Bazooka Jesus

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Everything posted by Bazooka Jesus

  1. Not serious, just a bit... melancholic, I guess. But hey, alles hat ein Ende nur die Wurst hat zwei, as the old German saying goes. (I am willing to bet that you're old and German enough to be familiar with that one, hehehe.) See you in a̶n̶o̶t̶h̶e̶r̶ this life!
  2. Good God... that was only one year ago? Seems much longer than that. In fact, I am so AwAkE at this point that my avatar is about to dissolve into thin air. (And no, this is not a joke.) Anyway, congratulations on your 1000th sermon, my watery friend. May the moistness be with you. 🙏
  3. Notice what you are doing here. You are coming up with mental stories that are supposed to validate your mental stories, which is like proving the reality of a movie with more movie content. What happened to "I don't know what reality is"? Was that just empty posturing, or did you actually mean it?
  4. They exist as mental stories. Liberation = freedom from mental stories.
  5. Where is birth and death in the Here and Now? These are just mental stories.
  6. Never ever have I said that "moving towards liberation is a bad thing". This is a complete misunderstanding and a gross distortion of what I am trying to tell you. I am saying that you don't reach liberation by rejecting the game but by loving it. Without all of those things that you demonize and label as "chains" and imperfections, there could be no game and therefore no experience of reality. Your so-called karma is not some useless rotten heap of garbage that you just need to throw overboard and then everything will be hunky dory; it's a divine gift that enables consciousness to experience and explore itself. You don't become free by hating and rejecting your karma; if anything, this will only add to your "karmic load" and make it even heavier. Of course, there are things that you can do to make your karma more light, less dense, more transparent; this is the whole objective of the game of life. But liberation has nothing to do with trying to get rid of anything. Liberation is simply the recognition of the inherent divinity and perfection of all of creation, the "good" as well as the "bad". Think of what it's like to play some first-person ego-shooter video game where your game character stumbles around in a post-apocalyptic hellscape and finds himself fighting off zombies with a chainsaw. From the perspective of the game character, the whole thing is a goddamn nightmare; for you (the player) it's a fun game with awesome graphics, cool characters and kick-ass action. The game character thinks it's all very very hard and very very difficult and very very serious; the player is having an absolute ball. The game character is part of the game and is therefore perpetually "stuck in it"; the player is outside of the game and is therefore eternally "free of it". The game character resents the difficulty of the game; the player welcomes and takes delight in the challenge. The game character will never be liberated; the player is already liberated. The game character loathes the game and just wants to get out of it, the player loves the game and can't get enough of it. So, pick your perspective. And don't listen to those confused souls who are telling you that you should wage war against God's own creation in the name of "radical openness".
  7. PS: Notice the judgement inherent in these lines. By labelling certain aspects of what you perceive to be the case in the Here and Now as "good" and others as "bad", you are basically dividing reality into one part that should be glorified and another part which is to be rejected and demonized, thereby labelling God's divine creation as essentially flawed and imperfect. This is the sneaky vicious cycle that the ego traps itself in: It tries to reach some idealised state of harmony and perfection by constantly pointing out and getting hung up on what it perceives to be disharmony and imperfection... which is like trying to clean a white sheet of paper by constantly rubbing it off with dirt. So, how do you become liberated? Quite simply by BEING liberated. Let go of judgmental labels, perceive reality from a place of pure innocence and unknowingness. (Note: Letting go of something ≠ rejecting/denying it. If judgement arises, then simply let it be there without getting hung up on it / identifying with it.) If you truly didn't (pretend to) know what reality is - which of course you don't - then there would be no judgement of anything. How can you judge what you don't know? There can only be judgement if you say "oh yeah, I know what this is, and it's good/bad". Reality is that which you perceive. If you perceive perfection, then that's what is the case. If you perceive imperfection, then that's what is the case. And you don't need to judge reality as perfect to perceive its inherent perfection; the word "perfect" simply means "finished" (lat. perficere = to finish something), and since reality is all there is and all there ever will be, how could it possibly be unfinished? It could only be unfinished if there were something outside of reality which could be added onto it; but since it already contains everything that exists, it cannot ever be unfinished/imperfect. See what I mean? Anyway, that's my humble dose of bullshit for today. I hope you enjoyed it.
  8. I think that you (as well as most other folks on here) might benefit from a more heart-based approach to spirituality; endlessly dissecting the ego and chasing after nondual states only takes you so far. Having nondual realizations is only one half of the equation, the other half is integrating and embodying those insights. Don't aim to get rid of God's creation; aim to transmute it with the light of your love and to become the living embodiment of divine presence. Don't aim to get rid of duality, aim to realize oneness within duality. Spirituality is not about abolishing the game of life but about taking it to the next level.
  9. It's the trickery mind that always wants to manipulate reality for its own egoic gain, is attached to outcomes and bombards you with all of the neurotic coulds, woulds and shoulds. Your true and authentic intuition on the other hand is your innate voice of wisdom, and it's the only thing you can truly trust. Now, it might very well be the case that this experience will cause our Lion friend to authentically choose a different path next time around. So no harm, no foul!
