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Everything posted by DreamScape

  1. Where would you recommend? I haven't found any major threads that speak about it.
  2. 1/19 - 1/20. Dreams, no lucidity. Astral projection? I had a dream where I was walking toward my dads old house, and the world looked different. It's hard to describe, but it was like a beautiful filter over the world. After that, I saw myself at the end of the driveway looking toward the house when I saw an old man looking at me. He just blankly stared at me. This is actually kind of weird now that I think about it, because he has been in dreams before just looking at me. I wonder what kind of significance this could have? Reflection: I'm not sure what this could mean. Another dream/astral projection??: Well, in this one I astral projected I think. Astral projected in a dream? I woke up in a BED (I usually sleep on a couch) in the astral realm, flying. and I remember deciding to go through the bed, and I did until I reached the bottom of it. I remember how it felt to go through it and how the bottom bed springs felt. After that, I went all the way up (the house I was in was two story, although my house is one story) and out of the house altogether. Then I woke up. When I try to stay in the astral realm (which I did) it seems like my astral body can't help but fuse with my physical one and wake up. Reflection: Not really sure what to say. Questions: Was I astral projecting or dreaming? LOL this one's a great one. So I was at work and someone brought a blunt. I smoked it (more than I should've at work. The managers were talking about work stuff but I was too high to pay attention to it. Sooo, I went outside out of fear. Someone (who's face I don't recognize) came out and tried to help me. He had water with him AND the blunt, and I wanted water to wash my eyes out. Then he said that I didn't need water, while burning out the blunt in the water (the blunt ashes infected the water) and he said that I need to connect with my ego so it could take control, then I'd be fine. LIKE LMAO WTF. (I am going through the Awakening process) Reflection: My ego trying to seduce me toward following what it has to say? (probably because authenticity is dangerous to it, and being authentic about weed would be dangerous, especially in a work environment). But yeah I also got caught for smoking weed before and there is a level of fear and shame that comes with that. I had two more, but my handwriting was really bad in my dream journal (physical copy) so I can barely read it. oh well. Yeah, I woke up a lot during the night lol.
  3. 1/18 - 1/19. Dreams, no lucidity. I had a dream about me being with 3 friends and us going to the shop. It was like a video game, in that when we navigated the world it was like a Pokemon game, in that you'd be in 3rd person. In the shop, it was first person. So we went into the shop. I was looking at a camera but I decided not to buy, while one of my friends bought a galaxy phone. But then, there was a malicious character that wanted to steal our stuff at the house. But for some reason, I stopped playing myself and played him going into my friends house and then eventually going toward the main character's (mine's). I remember going back towards my house, eventually going there, and when we were inside I KNEW that he was coming/was coming near but I didn't tell my friends because I thought they would think I would be weird for playing as two characters. Reflection: I'm not too sure on this one. Maybe its due to reluctance on my end toward talking about nondual concepts? There was another dream, I don't remember the content of it but it somehow showed me how to remove subconscious negativity. You do it by changing the unconscious, and the conscious is changed by the subconscious. Another dream that night: I was walking toward one of my old schools, and a wild dog started to come after me by my old school. Also, one of my old stoner friends was on my mind. I know that I was doing something before that happened, but I cannot recall. Reflection: Fear of dogs.
  4. @Average Investor Thanks for the tips! I'll keep them in mind. That's pretty cool also. My reason: Creative outlet. Also, to have more time to work on myself. I haven't done much research into dream work but I'm sure that there's stuff to do.
  5. It is true, I think, that a lot of work needs to be done alone. For personal development, picking up skills, etc. Although, it is true that collaboration is important too. Collaboration creates video games, movies, etc. Our society is focused on the self, which you have said. To put it in better light: I think it is good because it inspires YOU to work on skills and expertise, nobody else can really do that for you. Obviously, there is room for improvement. But there always is.
  6. @seeking_brilliance I think so, once I woke up, body asleep mind awake, although there was nothing haunting me lol. I was about to astral project but i had a lot of fear so I wasn't able to. Thanks! I'm going off of the book "Lucid dreams in 30 days: the creative sleep program". I've also started recording dreams in a dream journal.
  7. Love the content! This inspires me to make my own and start lucid dreaming / astral projecting
  8. @Average Investor I'll keep it in mind! Good luck on your journey!!
