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Posts posted by Jo96

  1. I was wondering if anyone knew about what was the cause for this? I’ve lately felt intense energy And feeling  in what new age type people describe as the crown chakra, 3rd eye chakra, and heart and sacrum and groin area.”

    It’s actually been to the point where I’ve been sitting in a dark room and I have seen the room light up blue as electricity or sparks come out of my fingers. I have never seen anything like this. Any ideas? 

  2. You could go to wealthy affluent areas and pick up and sell the free items they Leave on the sides of their homes. There is an app called Nextdoor and they will actually update you when they are leaving stuff out in the “free” section. When I bought my house I completely furnished it with brand new monogamy  wood furniture and a couch and all the outdoor garden equipment I needed by going to the San Fransisco bay area with a truck and collecting all the free stuff. Some of the tables I got were worth 10k alone. I could easily see someone just collecting and selling the furniture on OfferUp. 

  3. that’s a beautiful idea bro and I commend you for finding the time with such a busy life. I think you will benefit along with your friends and family from whatever insights gained. 

    Whatever you gain you’ll take with you. For me personally I have noticed my mind loosening up with each meditation/ each dream/ each psychedelic session/ each self inquiry. So don’t worry if you don’t accomplish it all. In fact you’ll probably accomplish more if you let go of the idea of results.  Don’t go in with any expectations. Just come in with loose plan. Set aside things like your phone, and other distractions, and be open to some deviation while also remaining mindful of what your mind is doing. While watching your mind in its natural state you can learn a lot simply from watching how you are unfiltered, and without being too rigid. 

    There’s this tendency to take a rigid approach to spiritual work which can be valuable for some lessons. However is actually counter intuitive to learning some of the deeper lessons as it relates to your ordinary life. As if you remain 100 percent rigid on how to do things you won’t know how you are naturally. 

  4. If you have strong headwind towards it I think you should do it. It’s true what others are saying that everything is love, and it’s true you could go about realizing this through doing anything. However if this is what your soul is calling you to do I think that you will find a lot of valuable experiences from it that could catapult you out of your illusions (wether it works or not you’ll know) 

  5. 3 minutes ago, Moksha said:

    Thank you for sharing this. I only watched a few minutes, and have bookmarked the rest for later. It is beautiful. I am happy to hear that you are in a better place now in your life.

    thank you. That was 2 years ago. I’m better now bro. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. If you feel to: close your eyes and sit in meditation with it or lay down. It was very powerful in my own experience. 


  6. ignoring the various dogmas in the video I thought this poem was very motivational and made a lot of sense. I’ve been thinking a lot on ego development and realized that it may be possible to skip multiple stages simply by being in solitude as our egos develop relative to the world. 

    for my own personal experience I skipped a couple stages due to a very strong existential Crisis that brought me to suicide. So I know it’s possible for others.( but hopefully in a less painful way) 

    although if you skip stages it may take you sometime to reorient yourself. I know for myself I spent a very long time regressing and coming back simply because I didn’t know what to think of my new differences within my consciousness. It also isn’t helpful when our society is not very supportive of these higher strategist, and, Construct and,  unitive stages.

    You can begin to doubt and question yourself, and even begin to think you’re  simply arrogant or crazy as you try to express things to others in your life. You want to communicate with them like you did before on the same level but you realize overtime there is a profound disconnect that doesn’t allow certain truths to be discussed.

    So it can take some time  to even realize this. I know for myself I just thought it was a matter of explanation or maybe I myself was missing something, and as a result old defense mechanisms would come up,  ego backlash from the  stress of the disconnect, and loneness. Taking the leap from pluralist to strategist and onward can be very difficult while holding together relationships. It’s not to say that it can’t be done, but taking some time in solitude is probably valuable as you take the leap. 

  7. 23 minutes ago, Moksha said:

    Logically, it's impossible to prove a negative. You can never prove that something is not, only that it is

    Phenomenally, you can know facts within the prescribed scope of those facts. For example, you can know that 2+2=4 given the rules of mathematics, but your knowledge is relative to those rules.

    Philosophically, consciousness is self-aware. It recognizes itself and knows itself because it is itself.

    So then how can we be introspective into ourselves ? 

  8. I’m not  mr enlightened nor can I say I have much more knowledge than anyone else. however after listening to Leo’s work for years and doing psychedelics along with having a couple moments of non dual breakthroughs I cannot really sit through a class and reason the same way that the teacher is asking me to do. I feel like I possess an understanding that I cannot really explain within the criteria he is asking me to express it in.

    for context my teacher has a PHD in Philosophy. Is very focused on disproving the existence of god and particularly through the lens of Christianity. I mostly kept quiet but he noticed my essays and we had a few conversations revolving around non duality and ego development. The problem I reached was that his understanding of the world was completely self referential(Similar to maybe a christian citing the Bible, he cited the scientific method and an objective reality.)

    well I dropped all response to his emails as I felt it was somewhat hopeless and futile to express any of my views to him, as mine were self referential as well(only with an understanding of the perception oriented nature of reality) 

    What is your advice for confronting/ speaking with people who approach life this way? Especially in an Institution or university where you are expected to produce honest work and essays around your own views in their criteria. 

    I attached the convo. Maybe you guys could also find some holes in my understanding as well. 





  9. I have no idea. I don’t know how anybody could really prove that. I don’t know what’s gonna happen in 5 minutes. How should I know what will happen when I die. for those of you who say the body isn’t real or it’s imagination. That still doesn’t discount the fact that you’re here now In this way and one day you won’t be in this way.

  10. 4 minutes ago, Nahm said:

    “The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company... a church... a home.

    The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude... I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you... we are in charge of our attitudes.”

    - Charles Swindoll

    Why did you decide to post this ? 

  11. 13 hours ago, Nahm said:

    Sorry, never mind. 

    When you actually do, it’s quite funny. Best of luck with your path.

    Lots of people who have kids awaken btw, and you have more than enough time in a day to take care of everything you need to in life, and to create the life you really want, and to awaken. Consider not believing your thoughts to the contrary. 

    How can there be awakening if all is one? It’s funny to whom? You ? Your collection of occurrences ?