Chakra Lion

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Everything posted by Chakra Lion

  1. No, you are distracting yourself from awakening by thinking that everything is distracting you from awakening. Everything is perfect, you just need to see that, and be at peace.
  2. "Speak to people with respect here. Be conscious and compassionate. Treat this place like a Zen temple, not a public toilet." Even God has to Review the Guidelines it wrote for itself.
  3. And then what? Is that the Love you want? Fake Love? Reminds me of the Federal Government and their Money Printing Machines. The Falseness will be exposed and you will stand naked and alone in the Real World you have covered with Lies and Illusion.
  4. @Itsokimok How bout a dog?
  5. choice of perspective
  6. Time to get out. But while your there... Don't bite the hand that feeds you. That will make it worse.
  7. @annonnimm32 I like your clothing idea. Reminded me off... Hey! Let's call them Defenders of the Dark Force.
  8. It might seem like an overreaction to you. But this is just a reaction. A reaction to the failing structure. Burning Cars and Military Police, Welcome to the Real America.
  9. Because its Ayahuasca. Not LSD. Not DMT. Not Shrooms. Ayahuasca. You will be tripping hard for hours. Likely not knowing who or where you are. You will scream, laugh, and cry at all noise levels. You will certainly puke, and you might poop your pants. What if you try and leave your house? What if something goes wrong mentally or physically? It's just not a good idea. Not unless you have experience and know exactly how much to drink to stay somewhat sane.
  10. Write the story you want to manifest. With your POV as the Protagonist, you can build your character to the person you'd want to be, set the setting in an environment that you want to see, and then create the future of your life. What are the obstacles you want to overcome? What good or bad does your character bring to reality? Where are you trying to go, and what are you trying to accomplish?
  11. Get your feet dirty and start walking. Don't go off the path and carry a small backpack with water, snacks, and a sweater. What city are you in? Don't go towards the afternoon if its sketchy, but I really wouldn't be worried about losing yourself or getting attacked by wild animals. Once you get more experienced you can hit the mountains. I go backpacking all summer long with professional gear, just me and my dog in secluded nature. There is nothing to be afraid of. Just know your limits and build your skills. Learn to locate yourself with the Sun. Get a Compass, get a water bag with a hose, buy ankle high shoes. Just start and don't let fear stop you.
  12. @WHO IS You don't see the Illusion of Reality? Nothing here is real. The body is not you. You don't think that? What do you think happens when the body dies? Does the soul die? The Mind?
  13. @WHO IS The Soul is separate from the Body. Where does the Mind go when the body sleeps? It creates another reality. The Body will turn to dust, but you will not. Experience your awareness floating out of your self. The body is just a vessel. What you are, is not physical or limited.
  14. While the normal person is sitting on the couch, doing nothing, there is an activist somewhere trying to get awareness to their cause. How is that lazy? How do you generalize a certain activity, all the people in it, and actually think your honest opinion is valid? Like saying Park goers are homeless... How do you do the work to make actual change occur? How do you change Police Brutality and Authoritarian Government Control? By doing what? What are you doing?
  15. You train your Memory. Muscle Memory in your fingers, Memory of the Notes, Memory of the Sounds, of the Structure. The apprenticeship of beginning a new task, learning a new skill. It's important that it takes time and energy to master, or else every lunatic would be singing songs and playing their homeless heart out. Becoming Aware of how you play the guitar doesn't transfer the skills and understanding to me. The body needs time to learn. The mind needs to understand and develop techniques that are comfortable and authentic to each person. At least in a physical reality like this.
  16. @JayG84 It really is a Prison. When your whole Spirit is needing to switch paths, but reality pushes those thoughts away for being too radical or unconventional. Deciding that you aren't allowed to face your fears, that you aren't capable of being one of the few hardworking people to express and create for a living. It is like locking the artist inside and burning all their work. You have walked this long path for a reason. Age is not a realistic restriction. The only hurdle to overcome is the mind and its perceived limitations. What I have found to help quiet the doubts and insecurities that arise when creating, is simply to not create for anyone, for no purpose, except for the enjoyment of creating and expressing whatever it might be. Make Music for you, for your enjoyment, no one else matters in the realm where you and passion come together to transcend reality and bring down something greater. Would you really enjoy the business mentality of creating? Where you have deadlines and restrictions to the way you are able to express? I found that I'd rather die without anyone having seen my work, than to create something for fame or for money, where it doesn't serve a deeper purpose, where it isn't being produced from my heart and soul. My opinion, but no one will understand and enjoy your creation as much as you will. So why create for any one else. Make sure your Safe and Stable. Provide for your loved ones, support your environment, and create your Music. There is no excuse, no logical reason why you aren't making music if you want to make music. Fuck Fame and all the Egocentric Self indulging shit that every basic Human wants to get. There are enough that will sell out and do anything. But if you can do it from home, on your own time. It will be authentic and unique to you. Start posting it on YouTube, join the communities, and when it resonates with others, it will eventually find its way to the ears and hearts that need it. All you have to do is be present and aware. Love your Life, follow your passions, and don't hold back.