  9. My goals: Financial Independence/Escaping wage slavery Mastery in 1/2 subjects Becoming a conscious creator, sharing love and beauty through creation. I want to escape wage slavery so I have the increase in time to focus on spirituality, exploring reality, and creation. It seems like what most resonates with my being would be making music, or starting a business. I have some ideas for music but none for business and haven't started yet. The thing that seems to be pulling me in is making music at the moment, although from my POV it seems like something unfeasible and something that many many people struggle to even make a living from. I have heard that some people are working a part time job + music just to make everything work out well for them. I don't want to end up like that. I don't really know if this is my intuition or not. Should I follow this? Or should I look for business ideas or other mediums that I can use to create something that'll bring into life the goal of escaping wage slavery. I don't really see how getting into music/making music can help do that.
  10. @Average Investor Yeah, that's what I've been doing. Better to take the time to think than to do something I will regret doing later. I don't want to waste time. That's a good idea! I'm gonna figure out something, life purpose or not lmaoo. Truly, I do want to do something purposeful and meaningful, I really don't want to waste life, there's just too much to life to waste it doing non meaningful stuff. That's really good advice. Eventually though if I can't find anything purposeful to do, I will just do it for money. I cannot stand for wasting my life basically not living my life. But we'll see. @Thought Art I think you're doing good, keep at it.
  11. You're definitely right. Mastery is something that many people lack. Even in music, most music that's played on the radio doesn't seem that high quality, or it doesn't seem like anything a master would produce. Especially with the focus on money, and fame, and power and stuff. People who focus on creating amazing (anything) with love & passion will always stand out I'm also impacted in a large way by music in a large way. Life, for me, would be very bland without it.
  12. @Nahm it's back now, along with all of the anxiety and stuff. I think I'd rather be anxious and be somewhat able to feel love than have peace of mind without it. Although a part of me still craves to go back. That was an interesting state to be in. Your comment helped somehow. Usually when I go for help to others they just give advice or tell me what they'd do or not really acknowledge it, or react to what I'm saying which is nice and OK but it's like when you responded it felt like I was heard and understood and that felt good. Also, you can lock this thread since now I am of need of no assistance for my problem
  13. Okay, so I felt like waiting a few days but I'm too anxious atm to do that. So I was just lying down being anxious. Having anxious thoughts and such. I have a lot of anxiety with relationships, and I was having thoughts on like why do I need them and why do I need a gf and stuff like that. I'm okay w friendships but with intimate love I just get very anxious with. Anyways, idk what happened. I had that thought and it's just like my ego decided it was time to not feel love anymore. Like I feel numb to love now. I dont feel the need to love anybody, I live with my parents and I cant even feel myself trying to love them. I just feel dull right now. Like life has lost its spice. I didnt really think this could happen, but now I think I realize how sociopaths are created. They have so much shame from their parents and their ego just decides to not feel it anymore. I dont know what to do. I've been doing a lot of inner work and this is the first time something has been just switched off like youd switch off a ceiling light. It kind of feels nice, because now I'm not so fucking anxious. But I dont think this is the correct way.
  14. @Nahm yeah, and now it seems like a lot of the shame is gone. This doesnt feel that good though. I'm having impure desires and this is still ego.
  15. Leo has mentioned previously that Bread is detrimental to the body and energy levels. Could anyone explain why? Also, any good substitutes? I usually use it with peanut butter, and to make egg sandwiches.
  16. Same here. Although for me, I was so dysfunctional that it was just really difficult for me to function because I would be so anxious and critical. Clearing chakras and shadow work has allowed me to communicate better and function in the world more focused and clear. I figure that clearing myself out, I'll be able to go into the world more focused and passionate than ever. I wouldn't be able to do the things I want to do without spirituality and the healing work I've done on myself, I know that for sure. My suggestion: do what you feel is most right. For me, this is a clear example of the counter intuitive nature of life.
  17. @Leo Gura So, I've been contemplating Mastery and pacing things out. I'm thinking about pursuing Music and Psychology/Spirituality/Consciousness as two domains that I want to focus my life. My question: Pursuing two things, could I focus my attention to Spirituality for one year (mainly), and then focus hardcore on music for maybe two years, and then return to spirituality and consciousness as the main focus. While I'm doing this, still be doing both at the same time but the focus would shift. Do you think that this is a viable idea?
