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Everything posted by LfcCharlie4

  1. Hmm. that's an interesting point! I guess by ultra processed I kinda mean the 3 bullet points you put and not foods like Tofu & Lentil pasta erc I mean usually the kind of person eating a Tofu Lentil pasta w/ Veggies isn't the same as someone having a big mac for lunch. I'm also with you on the 3 points, and understanding we live in an obesogenic environment, as well as how hard it can be for many parts of society to learn about nutrition, afford healthy meals etc makes it easy to see why we are, where we are. 'Big Food' know this of course though, hence why they purposely confuse people & promote the 'moderation' argument, cos 99% of people (including myself) struggle with 'moderating' junk food once you have that first bite. So, I guess it goes back to avoiding those hyper-palatable foods except for when you are allowing yourself to indulge (social gatherings. holidays and the sort) as by simply not buying it, you're not only developing healthy everyday habits, you add a HUGE barrier to consuming it if you have to go to the shop, compared to pull it out the cuboard
  2. Yeah, they're all included in the book, just done a blood test today, maybe I'll post here as be interesting to show 7 years vegan results & Testosterone... Oil he basically recommend cold pressed olive oil
  3. @thepixelmonk Yeah I agree, personally I had issues without supplements when I first went Vegan at 15 and feel optimal with Omega 3s, B12, Vit D (live in the UK haha) & a basic Vegan multivitamin. I would rather be optimal, and this is covered in the book. And, agree, I go to the gym, and we talk about Creatine & protein & that's no issue, it is a weird one. Yet you bring up CVD and suddenly its vegan propoganda.... @StarStruck Lol, the guys already a millionaire from previous brands, all profits of the book go to charity & tbh there isn't that much money in promoting people buying Fruits, Veg & Legumes. There is a lot of money in ultra processed foods tho, hence why they can lobby billionsssss Sure there probs is some Vegan snake oil, but I don't really see the people promoting WFPB + a few cheap supplements as the issue Sure you get the 'Vegan XYZ' ultra processed shit (which is spoken about in the book), but you that with every way of eating the real snake oil tends to come from the fitness industry in my experience, as supplements are the big $$$ there Personally think Anti-Nutrients are exaggerated & easily overcome Fat & Salt I agree with, I'd argue the real monster is simply ultra processed foods, recent study showed just 4 serves a day (say orange juice, cereal, a meal deal sandwich & snack) = 62% higher all cause mortaility....more than smoking Just eat real food should be the overall message Science is easily manipulated, just go to any Fitness Twitter and they use single studies of like 25 participants to support X point, its wild
  4. I think that first point is so key. So many issues come from 'Well Liver King looks big & strong but X doctor looks like a twig so LK must be right!' I wonder if we will ever get to a point where when you sell a program / supplement you have to actually show you're Natty status, as so many Fake Nattys get away with a LOT Also, Carnivore in the short term seems to work as an elimination diet & a paper over the cracks for those who went too extreme the other way (SAD, Raw Vegan, lots of deficiencies', gut issues etc) so I can see why we see these case studies of people in the 3-18 month range, but I suspect in the next 5-10 years lots of heart issues, gut issues from lack of fibre & a range of other things will start popping up I would say I err on the side of Religious Zealotry just because the data seems so clear, not even to mention the environmental / ethical aspects, but as you said small amounts aren't the issue. I think of it like this when I'm asked 'But vegans need supplements, so doesn't that make it incomplete' Veganism may leave you with a cup that isn't completely full, and needs to be topped up with a few things like Omegas, Vit D, B12, Iodine. (Not that most meat eaters aren't deficient in many things, for example a friend of mine who's eaten meat heavily always has been diagnosed with B12 deficiency recently) Whereas, diets involving meat are more likely to fill your cup up to the top, but come with the big additional risk of Heart & other chronic health issues SO, I'd always choose the first option since the data shows it improves the chance of longevity & combined with modern medicine that a lot of these Blue Zones didn't have it could help even further Also, having eaten this way for 7 years, it defo takes more planning for sport / protein related goals like muscle building as you have to make the effort to reach the protein, Creatine is way more important, as are EAAS etc, but I see that as a small price to pay for the overall benefits
