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Everything posted by RevoCulture

  1. @bmcnicho From a philosophical perspective isn't everything spiritual? Reality in totality is spirituality, yes? The process from start to finish, not what is deemed "positive," is spirituality. How can anything not be spiritual? The awakening process is what it is, customized to each person to be what it needs to be. Alcohol is what it is, it interacts with the body, mind, & spirit in the ways that it does. Unfortunately, there isn't formated and rigid path that suits every person. What your relationship to alcohol is, will be what it will be. The idea of positive or negative effects can be equally applied to anything. People can use the "best, most positive," methodologies in an "abusive" way. The journey they are engaged in. It is easy to layout a black and white summary of alcohol and its scientific effects on the human form. What isn't as easy to do is calculate the joy brought from connecting with a group of friends, or maybe that moment your heart was open due to the walls being dropped. I rarely consume alcohol at this point in my life. It has provided some important moments in the past. There are no black and white answers. I am not advocating and I'm not demonizing. The hand that hits is the hand that also heals. I believe part of the reason why the awakening process is challenging is due to the fact that everything resides within everything, it isn't as much about this or that as it is this is that. Ultimately the ability to see this or that, this and that, this is that, the ability to see the perspectives simultaneously. Be honest with yourself about why you use, not as easy as it sounds. The attitude of spiritual righteousness some people carry, with their judgments and proclamations can be as detrimental to a person's being as alcohol abuse. It could even be argued that a humble person who drinks might be preferable to the self-righteous life coach. Life is a paradoxical wonder.
  2. @r0ckyreed Enjoyed. Grammar & communication skills on point..
  3. @MFateh You are going to find there is a big push within the forum, goes something like this... Everything is God, the unified field, eternal consciousness. Any representation outside of this narrative is an illusion or deviation from this truth. While the statement is rooted within a non-dual reality the answers given often carry a strong dualistic flavoring. A desire for a definitive all-inclusive position, finality. The answers tend to deny or eliminate aspects of what is present. Any answer that eliminates aspects of what is, tends to be suspect to me. I seek answers that include everything, that make space for everything. How does this relate to your question? I would say that all aspects are true. There is a unified position that holds all. There is "your" identity, your mind, your perspective. There are other peoples' perspectives. They are all real in the fact that they exist (the illusion is real for you hardcore fanatics of the unified position). A person can harp, harp, harp about the unified position, eternal consciousness, God, Tat, Brahma, Singularity, rah, rah, rah.. Like a child with a new shiny toy, some people get caught in this position and others continue to awaken to deeper degrees. Goes like this, first we don't know about unity and are blindly held within "the illusion," then we awaken to the truth of the unified position, then we awaken to a complex matrix of truth that coexists simultaneously. The easiest thing to do is argue for a single definitive answer. Try to argue a position that includes everything and its opposite.
  4. What follows isn't offered through the lens of right or wrong, should or shouldn't be. It, instead, seeks to have an honest and humble effect as a witness to what is. A witness or form of healthy measurement regarding a person's knowledge and application of "I am eternal consciousness, I am not the materials of my body or the character of my ego." Throughout spiritual or conscious type circles, this forum, I tend to find a strong sense of pride or ego in people's proclamations about the nature of "I." As if stating "we are not the body or character mask of the ego, we are eternal consciousness," was a finishing move in some spiritual combat game. What does that really mean though? It's comparable to saying a tree is a tree. Yes, we call that object, that essence, that form, a tree but is that really encompassing the depths of its nature, does that really explain what it is? Recognizing the complex weave of "I" is a massive accomplishment, hands down. At the same time, the difference between an intellectual interpretation and a visceral one is of cosmic proportions. Within the visceral experience, a path of spiraling degrees, greater and greater degrees of awakening or enlightenment. Psychedelics, meditation, contemplation have played key roles in my journey. While psychedelics do an excellent job of pulling us deeper into the unified field, we don't remain, and we lose the conscious knowledge or essence of that space as we reintegrate. We are forever changed by the experience, but the design of the human brain, its available RAM/Processing power, data storage, etc., doesn't accommodate the magnitude. But, maybe the point isn't being all-knowing, maybe it is to taste, to become witness to, and then work within the design as we are capable of doing. An absolutely unified position has no division, the singularity, eternal consciousness, Tat. It is a unified body. The proclamation about the deeper truth of our being being eternal consciousness, unified reality, should then be somewhat measurable through our actions, how we live. Do we live as though we are divided or as though we are one? Do we seek private bank accounts, my home, my car, my life, my job, my travel, my spiritual awakening? We express our knowledge of eternal consciousness more through the lens of primal biology than anything else at this point, a deep dualistic expression. Again, this isn't about right or wrong, it is about awakening, human evolution. When a person's sense of self drives past the body and mind into eternal consciousness and takes root, their ability to function from that place becomes empowered. The empowerment comes from a truthful and visceral knowingness of themselves as that space, one and the same. A state