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Everything posted by Tanz

  1. @Husseinisdoingfine Ironically the same people the shorted Telsa is going long, at during the pandemic. A period of mass poverty and death, his company, along with other tech company is receiving the largest transfer of wealth in human history. How many of them are going to use their wealth to transform and elevate humanity? (mostly wealth they did not earn but received from insane money injection from the public in the past year)
  2. @vladorion You never know what foreign object can cause damage or none to your body. Processed food, pre-made sauces, eating at a restaurant. At certain points your life you are going to have to have some faith. Otherwise, you'd have to buy some land, live off of it, then you'll know exactly what goes in your body. It would be impossible to know if the new vaccine is dangerous or not unless you are a scientist in biochemistry and pharmacology. All of medical science is experimental and 50 or 100 yrs from now all medical procedures maybe considered voodoo or primitive. Personally, I go under the intention of putting least in my body that is made in a lab but that choice is more philosophical and spiritual than logical.
  3. @Hardkill If you want to bring duality and beyond in it, then something can be many things at once. There can be many "right" ways to go about problems and situations. He is equally right in his views as much as anyone who has opposite views than his.
  4. @Lyubov You should not make assumptions about where I come from. My family are refugees from war, my father fought in one and we grew up poor immigrating to a new country. The conditions that my parents went through are more severe than someone from Mexico. All of my siblings are educated and we have two doctors in the family. We grew up with welfare and I am grateful but I am not blind to see the bigger picture of why America wants immigrants. There is a symbiotic relationship however generally its skewed to those that follow their rules. I am a byproduct of the war machine but it doesn't make it right. I would not exist without war but if you asked me, would I forsake my life and all of the lives of the people I know and created, I would trade all the destruction for peace in the nation of my ancestors. The knowledge I possess is beyond any text or documentary because I have lived through hell. This is from someone that lives a very good life today.
  5. There have been Asian actors speaking up for discrimination against Asians. Andrew Yang has spoken about it many times. Harvard was sued for discriminating Asians. JOE F'in Biden dropped the Yale lawsuit recently for discriminating against Asians. Both Ivy League schools rejected applications from Asians despite their scores being much higher than Whites, Blacks, and Latinos. There need to be more influential people that are of Asian descent in order to make enough noise and its not appropriate to ask another race to fight someone else's battle. They can stand beside but the outspoken leaders need to be those that represent the discrimination. Honestly, there is not much sympathy for Asian-related problems especially since Asians tend to be more educated and have higher median incomes compared to other races.
  6. @Lyubov Money runs the country and the president is not as big of a deal as people think. You are in denial, Biden just bombed Syria, Trump never took down the military-industrial complex as he said he would, Obama threw drones which started from Bush-Clinton-Bush era.
  7. Both parties are funded by the same people that control the money. They are both bought by the same group of people that benefit the most. Both Obama and Trump printed money and the same institutions have made and will continue to make an insane amount of money. It doesn't matter who is the president because they are merely representatives of their donors.
  8. Thanks for sharing and congrats to Nahm. Great work
  9. Its important to share ideas because there so many things that we know little about. Someone like Alex Jones is dangerous because he makes claims in which he doesn't have experience in. But if someone has an experience that changed their lives or worked for them, they have the right to share because that bit of information can help them out. Doctors said supplements were a scam when they first came out and it took decades for them to admit that nutrition is important. The medical doctor that makes these videos is an ignoramous and he doesn't see the big picture. He doesn't acknowledge immune system increases in function when you do something productive for yourself and helps your mood. He will just throw it off and say, its a placebo. His views, and his methods are the only source of truth and if its not then people are just being fooled. His video is making a point that celebrities should not make recommendations because they don't think like him is arrogant. He doesn't acknowledge that their success has something to do with their unorthodox training and treatment they do. The dude did the Wim Hoff technique without actually physically going in-person to a Wim Hoff seminar. He watched some demo's tried it for a month or something like that and said it doesn't really work as Wim Hoff claims. If he actually practiced real science he would follow Wim Hoff for 2-4 weeks, participate, observe, then come up with his video. Its clear he is stuck in the delusions of his profession so he would not even try. If he did do such a thing, he would make it an effort unconsciously not to make it work.
  10. There are some monks that restrict themselves from taking any type of external chemicals including drugs. Personally, I have abstained from any western medication for over 20 years. This has made me more sensitive to natural hormones including whatever DMT the body makes. I have had malaria and cleared it in a day and a half. The rare times when I do get sick, they are some of the deepest awakenings I have gotten. Your question is a valid one but I don't think if you take a vaccine or a pain killer it would be any different. Choosing to live a life like mine isn't for everyone but I personally choose this life because I want to test as much as possible ideas like, everything I need is inside of me. If the deepest wisdom can be found within, why not the cure to your physical problems? I personally try my best to live in congruency with my own spiritual beliefs. Nature, Life, Bacteria, Love, within common sense, I don't go around drinking water in a pond. If any part of you perceives reality as destructive, then something like covid 19 can kill you. If you don't take the vaccine, it's better to ask yourself, do you have the wisdom within you to transform it into something that will make you stronger or enriched?
