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About Colin89

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  1. It's ok pal, I forgive you/me.
  2. Hey Pinapple I hear you, man do I hear you! It would be cool to see a video dedicated to anxieties such as this. Like you, I was quiet in school too and still am for the most part. I also struggled for a long time being in a room with lots of people, any more than 3 folk in close proximity is a crowd in my eyes. The key to overcoming this social anxiety, for me anyway, was repeated regular exposure. The more you put yourself out there, pushing your comfort zone, the more you'll see yourself being able to cope in the presence of big crowds. The more relaxed you feel in these situations, the better you'll get at having interesting conversations, even giving speeches!
  3. Hello Raze Yup, a brilliant topic to cover. I'd definitely like to see a video on that delves into this area. Also, you might like to hear what Ed Snowden had to say on JRE recently (video #1368) There's a guy who did the right thing regardless of the personal cost.
  4. Hey KenDo I'm certain that willpower has been briefly covered in the older videos bub. Precisely which ones whoever I can't remember. There's just so much to sift through! I also think the days of short videos on base topics are a thing of the past.
  5. Hello everyone. Im pretty much a newbie here on this forum, having only recently joined after around 8 months of following Leo's brilliant YouTube channel. This is also my first post and I'm interested to see what sort of response I'm gonna get from you good folks. So, as the title suggests, I'm keen to see Leo appear on Joe Rogan's YouTube channel. Now, I'm aware this topic has been brought up in the past by Cortex and possibly several others (great mind think alike huh ) Also, Leo himself posted a response saying; if Joe wants him on the show, he knows to get in touch. Not Precisely those words but to the same effect. I'm thinking with both Leo and Joe having similar experiences with psychedelics and probably many other facets of life, there is plenty of range for deep existential conversation. As I hold both these people in high regard I'd personally love to see what one of these conversations would look like. Anyway, please let me know what you think about this folks and of course, I'd love to hear from You too Leo. Take care everyone. Colin