of being that can not be known from a purely intellectual regurgitation of "I am not the body or the mind, I am eternal consciousness." Right and wrong, have no value here, it is about what comes from what. Each step in the path is vital, equal. There is no rush, it all unfolds. My point and emphasis is on being truthful, honest about where we are and what we can expect from a particular embodiment of knowledge. There is no human community on this planet that functions in a way that promotes a deliberate and effective path to conscious awakening while also ensuring the longevity of the species. (A complex position that incorporates developing technology and continued collection of data in the drive towards conscious awakening.) Longevity is required to ensure higher degrees of awakening, and awakening is required to implement systems that ensure longevity. We can all witness actions, our own and others. The next expression of human culture and society shaped within the context of awakening consciousness would look and function in a very different way than what we have had thus far. Good and bad, right and wrong don't apply. It is about the awakening and evolution of conscious expression. My point again, be mindful when seeing or proclaiming one of the dominant finishing moves, "I am not my body, or mind, or ego, I am eternal consciousness." We live in a system, culture, and society, a narrative that is rooted in being the body, the mind, the ego. Our job is to establish the next step, the new system, the next narrative or perspective based on eternal truth, based on our knowledge of being eternal consciousness. The question is what does that mean, how is that expressed? This question is way more complex than simply stating "I am not my body or mind, or ego, I am eternal consciousness."
  5. @Nahm one day you will awaken to a degree of knowingness.. at that point you will join us.. we will welcome you.. til then you must continue to ride this illusion you have rooted yourself within.. remain outside the circle on your cloud high above the rest.. a cloud within your mind..
  6. @Nahm Appreciate the info, honest and direct. Thought I would get another "awakening answers all," leading me to an uncertain research routine of the subject and "awaken" to the proper channels. However, with your direct and honest delivery of the details, I was able to "awaken" due to your humble sharing. So nice to be grounded, share from the heart in simple terms, climb down from the mountain and mingle with the people.
  7. @Nahm Where can I file an official concern with If this is the way you are conducting yourself throughout the forum it should be addressed. New seekers are often incredibly vulnerable, and this type of flippant behavior could be detrimental.
  8. @Nahm Question, wondering if, as a moderator, what you are doing is showing a presence in the discussions? You are making a quick reply as a method of engagement, a reflection of the business plan for the forum? TBH, your style of engagement as a moderator is offputting. Enough to keep me out of the forum. I expect more out of a moderator, humility, and intelligence around the subject matter. I would expect the general population to make the type of comments you do, but not a moderator. It's hard to build a forum of high-quality seekers when there are moderators that don't raise the bar. If the moderators act like clowns, delivering corny cheap spiritual quips while people are trying to have gritty conversations, all you can expect is a forum that looks like a circus.
  9. "Again" Interesting choice "what was said was "all answered by awakening." - that is one of the many comments offered my friend. Seems like you would have enough insight to realize, if "all answered by awakening" was enough then we wouldn't need this forum. There would be a static page that says, "awakening answers all" or something. Here is paradoxical nature, it isn't that awakening doesn't answer all, it does, but part of the awakening process is the discussions and events along the way. For the seeker that has already realized the power of awakening, your comments are more like a buzzing fly or having your nose rubbed in it. There is a desire for substance, please provide something with texture and grit. I wonder if you are hesitant due to the vulnerable position it would put you in. Once you step away from these safe vague comments you put yourself in a position to be challenged, fairly or unfairly. All good, ultimately this is about my lack of interest in quips that don't really contribute much, over the top obvious, elementary in nature. Anyway, I will openly welcome the nothingness of your somethingness. My apologies, and appreciation.
  10. @Nahm You projected and implied all over my sentiments. I can find no real attempt to listen or truly understand. You seem to be more interested in asserting your vague quips than engaging in real human-to-human discussion. It's the character you play. If there was a ten-sided object present and I wished to discuss one of the sides you would continue to mention that there are other sides. You would then go on to mention that the object really isn't the object i am trying to share, that I am lost in an illusion. That is Nahml, to be expected. So superior in so many ways.
  11. @Nahm What was implied and how do you know? You are implying here, projecting your sense of my offering.
  12. @Bobby_2021 Is it not fascinating, how people try to corral everything into a singular position of definitive order. A black and white interpretation, it is this or it is that. I say this in reference to responses. The ability to hold multiple realities simultaneously goes against our linear thinking, our dualistic interpretations, our innate assumption that everything must be something to the exclusion of all else. What if the enlightenment process lead a person to a position where the birth-death cycle was broken but equally intact? What if a lie truthfully misrepresents a fact. What if an illusion is a truthful representation of a particular aspect of reality? What if a person can be liberated from the birth-death cycle while still fully engage within the process? Why would a person want to NOT be a part of the process? What type of value judgment is placed on the birth-death cycle? Where are the merits of that judgment rooted, how is it substantiated?