  11. This video plays into dark territory and he is attempting to instigate what people can say or try publicly and what they can not. Taking away free speech is even more dangerous,
  12. I have witnessed ego love and universal love through various methods. My answer in short to true love has no freewill. When you are absolute love you just love everything as if there is no other choice. I would love to see a video on your take on this Leo
  13. When you take a deep breath extend your lumbars (arch your low back) Slow down take deep breathes when you are sitting, every time you take a inhale feel your lumbar moving forward, feel your lungs opening up, feel your diaphragm dropping, most importantly feel oxygen, fluid, energy rushing up into your head and face.
  14. diaphragm, lumbar muscles a lot like what voice coaches teach singers. you can search on youtube the muscles from your lower back and diaphragm are a lot stronger than the other muscles that assist you in breathing.
  15. A test kit can only test what is in it that you are testing it for, rather than what else is in it
  16. There are testing kits but ultimately you will have to try a small dosage yourself eventually. shrugs
  17. What role do you guys think belief systems and disease plays a role? Can a culture create disease out of just talking about it? I talk a lot about this in classes I conduct but I find it interesting how much a role it plays, what are you guy's thoughts on this?
  18. Have you made a thorough review of the entire process that each company is making to test the drug? What about the manufacturing process of all of the sources? About a dozen or so drugs get pulled off the market per year because the risk they have outweighs the benefit. Much of our lives we are living on faith because it would take too much time to investigate everything. When driving a car, we assume the car company was thorough during manufacturing, when hoping on a plane we are trusting boeing, we just the mechanics that maintain the plane, we trust the pilot didn't get wasted the previous night. You dont know for sure the vaccine is safe, but you believe its safe because you trust the source. You are choosing to believe them over a conspiracy theorist or an anti-vax person. If you were intellectually honest you could comfortably say that. Being a medical doctor is not enough because they mostly trust the companies that sell them the drugs. Even if you were in the industry that makes cancer drugs or something that is not directly related to the covid vaccine you are putting faith in your colleagues which is better than someone you dont know. But still you are just appealing to hearsay or authority. Personally I dont care enough to investigate nor do I want to spend 10 years of my life in the industry to know enough.. I have more important things in my life that I want to do but I am honest enough to admit my own powerlessness in all of this. In both my lack of knowledge from direct experience and ultimately the lack of choice I may have in vaccinating myself.
  19. You become conscious enough to solve a problem and create an environment where others lives will be elevated and you can earn more than a million dollars. Google is an example of that, despite of what people think about them, they have created far more value in peoples lives than the short comings they have. If you can do a better job than google and become even more elevated than them and you will never have to think about money anymore. @BlackMaze
  20. @BlackMaze Fixing problems may create problems for other people. The zero-sum game is an equation that no one has really solved and touched on. Fixing disease for example, you'd have to tackle a lot of problems in society. The more fundamental or conscious you are of the problem the deeper you will eventually get metaphysical and realize that the problem is rooted on mindset and a persons ability to be interested be curious enough to question their belief systems. Lets say you are a personal trainer, someone comes to you who wants to lose weight to be healthy and to become more confident. You will have to play some psychology in it and work on their own insecurities and get them to love themselves as they are. If you do such a good job empowering them, they will probably end up seeing you less because they will be more independent and work out on their own more. They may never get a six-pack but since you got them to be more confident, they found the love of their life which will also make them busier and have less time to see you. You build a society that is deeply fulfilled they will start to consume less.
  21. With the way the world is engineered incredibly hard to build something or offer a service and touch billions of lives while doing it on God tier consciousness. With every climb up from the pyramid you will have to battle through the egos that run the world. The best way to get something is to not want it, yet still have an intention towards it. A lot like asking a girl out. The more you want her to fullfill you the less she wants you. If you are already fulfilled you have something to offer her
  22. Where did I say that medical intervention is not needed? Of course, pregnant women need to see a gynecologist and get checked for congenital diseases. As far as babies getting sick there are lots of factors like nutrition, education level, what country they give in, clean water, how well the mother took care of herself throughout her life, her age, etc etc An example of how social thinking can increase congenital conditions is women are having kids later in life, with divorce rates increasing, women are left having to get themselves more financially independent. There are many solutions but one of them is to not have kids if a person is on the older spectrum and working a stressful job. The other is to get lucky and find a guy that makes enough money to have kids younger but not everyone can do that and even if they do, they still have a 50% chance of getting a divorce. There is still very little we understand about the body and very little funding is going to how to keep the body healthy. Mainly because the solutions to keep someone healthy makes much less money. There is much more money focusing on problems rather than fixing them. War on terror, war on cancer. Making severe profit off of peoples misfortune is a major problem.
  23. People are distrustful because those in power have failed them, corporate greed, corruption, companies swimming into political parties and elections is a reason why people do not want to take the vaccine right away or at all. Why not ban fast-food restaurants and cars that can go 300 mph? All this becomes circular and the same thing can be pointed by those not taking enough responsibility and allow those that have the power to walk into it. There is no cut and dry answer around this but the airline companies have the right to make vaccines mandatory as well as those countries of destination.