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Everything posted by marinaaniram

  1. It is nourishing. When you fully cleanse you body from all the mucus and toxins you ve been polluting it for years ( it is possible to do) your gastrointestinal microflora will start to produce it s own useful substances such as protein and absorb all the vitamins better. Animal and any external protein - is a toxin. in Japan in war time there was a torture when they fed someone ONLY with boiled meat and in the end intoxication happened. your body always knows what s better for it.
  2. Yea, here comes the logical conclusion, what is the best and most natural living environment fr a human being - places like thailand, phillipines etc etc etc. where your food grows 24/7 on trees. if you were born, for example, in paris and you adore your city and french culture that does not mean that it is what s best for your organism/body. And still , here in russia, we have access to natural fruit every season you just have go to the market and have a knoledge how to choose organic staff
  3. raw fruits and vegetables
  4. .....and other 90% of human deseases what is the reason of our ilnesses according to modern medicine? EXTERNAL bacteria. there was a "healthy" body, got infected, we need to kill the germs and it s gonna be fine. BUT bacteria and viruses are a part of Nature and should not be a danger, so we should travel far afield and look for solution inside us, humans. and here is the solution: we constantly pollute our bodies with unnattural food, food that was not designed for human beings. this kind of food (everything but raw and fresh fruit and vegetables) creates substances that load our excretory systems to the point when an organism gives up. food pollution can be divided into slags (mucus) and toxins. every and each of you is familiar with it - when you are sick,your body is getting rid of the mucus -runny nose, sputum from coughing etc every day your body wastes lots of energy on cleaning itself up, energy that could be saved and spent on something you love the majority of our ilnesses, the processes we call "i m sick" are simply body cleaning itself procedure when on a daily basis organism's excretory systems cant handle excreting mucus and toxins here is what happens: an organism realizes that sooner or later something might stuck in breathing system or poisoned with toxins, gets all power together and makes a big cleaning up - sickness(fever, cold, runny nose, coughing etc) another example or a destroyed body function (because of food toxins) is a HEART ATTACK (myocardial infarct) a heart is a mussle that works all our life and it requires high nourishment but pollution from traditional food stays on vascular walls, makes it smaller, there is less blood going on as it happens, the heart is lack of nourishment. a part of it dies. an infarct happens.
  5. In the video "realizing u r god" on 53:40 Leo literally said : "there is no history to the universe", and the whole point of the video is that there is nothing but present moment/experience. So how come someone who is fully couscious of that still want to contemplate bout politics, history and other ILLUSIONARY staff? u dont find it completely pointless? please help me get it
  6. have nothing to answer but i really believe that they DO mess with the brain especially on regular based use
  7. someone please explain one thing to me in leo's enlightment vids Leo says pretty clearly that everything that we consider Life is an illusion. Our birth, parents, routine etc is just a dream But at the same time in some of his vids, for example, Understanding Democracy & Authoritarianism, he talks very seriously about our ancestors (which supposed to be an illusion), our history and the past (supposed to be an illusion), politics and other staff isnt it hypocrisy? i m not enlightened (yet) but when i think that i m just imaginig everything what happens on planet earth, all things seem so pointless and not worthy or even silly to talk about
  8. I ask myself this question over and over, if everything is an illusion and all our life is just a big dream, if all our actions are done out of survival and to please our ego, if the only true thing that we should do is to seek for Truth, deedicate ourselves to awakening, what s the point of doing something in different reas? for ex. making art? pursuing success? create something? in the end of the day everything what we made makes no sense ..