  18. I never thought I'd see such a beautiful thing. LOL
  19. @Leo Gura Leo, I understand the importance of having a focus in life. Do you think it is possible to pursue mastery in multiple domains; such as: music and consciousness/psychology, or business and consciousness/psychology? I don't want to stop spiritual progress, but I am too young and don't have enough money to make that the sole focus of my life. Plus, I do want to do things like make music and create also. It does seem like consciousness + "x" increases the value of the "x" no matter what the x is.
  20. I live with my family. My parents are divorced, but the way they both play out in parenting/relationships seems to be 75% same. My dad is an alpha male type. He was super into heavy metal and the greaser-type style when he was younger. I think most of you know how the conservative-republican type act. they have this "cool guy" attitude and they're kind of macho. The way he jokes around is like teasing and poking fun at me and others. Like if I say something deep or hippie he'll say "what are you a fa*" or something like that. At least he says he's joking around, but a part of me feels as though he is being serious. Between him and my stepmom, they seem to have quite a bit of communication issues. My stepmom is bossy and judgmental a bit. When they talk to each other, it's like 1) they're always teasing each other about things like the things they do, how they act, but also 2) it really feels as though there is an underlying issue here ESPECIALLY with the shame/throat area. At my moms, she was way more controlling and bossy. she would always control everything I did: how long I played video games, she always watched me like a hawk, etc etc. Between her and my stepdad, my mom seemed to be the alpha in the relationship. my stepdad would always watch out to not make her mad (my mom flipped shit a lot), and overall it seemed like he was worshiping her like a god. They also got into arguments quite frequently and never seemed happy. Anyways, coming from this I don't really know what a real, authentic relationship is supposed to be like! a relationship without dysfunction, or little. I seem to project this into my relationships: I always feel like the person I'm with is always out to get me and won't be there for me. I just seem really paranoid about the other person hurting me and I'm always expecting criticism. There's probably more. What does a healthy relationship look like? How are you supposed to communicate problems? What does your relationship look like and how have you grown from past perceptions/traumas? Also: how are you supposed to raise kids and what emotional needs do you think that I'm failing to see are underrepresented within myself.
  21. Ive heard this mentioned before, but I dont have any insights into it nor any understanding. Infinite depth: what does this mean? what can this be applied to? Is there any way to use this concept toward assisting our development/growth? For example: many people think we are at the pinnacle of understanding the universe through science. Could say, science be infinitely developed? Meaning in the direction of discoveries and developments, but also the structure as well? If so, what do you think this would look like. Or another: weightlifting. Many people get stuck at a certain weight/body mass without using steroids, and when they do I'm sure there is a cap. But since were all god, if we tapped into that couldn't that develop, say infinitely? Does this apply to things like that or does this only apply to structures and systems? Any insights?
  22. So, I'm a bit conflicted with my passions. In fact, I seem to be too passionate. Theres just so much that interests me: philosophy, science, consciousness, music and dance, personal development, astronomy, there may be more. I'm at the point in my life where I'm trying to figure out what I wanna do. I'm going to university for Psychology next fall (this is the first thing that I was really interested in, and the consciousness work has brought a huge passion for life), but a part of me also wants to make music and do dance, and then another part of me wants to become a modern sage-the vision leo shared on his video "becoming a modern sage" and dive deep into philosophy and the sciences. I just think that this much passion isnt sustainable I guess. I've always looked toward Leonardo da Vinci: the polymath who was an expert in 9 different fields, and I've looked up towards people like Albert einstein and such. But how do I go about this? Is there a specific focus I should have or should i allow myself to be passionate this much? What I mean is should I cut out all of the other passions while I solely focus on one, or allow myself to be passionate about everything while mastering a field. I know cutting out passions would make me upset because I'd feel like I'm missing out on a lot more of life I could be experiencing, but if I dont have a focus then I cant even master one.
  23. @fridjonk haha... good point! I was thinking that, since a medium is a thing to outflow an infinite amount of content, I'm wondering if the development of that structure is infinite (like science, or government). We dont necessarily see it stopping now. I know nothing finite can be infinite such as objects or structures because all of those are forms and concepts.