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Everything posted by blankisomeone

  1. @James123 You don't have to prove it to anyone. Look at your thoughts. There they are, aren't they? So they exist. Stop driving yourself crazy with your looping questions that take you nowhere. Thoughts clearly aren't permanent and they clearly have an illusory nature to them. But they are there, aren't they? Whatever you look at, there it is, so Love it. And what do you mean by "it's an internal dialogue that we can't see"? Of course we can. Look at them. Doesn't mean they are True, because they change all the time. But, hey, there they are.
  2. I don't freaking know what thoughts are made of and it doesn't matter. In my direct experience I can only tell you that they are there. Coming from nowhere and disappearing into nowhere. Sorry, but there's not much more I can say.
  3. Well, I guess the whole point of this work is getting closer to reality. If it makes me lose touch with it, I always assume there's something I'm doing wrong.
  4. Of course you're freaking here. Stop driving yourself crazy. You've always been and always will be.
  5. @Leo Gura oof :') I wonder how many people actually realize it. Not just saying it, but actually living it. I undestand how that might be the case intellectually, but I've never truly experienced it. And to be honest, I don't even know if I'd be willing to. @SoonHei Yeah, exactly. What I'm saying is that even God wouldn't be able to accept it if it wasn't for infinite and unconditional Love. But he accepts it, because he allowed it to happen. So he loves it. Unconditionally. Somehow he's able to do it. In the state of consciousness through which I'm writing this, I can't do it. And yeah, I'm using dual language here, don't call me out for it haha. And also Hitler was deeply unconscious. He wouldn't do what he did if he realized he was God. He was God but didn't know it. What he did was bad because he didn't do it with consciousness. That's how I look at good and bad. Good: done with consciousness. Bad: done without it. But both are okay, apparently.
  6. @TrynaBeTurquoise Some people need motivation to get out of bed. And they have their reasons. The spiritual path is full of phases like that, when you feel extremely unmotivated and you question every single thing that happens in the world and within yourself. That's the dark night of the soul, to use spiritual language. So yeah, some people really do need motivation to clean their rooms at some point in their lives when they're hit with horrible truths about their nature. Hell, I think the more conscious someone is the more motivation they need to continue carrying on this life. The spiritual path is no walk in the park.
  7. @Parththakkar12 Jordan Peterson is against rationalism. He believes human beings are deeply irrational beings, and that's true. And I think you agree with that, too, right? Rationality has its limits and Jordan is aware of that. Read the beginning of chapter 6 (Rule 6) of his 12 Rules for Life book. That's his critique of rationalism. The ego loves rationality, and the ego thinks its conclusions are always right, and it often leads to horrible acts. Jordan Peterson does a good job in opening people's eyes to the stupidity of the ego, he just doesn't use spiritual words, he uses psychology. He's a damn great psychologist. Although sometimes he does refer to spiritual language to get his message across.
  8. I don’t get it either, and I refuse to blindly believe in it. Something inside me tells me its true, but I can’t really fully grasp it. When we feel the pain of others, for example, that tells me there’s a connection. I mean, how is it possible for me to feel the pain of others? The other day I was driving my car and I saw a guy walking, and then a bus drove by him on a puddle of water and almost splashed water all over the poor guy, and I startled and stepped on the brakes. Lol it was funny because for a moment it was like I was that guy, and I was about to get splashed with water!! I just thought it funny how I felt for him... I don’t know, that might be a little hint that we might in fact be one. But, yeah, like I said, I can’t really understand it, like you.
  9. You can’t read other people’s minds because you’re not other people
  10. The illusion of water is real. Not the actual water, though, I get that. But the illusion was there. The illusion was real. Hate it when I’m feeling bad and someone tells me my feeling isn’t real. I mean... IT IS.