  5. @Stovo maybe for a lot of books especially when $$$ is involved This guy basically only got into nutritional science after his heavy meat eating doctor dad had a heart attack at 50 And, it actually goes over the best kind of studies to back up the points- Meta analysis, randomised controlled trials (RCTs), in my research a lot of the Red meat / carnivore / Keto guys tend to pull from lab studies & case studies I know a lot of people see short term success with Carnivore for example, but the lack of fibre & diversity is almost certainly going to create long term issues Personally I’m mainly interested in longevity & feeling the best, and the science is pretty clear on what diet is most likely To do that- the Blue Zones (regions with most people 100+) also support that a mostly plant based diet is what they usually eat @Matt23 whole food plant based focus on food groups, not macronutrients- fruit / veg, legumes, wholegrains, nuts / seeds etc Be fibre obsessed (and protein aware)- high fibre = key to long life, protein for my specific goals! Diversity is key for gut health - 40+ plants per week Consider nutrients of focus - B12, omega 3s, Vitamin D, selenium, iodine When we eat matters Drink water for thirst Customisation is key Don’t let perfection be the enemy of good
  6. Bear in mind Eastern views on sexuality will be very different, due to cultural & religious views. Buddhist monks were celibate for example, but often this leads to repression. Personally I think its unique for each person, and there's no hard rules, some people have higher sex drives than others. Its more about exploring consciously I'd say, this video by Rupert Spira really helped me out when I was confused. Essentially, using sexuality in service of the understanding, not to fill a void etc
  7. You just need to find a sport you like, I knew people who thought like this, then found their 'niche' sport and it become such an important part of their life. I think this forum often devalues Physical activity & how it can improve one's life, Sadhguru & Rupert Spira have good videos from a 'Non-Dual' perspective, but a lot of the benefits are just general life improvement.
  8. @at_anchor Not all bread / gluten is created equally, most cheap breads are shit but you just gotta look for decent wholemeal ones with proper ingredients. Also, you'll go crazy on that diet haha, the best Nutritionist I've found is Simon Hill who helps people go WFPB (whole food plant based) but actually with taste and not some crazy prison diet He also covers the supplements needed / recommended and has loads of recipes on his sites. Most Vegan cookbooks are decent from Amazon if you find a few, just get used to cooking like Michal said and keep adding to recipes you can create at different times of day.
  9. Would you still not recommend using glass bottled Olive Oil for the most part?
  10. TikTok is the best way to build a platform in 2022, it really is as simple as that Yeah its not an ideal platform But, fighting against it is like being a Trad marketer fighting against the internet 15-20 years ago There's plenty of high consciousness content, you can quite literally craft your FYP to suit you
  11. Haha it was mainly meant as a light hearted joke Not just in reference to Buddhism, but just from being on the forum I kinda noticed a lot of people seem to bypass life a lot & could probably do with living a little, using Maslow's hierarchy as an example, it seems a lot of stages are skipped I was exactly the same, so maybe I'm just talking to myself as I've benefitted so much from going back to 'Human fundamentals' Also, I understand people's 'goals' are different, that's why I resonate most with teachers like Rupert Spira & Francis who focused on Happiness, whereas, many others resonate more with Leo who is more interested in exploration.
  12. Honestly, 99% of people here could do with good old Buddhism fundamentals A lot of this place is endless mental masturbation, and lack of real world applications I'd even go down a level and say a lot should go back to to the basics of Self-Help and life 'Just had my 26th DMT trip of the week, realized I'm the Egyptian God but can someone lend me £100 for rent and food this month please???' A lot of it has become a pissing contest imo
  13. A question for @Michael569 & everyone else here. So, everyday we see a new miracle supplement, exercise, food, diet etc I wanted to ask what do you class as the Pillars of health that matter more than anything, and things every human should strive towards in the domain of health & fitness. (This can still include certain supplements or 'hacks') Essentially the core you would prescribe yourself & everyone else from the age of say a teenager to carry through their life- Mine would be- 90% WholeFood diet (minimum) 7-9 hours of daily sleep Daily exercise (10k steps or the equivalent) 3-4L of water Supplements vary depending on Diet but just cover basic needs + Vitamin D3 if in cold country & ideally sleep & brain supps Some form of Resistance / Weight training routine Maintain a healthy bodyweight / caloric control (happens naturally when all steps are followed) My main 'hack' would be Sauna + Cold exposure- this is SO good for sweating out all the toxins among 100 other things (Dr Rhonda Patrick explains best) I personally think some form of fasting (if you're a woman, research as more intricate how to practice due to hormones) just to learn self-control, discipline & what not Am I missing any? Or what would you add?
