Bazooka Jesus

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Everything posted by Bazooka Jesus

  1. Yes, it is entirely true. A thing cannot exist without its (apparent) opposite. If everyone is "awakened", then nobody is "awakened". Just as there cannot be bliss without suffering, duh. Again... reality 101.
  2. Ever heard of Yin & Yang? There can be no "awakened people" without "not awakened people". Reality 101.
  3. THIS, of course. Reincarnation is simply change of form. So, look around. Does form change? Yes or no?
  4. Then I got good news for you... you're already there. Finity = infinity in drag.
  5. The alternative being... what?
  6. "Dude, where you get that badass looking robe?" "I know a guy in the Himalayas who makes them... pretty cheap too." "Guys, I am getting hungry. What you say we go collect some bugs?" "Yeah sure... but not locust, they taste kind of nasty." "You motherf@%&ers still eat animals? Sheesh. What's wrong with eating flowers?" "Can y'all shut up for a minute? I am meditating over here!" "Alright alright, Mr. Enlightened Snowflake Guy. Just relax and loosen up a little, will you?" "Meh, this sucks. If you'll excuse me, I think I am going to enter Mahasamadhi now... certainly beats listening to you guys' nonstop yapping. See ya around, fellas!"
  7. Those are all just words. Are you a word? Is existence a word?
  8. Be weary of things that make too much sense... they can be viciously deceptive. No concepts are ever expressions of absolute truth. They can only point you towards it. And a pointer that makes too much sense will tempt you to fixate on it and believe in it instead of transcending it and recognizing that which lies beyond all pointers.
  9. Well first of all, how do you know that it doesn't? Secondly, "sick" and "healthy" are just labels. Instead of saying "I am sick", you might as well say "I am a penguin"; it's just random words. Reality is simply THIS... and even that is saying too much.
  10. Well, does it exist? Everything that exists is existence. Duh!
  11. Thanks for keeping my butt alive, spirit of the shroom. 🍄
  12. Meh, I wouldn't overthink it. Listen to your gut, go with the flow, be spontaneous. Don't force anything, let things develop organically. If you feel like dating multiple girls, then do it; if you feel like spending time with one special lady, then do that. These things can be amazingly simple if we don't unnecessarily complicate them.
  13. Ugh... I should have kept my big mouth shut. It's most unfortunate that this particular orifice of mine never seems to stay closed for more than a split second or two.
  14. Both. When I met her in Goa one month ago, she told me that her plan was to do a three week yoga teacher course in Rishikesh (which ended today) and that she would love to go with me to Varanasi afterwards... and when I told her that I am going to Nepal shortly after her course is finished, she immediately said that she would Ike to join me. To which of course I said F*** YES!! Well, let's see. I'll just go with the flow and take things as they come; if she wants to join me on my journey, she is more than welcome to do so, and if she decides to leave, then that's okay too. The mere fact that this little bundle of cuteness unexpectedly fell down from the sky right into my lap is already divine grace enough... and everything else is simpmy going to be a welcome bonus!
  15. PS: She is going to arrive here in Varanasi tomorrow... gaaah, I can't wait either!
  16. @Princess Arabia Well, maybe I am seeing her through rose colored glasses with magic stardust sprinkled on them, lol... it's been know to happen before. Anyway, I've been tempted to post her pic on here, but I was also thinking that it might be a wack move to do so without her consent; and asking for her permission is beneath my dignity, lmao. Let's see, perhaps I'll PM you the selfie she sent me... it would certainly be interesting to hear your expert assessment, mylady.
  17. Good stuff. Glad to hear you're doing well, my man. 🙏
  18. I'll have to send you a pic of my Italian bambina to let you know what Alien Cuteness looks like. Yup, she is so damn cute that she's basically not human anymore! ❤️
  19. Concepts aka. thoughts are neither true nor untrue... they just ARE, like everything else in existence. A chair is just as much of a valid apparition as a table. It would never occur to you to say "that table over there is true while that chair over here is untrue"; that would be an obviously absurd statement. So why should it be any less absurd to do the same thing with concepts? Everything IS, and that's it!
  20. No, I wanted to ask you. Since you asked this question: ...which obviously begs the counter-question why you assume that anything you claim here is not a belief.