  11. Because I’m the one reading it over here, you typed it over there.
  12. It exists therefore it is real.
  13. Stop trying to understand it. Just look what’s happening around you, that’s it. A or B, whatever. That’s just confusing. Spirituality is supposed to make things simple. Also, if you’ve ever heard spiritual teachers saying things like “all is one” or “you don’t even exist at all”, dude don’t even believe those things... Don’t just go around regurgitating those statements that you don’t even know for sure to be true. Work with what you have. You OBVIOUSLY exist, and the people around you OBVIOUSLY exist. Just the mere fact that I’m here typing this and you’re over there reading what I’m typing, that’s more than enough proof that we exist and we are not the same. Now just look around and observe. Just observe and then you’ll understand things. Maybe you’ll reach the conclusion that we are in fact one. But that’s a conclusion you gotta reach on your own. Also, get off this forum, it’s an echo chamber; it’s full of people that don’t know what they’re talking about. Don’t make things harder than it is. Have you watched Leo’s last video? That was his ego throwing its last tantrum lol
  14. @DocHoliday Yeah haha. The title I came up with for this post doesn’t make much sense. It’s just that I’ve been so identified with my inner voice that when I manage to quiet it down through meditation, it feels like I’ve attained something so wonderful. But that’s just one part of myself that I briefly detached from, not that I’ve become enlightened or something. The girl in this video seems to use her mind in much more efficient ways, I’d say. Most of my days are spent in fantasy land getting lost inside my own head. I don’t know if it’s true or not, but I’ve heard that MOST people actually DON’T have an internal dialogue, and that it’s us that do that are the crazy ones in this story haha
  15. @electroBeam Yeah man. Internal dialogue is literal insanity. Internal dialogue goes on in my head nonstop. And I can hear my thoughts almost like I can hear sounds. Like, thoughts can distract me like actual sounds can distract me, sometimes even more than sounds. (AND I THOUGHT LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE HUMAN BEING ON THIS PLANET WAS LIKE THAT?) But after I started practicing meditation, I understand the uselessness of these internal dialogues. The internal dialogues still happen in my head a lot and they still rob a lot of energy from me, but I don’t take them too seriously anymore. But if they just disappeared for good, like it seems to be for you and the girl in the video, that’d be awesome hahah
  16. okay father haha
  17. No matter how much I complain that something is hard, that something will continue to be hard, unless I change myself, not the thing. The difficulty of the thing cannot be changed through my incessant complaning and suffering. But my skills and my understanding of the thing can be changed through my actions, then maybe, just maybe, the thing that I once thought was hard will become easy. But then again, it's not actually the thing that becomes easy, but rather it's me that become stronger. But sitting back, complaining, crying and worrying? Well, that won't change shit. If you think something is hard, you have two options: 1) you give up, and that's fine, go do something else or 2) you take a step back and you keep trying. You try different solutions. You become stronger. You grow. You overcome the problem. Whatever option you choose is fine Just don't suffer with either of them, as suffering won't change anything. Be in peace with whatever you choose. No pressure
  18. As fucked up as what I’m gonna say sounds, it’s true that many egos actually ENJOY suffering and are NOT WILLING to do anything about it. Vicitm mentality. I used to have that Suffering is beneficial when it happens like this: bad thing happens -> I suffer (sadness, anxiety, frustration, irritability) -> I do something about it Suffering is detrimental when it happens like this: bad thing happens -> I suffer -> I suffer -> I feel bad because I’m suffering -> I hate sffering -> I hate life -> life is unfair -> why did that bad thing happen?? Why why? -> ug, life is so hard... or bad thing might happen in the future -> I feel anxiety, I worry and worry and worry -> oh no that thing might jappen what do i do -> aah im overwhelmed, im powerless idk what to do -> bad thing ends up NOT HAPPENING -> the suffering was for nothing... OR -> the bad thing DOES happen -> the suffering was still for nothing
  19. @MrDmitriiV But some people wallow in suffering not doing anything. I was thinking about my past and there’s many situations where I suffered because something bad happened to me, but that didn’t change the fact that the bad thing happened. I wasted a lot of energy FOCUSING on the bad feeling. Also worry. Worrying didn’t prevent something bad from happening. There’s many occasions in my life where I worried a lot that something bad would happen that I was paralyzed with just worrying and didn’t take any action to at least try to do something to change the outcome, and the bad thing ended up happening. I worried for nothing. Suffering isn’t wrong. It’s part of being human, like you said. And a healthy amount of suffering can actually be beneficial, I agree. But very quickly suffering can become detrimental. I’ve reached these conclusions by analyzing stuff that happened in my life.
  20. Are they just complete bullshit or is there some value in them by trying to categorize your personality somehow? I wanna say they're bullshit. If they aren't, how so? Could they be valuable somehow?
  21. One of my spiritual insights happened through self-inquiry. I just started with the basic foundation: do I exist? Yes. I exist. Obviously. How do I know that I exist? Well, because here I am. How do I know for sure that I exist, though? Because, look. This moment right now is proof that I exist. This feeling of being here. This overall sensation of experiencing the world around me. Nothing can deny the fact that here I am. No amount of explanation can say otherwise. No amount of denying will make me just vanish. I just know for a fact that I exist and no further explanation must be given. Ok, I exist. I keep saying I exist. That's a fact. But who am I that exists? Who is existing here? After getting that out of the way, I started to analyse everything available to me in the present moment and tried to grab on to who I am. I know very well that I exist because just sitting here and doing this analysis is more than enough to prove it. But who am I? Ok, so working with what I have I started to try to see who I am. Am I that chair? Obviously not. I look at the chair. If I look at the chair, then I'm not the chair. If I close my eyes, the sight of the chair isn't there anymore, but I am. I'm still here. So that proves that I'm not it. Am I that table? By the same logic, no. I'm not that table. I look at it. Am I the ceiling? By the same logic, no. -> Therefore I'm certain that I can't possibly be the things I look at. Whatever I look at, I'm not that. Simple and obvious. Then, I did the same thing with the things I hear. Becoming as conscious as I could about the fact that I'm not what I hear. Same thing with feelings. Then, the same thing with thoughts. When I got to analyzing the THOUGHTS, that's when it hit me. Because I had been running my whole life thinking I was this voice inside my head, but now it's pretty obvious that I'm not that, although most of the times it takes hold of me. For a minute or two, I started walking around my room and looking at stuff and everything was so bright... Everything was still existing without my mind labeling the things... It was very peaceful and I wanted to stay in that state forever! But yeah it didn't last long, because thoughts came rushing back in ;P --- Right now, I'm still very attached to my body. I know conceptually that I'm not my body, because if I feel my body, if I move my body, if I see my body, then I'm obviously not my body, I'm not the thing that I feel, I'm not the thing that I move. Following literally the same logic as for objects, feelings, sounds and thoughts. I know conceptually that I'm not my body, but don't know it yet for a fact. I hope you understand what I mean.