  17. @deso Placebo Effect is one example of how powerful the mind is. Dr. Emoto's Water Experiment is also interesting to understand. On the outside we might be physical, but at the core we are energy. Radiating healing loving energy from within, and the cells in your body will react. It is the same as if one acted sick and weak. You trick the self, making it limitless, unrestricted to the standard ideas and expectations of others. It's the same trick that makes one limited and trapped inside a body perceive as the I.
  18. @Parththakkar12 These days you have the older crowd, the family crowd, all the people that care from their hearts and minds about change. Those people are protesting in the morning/noon. There are no riots at those points. Not until you have the younger people, the radical and ideological minds arrive when the darkness nears. Many of those people can't move past political identification or other standard stereotypes like saying 'fuck the police'. The protests are good until those crazy people come. When they run onto the interstate or start smashing windows, that's when people tune in, and in a way, its getting attention to the cause. No one is going to watch a peaceful boring protest about Animal Cruelty, unless there are heated arguments or fights involved. But it is important to protest. One of the ways that a community can come together and show their displeasure with the structure. Peacefully or not. It takes Energy and Force to take Control. The Government has served its purpose. It was good and progressive for its time. A new Constitution has to be written, one that represents where we are, our values and goals in 2020, not 1787. Destruction breeds Creation.
  19. So many voices on here speak as if their views and ideas are truth. This is just one side, a personal opinion, with no facts. The Holy Spirit is an Illusion.
  20. @The observer What a Downer you are. You know nothing of psychedelics obviously. Go poop your own pants and have a party. Let souls find their own path without telling them they are walking the wrong way. Like you have the right or knowledge to judge another persons awakening as if you found something better. Ego.
  21. To you its about George Floyd, to others its for Black Life's, and for some its to protest Police Brutality. Either way, it is happening how it needs to. No one pays attention to a peaceful protest. The Media, the Mind needs to be entertained, to be kept excited and nervous for whats next. Reality is as violent as it is peaceful. Both sides play important parts, neither is better.
  22. If you look at the term Conscious: The state of being awake and aware of one's surroundings. Yes, I would say that there is an elevated level to someone who went Vegan or made any type of change due to realizing and understanding what is actually happening around them or inside them. Imagine if everyone on earth ate and lived like the worst american. We would all be fat, ugly, and sick. It is no joke, food is seriously addicting, and veganism has its pleasure traps as well. Fat, Sugar, any addiction, we are neurologically wired to go for our pleasures and we do things one would never admit. Stealing land and habitats, pushing life forms to extinction, causing such destruction to earth that it has dead zones in waters, massive pollution in the air. You are a Virus if you feed of the host and don't give anything back. Even worse when you slowly milk it, day after day, manipulating its natural form to exploit it fully. Keeping it alive while it screams to die. Someone is less conscious if they never question how food gets to their dinner plate. Someone is less conscious if they are less aware of the surroundings and games that are being played around them, inside them, physically, mentally, spiritually. Just a sheep in society, living for pleasures, not for the general well being, not for progression. The reality is, Global Modern Society is eating wrong. = Please, someone counter that.
  23. That used to be my theme too, doubting, discontent about who and what I am. So much darkness that surrounded me, negativity and limitations. But at the same time I also saw the beauty of reality, the loving light of peace and bliss, the connection was there. And what happened was a transition between the dark childhood I used to dwell in, and the amazing life I was working to create. But with awareness and energy you can change your default settings. There is balance to be found. But it doesn't mean that you have to let go of darkness, or force content. For the last few years I have found my self on the edge of breaking down and being so thankful for my life. Life is a very dramatic experience if you take it from a first person perspective. But if you can also pull away and realize more than what is, you understand that it is not as personal as it may feel. But yet feeling like the center is enjoyable. Surrender your Identification. Let the emotions and thoughts flow, don't let them control. There is beauty when you reflect and dislike what you see. Just allow life to let you be, whatever it is you should be.