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Everything posted by PenguinPablo

  1. ur weird lol
  2. I mean its just the way marketing works... which is pretty evil and predatory. But if youre engaging in it, then obviously you don't know better because well you're too attached to what you're going to get / greed
  3. lol @ filibuster metaphor
  4. But Leo what about the cost of parking
  5. I could also say the opposite: The fact you’re questioning it is enough to suggest it’s important and meaningful to you
  6. that kind of thinking makes you more similar to him than you think. slippery slope fallacy, maybe...
  7. I think it shows that there is hope for him... He's a good guy deep down but too many defense mechanisms and lack of self-awareness.
  8. that's a tough one I realized recently. I reached a point where I realized I was just God imagining everything. Imagining my "personal individuated existence" and everyone and everything else. It was a scary place to be AND made me love the everyone I have even more. Maybe I'm just clinging on for dear life but...
  9. Your best bet is to move to North Carolina
  10. Buddha, Jesus, Zherka, Andrew Tate, Owen Cook Hitler, Einstein
  11. And then I go back to sleep... Hello God ?? Define God realization: God realization is when you literally realize that you are God If you as God did not realize that you were God, that means you literally don't have self-awareness. Therefore, how could you be mature in the first place if you're not even aware of yourself of who you are and self-awareness yourself aware you're lost in a f****** child
  12. I mean even Buddhist themselves say they are trying to calm the "monkey mind". So literally Buddhism is about taming the monkey LOL
  13. Understanding and open to learning about LGBTQ+ people and their perspective. Everyone deserves love. 10 years ago I was so close-minded about this stuff. Saying that they should keep it to themselves and private even though I was "okay with it" LOLOLOL
  14. thanks a lot man, appreciate it. I will definitely be doing this
  15. either delta-9 from disposable pens from vape shops or the ones that have the THC-C or THC-A wanna get away from that shit as it fucks my lungs. but the real shit is illegal here so I stick to what I find at vape shops.
  16. it's not arrogance, it's just sovereignty. You can't be a humble sheep forever and expect to get anywhere besides the trainwreck the herd will inevitably lead you too
  17. As excited as I am for the new course, the clever jokes and massive suspense of an episode of TV SHOW keeps me on my toes even more. Who would've known Leo had such a knack for writing soap operas. Cheers!
  18. No shit... anyone who believes that is most likely seriously deluded and deceiving themselves I am curious does this not apply to you anymore? Not trying to be rude or condescending I am genuinely curious what your Baseline Consciousness is like now relative to say five six years ago