as with anything though. I personally think a huge portion of famous people are serious about magick, some probably even nonduality - like Bruce Lee. Mastering some of the spiritual principles can definitely help you become successful in the material world.
  7. IF they have any Ill intentions the only thing they would accomplish this way would be to program viewers to be interested in these esoteric beliefs. Ask yourself - "will it be beneficial if I act they the same way my favorite actors do in movies?" If the answer is NO - then stop watching the movies or at least notice when you act unconsciously as if you were in that movie.
  8. Exactly, counting rejections makes guys take even less action than before & look even more needy than before.
  9. Quit donkey-projecting onto non-donkey-beings @Khr.
  10. Well, then you shouldn't see it either. But, yeah, I agree - it is hard for us to see what women have to deal with. It is kinda equal though - women deal with male shit, men deal with female shit.
  11. If there's your face instead of the reflection it surely is protecting me from coming anywhere near that mirror.
  12. Yeah, that could have been an interesting addition to the thread if you managed to communicate your opinion without being bitter.
  13. Looks can be a part of someone's preferences. Having high standards for looks doesn't mean you won't have high standards for more important things. Hence why good looks can be called high standards when part of whole. Whether you admit it or not, everyone cares about looks to an extent.
  14. First, stop putting words in my mouth. I never said I have the same standards as OP. Second, it is very likely that all my relationships were way deeper than what you'll ever have. So stop assuming stuff about people you don't know, you donkey. Edit: edited out some insults.
  15. What kind of a thought-less response is that. Hey, if blow up dolls are your thing you can go for it, you sure do show a lot of interest in them. Let people have their own standards, even if it seems shallow to you. Also, being spirituality evolved != not having shallow sexual preferences. But that's besides the point, because that's not what the conversation was about in the first place.
  16. How is that sexist? He's just stating how an ideal woman would be like. Women have their own image of a perfect man too. It would only be sexist if he expected every woman to be that way, otherwise nothing wrong with having high dating standards.
  17. You're right there's no reason to be committed long term unless you find your ideal girlfriend. That's the whole point of dating - to find someone you love while having a lot of fun doing it.
  18. It's not that one gender has it better. It is simply asymetrical. Men might have a harder time starting to have sex, but women simply aren't allowed by society to have sex with as many people as they want. They have to hide it, whereas we can freely brag about how many women we have sex with. There's nothing unfair about it, each gender has it's pros and cons. Getting moderately good at anything is easier for women, mastering anything is easier for men. Hormones give men the drive needed to master most subjects. Women are more broadly oriented and sensitive / men are more focused and driven. Be grateful for being a man, the same way a woman should be grateful for being a woman. How many enlightened women have you heard about? Way less than men I assume. And there's way more women dabbling with spirituality than men. It's expansion vs contraction.
  19. They got enlightened by facing suffering & consciousness work.
  20. Before you truly realize & embody fully that you are God (which nobody - including me - has on this forum) the entities are still useful. Some of them may be more aligned with God than you. Also, sometimes what your ego wants to do - even healing the sick - is not aligned with Love/God. That's another reason people work with entities.
  21. Btw escaping pain is not the path to enlightenment.