  14. I read an investing book called 'How To Own The World' its from a UK perspective, but we call social security Pensions. This was written Pre Covid and the insane Gov spending that caused, and basically every single country is broke and debt riddled up to their eyeballs, but no government wants to take responsibility so kicks the can down the road. So, I'm only 22 but I've even told my parents not to expect much from the Gov in terms of pension & to plan accordingly. You can complain how shit it is & how incompetent monetary policy has been (true) but its not gonna heat your home or pay your mortgage, so at the least prepare as well through investing & building your own wealth. This is the book, great read- https://www.amazon.co.uk/How-Own-World-life-changing-bestseller/dp/1473695309/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1665131404&sr=1-1
  15. @aurum Yeah these are great points! 1) What do you recommend for people in a cold country? 4) Couldn't agree more! Everyone should learn to nose breath & sleep with their mouth taped, I was diagnosed with Asthma before doing this 5) Of course! 6) Defo- walks, being outside in general anyway you can @Michael569 Maybe you can add the type of Wholefoods to help people? I think most know to eat whole, they just don't know how (we are never taught it)
  16. @Jannes Would love that! But after watching Black Mirror, Don't worry darling, Ready player one etc its hard to see how it won't be corrupted!
  17. @Leo Gura 100%. First trillionaires will probs be made from VR worlds Just hope it doesn't end up all Dystopian like Ready Player One haha where the real world is absolute shit
  18. Love of life Takes 'time' to integrate, but eventually you'll see normal life as God and love it more than ever
  19. I would like to know how atypical you would behave when your young children are starving for days on end. The history of communism is caked in millions upon millions of deaths, it was a stage red / blue model at best based upon violent dictatorships & totalitarianism. You're best off asking people who actually lived under communist regimes, there's a big reason most 'communists' are under 25s from Western Democracy's, and not the offspring of people who actually experienced it or those that did live through it...
  20. Agree. Humans are social animals for sure, modern society definitely limits community feel massively, its a shame. However, Leo is right in that you don't want 24/7 socialization, you need that alone time, contemplation time, reading time etc to balance it, and if anything upgrade your socialization. Its amazing how everything comes back to balance And, even more amazing that balance is actually nuanced and not the same for everyone One person's social balance may be completely different to another and that's fine I think this is why studying personality & in particular your own is crucial, understand what makes you tick and what you enjoy, your blind spots & shadow too. All the talk of awakening / enlightenment work often leads to people overlooking personality and your own humanity
  21. +1 Especially young people. However, people are also very different, some are naturally introverted, some naturally extroverted, and that also needs to be considered. For me, I love socializing & feel energized after if anything, so hated lockdown when there was zero socializing. But, then I also love spending time alone, so its finding the balance right for you I think.
  22. @Carl-Richard Haha I do get it takes away from other pursuits, but to be honest, I think the average user on here from what I've seen could do with a LOT more real world time & experience, not less that's all And, of course different personalities require different amounts of socializing, I'm quite extroverted and always looking for the next event & social meet up, whereas, others may be more happy living an introverted point I guess it comes back to, it doesn't really matter as its your life just live Also, while 'no others' is a fundamental absolute truth, it can be dangerous on a 'relative' level if not integrated with other realizations, I think one of the main reasons so many people struggled during covid & young people struggle in general is a lack of real human interaction, contact & connection, hence why I think its important people do at least learn to socialize, and then find the right social life for them
  23. Here's an idea- Do what suits your personality & enjoy. If you wanna become a social expert, go study it and have fun & enjoy socializing If you're naturally introverted, learn the basics and build a social life that makes you happy, maybe its a partner and literally 1 true friend, for others they love parties, gatherings, socializing etc Its not that deep, just like some people prefer playing sports, some people prefer making art Its your life, enjoy it, dunno why people put so much weight on what someone says
  24. @Optimized Life Lol this is true. I would bet good money 80% of members here don't have a grip on social / relationship skills, financial wellbeing, physical & mental health etc yet are spending their time debating in a Non-Dual echo chamber. Honestly majority of members here would benefit from traditional 'orange' practical self help that everyone loves to bash far more than spending time here & philosophizing Non-Duality
  25. @undeather That could be the best meme ever Your quote fits it perfectly too