  13. @Nahm Could you imagine if the scientific community commented, theorized, and summarized everything as "its science," and never did the deep dive analysis? What if they never tested and clearly defined the principles and constantly offered little truisms? There is a formula, a comprehensive formula with detailed precision at work. I do hope there is a day when your offerings drive beyond the tired spiritual quips, that is, for those of us that have been around the block a few times. Your offerings are probably helpful for those who are brand new, a source of inspiration that doesn't really say anything while saying something. Spiritual memes that have been around for a long time, repeated once again, nothing added. Its like being at a dog park and you are simply pointing and saying, "thats a dog. look over there thats a dog. hey, did you see that? its a dog." Maybe that makes you feel empowered, helpful. Maybe, I am in the wrong for pointing it out. Obviously, this is part of your path. Wow, thanks. Amazing. I never realized that is a dog.
  14. @kray this could be helpful.. The discomfort and "undesirable" states you are experiencing can be reframed. When you consider that the growth and change you seek can only come from destabilizing the stabilized rigid perceptions, which are the obstruction to your growth, you can potentially take some of the sting out and have a salty appreciation for them. Awakening isnt a bliss bath. I enjoy me some Alan Watts, Tao, anything that tackles the nature of duality.. Understanding human psychology, our primal wiring can be helpful too.
  15. @peanutspathtotruth Well said! You and I appear to be lockstep. Thanks for taking the time to reply. Humanity is rather pliable in my opinion. Talking at people, discussions, etc., has the ability to inspire and is a necessary part of the process. Demonstrating principles through highly functioning systems that produce results will have people lining up to participate. Appreciate you!
  16. I'm all about the game.. I don't really have a choice not to be. Any choice is a part of the game. I believe there is an incredible opportunity in our modern era. (Every era has an incredible opportunity via comparison to what was.) Our era is gifted with an abundance of recorded and distributed wisdom from both the ancient and the modern, plus a degree of freedom to pursue what it points to. What I pull from this graphic is the eternal game at its basic level, a distilled interpretation. Not new or original by any means, been known for millennia. The visual interpretation offers a little unique spice. When we suspend our ego identity and our biological urges and assess the game, does this snap into focus? The complications and opinions begin to pile on when we try to interpret what to do, how to approach the game, what is my role, his role, her role, how do we collaborate, who gets what and why. Do you think there might be an opportunity to improve our game if we can collectively acknowledge the framework of the game? If we could suspend our personalized identity's (ego & biology) long enough to develop a conscious comprehension of the game, witness our collective journey and challenges within, would we be better equipped to craft a system to deliver us through the process? A collective focus, a drive towards a goal, and a desire to assist one another (assist ourSelves) What do you think, feel, intuit?
  17. Great question.... Learning to find comfort in the mystery is a chore for a culture that demands finality, seeks to limit and confine. To live enraptured by the magnitude and uncertainty isn't such a bad thing. Humility. Learning to navigate successfully as a human seems to be more than we can collectively handle at this point... It just is..
  18. @James123 awe isn't that cute.. you are helping someone see something they don't see yet.... lets say that again.. you are helping someone see something they don't see yet.. one more time.. something someone doesn't see yet.. that you don't see yet.. that you dont see.. see. it. yet.. Journey strong hommie..
  19. @Someone here Hi.. Within various wisdom traditions it is said the (unified field, unknowable, unnamable, great void) breaks into existence. Step one Duality.. If you research the Yugas in the Hindu school you will find information. Think of the big bang theory (used for example not validation of concept) the universe consolidated into a space the size of a pea (whatttt!) explodes... it works its way from non-material to material in formation. We end of up with planets.. rock.. Then a reversal happens and the rock begins to become plant.. then organism.. then self reflexive awareness.. humans.. Concepts are non-material.. We are moving into spirit as journey back towards unity.. The body came first.. then mind.. and then the faculty to be consciously aware of spirit.. Alan Watts jams on this some.. Duality is in the chart do to its immense roll in human ability to go from ego and primal comprehension to a unified capacity to comprehend within a divided faculty..
  20. @James123 God called and said that IT doesn't prescribe to your dual interpretations and that IT has no problem or preference over unity or division.. IT said IT wouldn't have created the whole thing if IT didn't think it was divine... ITsaid to pass along this clue... Life is perfect, constantly in a state of perfection.. IT said if you have time between your dual duels to give it some time and you will move beyond stage dual..
  21. This Image does a fairly decent job at depicting something that inherently can't be captured..