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Posts posted by w4read

  1. So, I was informed about my father cheating on my mother four days ago.  It turned out that he had meat an old flame from high school randomly in a sports store and ended up contacting her afterwards. Apparently this happened back in may this year. Furthermore he kept meating this woman for over 6 months until my mom finally had him admit that he was cheating, which she started to suspect a couple of months earlier.  This woman has now become my fathers new girlfriend, and my father has moved out from our house and to his mothers upper floor.

    Atm I'm struggling to cope with the whole situation. I don't know what to think, what to feel or what to do. It just feels totally empty inside and I really have no clue where I should go from here. I'm in another city studying and working ( also now during the holidays) and haven't been able to have any deep talks with my father as i didn't known what to say to him before I left.

    My father used to be one of my most important role models and I saw him as a flawless person who always knew how to deal with every situation. I guess this is why this makes it extra hard. Even though I could understand ( and even wish for them) that they would break up eventually, I could never see it end with him cheating like this and lie about it for 6 months. 

    How should i deal with this situation? Should I forgive him and keep the relationship as before? Should I talk to a friend about it? Any thoughts?

    Thanks in advance.

  2. I feel like it's easy to just accept all the spiritual stuff in which you don't understand. At least that was the case for me, as I had been implementing all his other teachings like taking 100% responsibility, accepting reality as it is, doing meditation and so forth, finding only those simple rules to be basically life transforming. I think that when you have such powerful experiences by just applying those simple habits, it's easy to just buy everything else raw because then you're kind of convinced that everything the teacher talks about is valid, and you then become this uncritical follower who just accepts anything no matter how little you understand of it.

  3. Ok, Thank you guys! Seems like there's full agreement on this, that's nice. Makes it easier to feel certain about the conclusion. 

    @Serotoninluv yeah, about that.. I eat my vegetables raw and I always make sure to wash them well. Although, is it enough to wash them to make sure the bacterias go away? I always thought cooking them was the best way to make sure of that, but then I read that it's better to eat them raw. So a bit confused in this area too, i guess hahah...


  4. A couple of months ago I really got a huge wake up call when it comes to the importance of nutrition and having a healthy, balanced diet. So during these last months I've transformed my diet from eating garbage like pizza, burgers, taco and drinking coke almost every day to a clean diet with mostly veggies, nuts, berries and fruits. I also got in to a gym routine and started working out regularly.

    The reason why I managed to do so was because I really saw the value in both these things, and as I became more conscious about the long term effects of eating healthy and working out, it became obvious to me that this was something I just needed to get handled.

    However, when it comes to alcohol I recognize that there's some resistance in me in quitting that. My history is that I've been drinking probably around twice a month, usually 3-5 beers, and I find it to be very social and it's much easier to bond with people ( who are also drinking , of course) . I haven't found any information or studies that says occasional beers like this have a bad effect, it's only when it becomes an addiction that it's obvious to me that it has a downside. So, do any of you guys know any studies which describes how alcohol could impact you long term when it's consumed occasionally like in my case? Or are there any other perspectives about drinking than just the health perspective I should consider?

    Thanks, guys!