  10. I just stumbled across this video and thought I'll share it; it's a beautiful pointer towards cultivating the proper attitude to spirituality and life in general: Note: Cultivating this kind of attitude does not necessarily mean falling prey to toxic positivity. If you feel unhappy, then acknowledge and address the unhappiness instead of bypassing it. You don't transcend negativity by pushing it away and sweeping it under the rug; you transcend it by accepting it as part of the divine game of life and recognize its hidden value. You don't reach the light by rejecting the darkness but by recognizing the light within the darkness. What you resist persists; what you fully embrace will eventually be transmuted into gold. And secondly, beware not only of the material but also of the spiritual rat race. Many seekers transfer their avoidant & addictive egoic patterns onto the pursuit of spirituality and end up chasing spiritual highs in the same way that a junkie is always chasing the next fix, which keeps them caught up in an endless tug-of-war with reality. True spiritual devotion is not about desperately craving constant highs and trying to eliminate the dreaded lows; it's about recognizing that the highs and the lows are made of the same divine substance, that they are but two sides of the same magnificent coin, that they are complementary expressions of the great Tao without which there could be no experience of reality. It's about recognizing that this whole wildly multi-faceted existence is nothing other than Oneness expressing itself in an endless miraculous variety of shades, forms and colors. The same thing appearing in different styles, costumes and flavors. Unity becoming visible as non-unity. Remember: No contrast = no experience = no happiness. And now, the unhappy people and compulsive bypassers of this forum are more than welcome to air their stubborn existential resentment. Don't be shy kids, let it all out.
  11. Is this what robots listen to while they have sexual intercourse?
  12. You cannot lose it bexcause you cannot gain it. It's not an experience because it's prior to experience. So in order to have the (apparent) experience of waking up, consciousness must create the experience of being asleep. They go hand in hand. "You" cannot have one without the other.
  13. How can "you" feel "dead"? The fact that there appears to be a you that feels something seems to indicate that there is still a kind of personal identity present, doesn’t it? No offense, but "I feel absolutely dead" sounds very much like an experience to me. And besides, nothing is impossible in infinite reality. If consciousness could once seemingly fall asleep, then it can seemingly fall asleep again.
  14. What is deceptive? That which doesn't lead to the outcome which your egoic mind thinks would be the best one? What if that desired outcome would in fact be horrible for you and everyone else? How can you be sure that it wouldn't? If you cannot trust your authentic gut feeling, then you can't trust anything.
  15. Well, if you honestly feel like scratching your butt in front of a girl on a date, then knock yourself out. The question is, do you?
  16. You know, all of this "maybe I should have done this, maybe I shouldn't have done that" is honestly just BS in my opinion. Here's my golden rule for life: Be authentic, follow your intuition, don't be attached to the outcome. If you see a girl you like, go talk to her. If you feel like taking her to a bar, take her to a bar. If you feel like paying for her drink, pay for her drink. If you feel like splitting the bill, split the bill. How she reacts to any of this is her business, not yours. Just do whatever you feel like doing; what she feels like doing (or not doing) is up to her. As long as you always authentically follow your inner voice, you are doing everything right. If your honest and authentic actions don't lead to a certain outcome, then it wasn't meant to happen. Simple as that.
  17. Yes. And at some point you (or rather consciousness) will return to the experience of self. Why? Because without the contrasting experience of self, there could be no experience of no self. You can only experience the unity of Tao through the everlasting interplay of Yin & Yang (aka. Duality). This is the great divine paradox of existence.
  18. Give it a try, brother. There must be plenty of these parties happening in and around Amsterdam. Btw, when are you moving?
  19. Ever went to a Cacao ceremony with ecstatic dance afterwards? These are hands down the best dance parties I've ever been to; they are basically the high consciousness equivalent of "normal" clubbing. No annoying plebs and posers, no immature frat boys, no peacocky wannabe alpha males, no airheaded b- and c-words, no awkward schmucks standing around with a cup of beer in their hands and a goofy look on their face, no stupid drunk people doing stupid small talk and cracking stupid jokes; nothing but great energy, good vibes and high spirits. Try it out if you haven't.
  20. True acceptance = transcendence = liberation. Bypassing = not accepting that which is the case, right here, right now. As I said in the OP, you don't transcend something by denying and/or running away from it. You transcend it by fully embracing it and transmuting it through the force of love that you are. Change your perception and you change the world. But you won't ever get rid of it.
  21. You can drastically alter the way you experience "highs" and "lows", but you will never get rid of contrast altogether. As I keep repeating like a broken record (because almost noone here seems to get it), without contrast there can be no experience of reality (which is of course exactly why contrast/form/the appearance of duality exists, duh. It wouldn't be here if there were no divine purpose for it). This is simply the basic immutable law of existence, and it should be completely obvious to anyone who isn't completely blind.
  22. Ultimately, "high" and "low" are of course just labels. All you ever really experience is THIS. I know what you mean. The thing is, whatever name you give it will never truly capture it. The "happiness" we're talking about here is infinitely subtle and yet at the same time infinitely powerful. Yes. Beautifully said. Isn't it funny how people always conjure up dualities of good vs bad, true vs untrue, real vs illusory in the name of getting rid of all duality? It's like f***ing in the name of virginity, to quote the immortal George Carlin.
  23. Qi Gong Kriya Yoga Prayer Laughing Living